Friday, December 14, 2007

I got a new job today. I will be working at a Junior High School library as a library assistant. How awesome is this!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Depressing Thoughts

Just for the sake of seeing something new, I'm posting. Here's a thought for you: at what point in your life, when things seem really, really bad and that you are just the stupidest person that ever walked the earth (everyone has days like this, when everything seems to be going wrong and you just can't get a break) at one point to you say, screw it, life will just have to go on whether I get this work done, or break up with someone, or fail this test, whatever. Who do you turn to - real people wise Kristi, no Jesus stuff, cause I think that's a given in many case. And here's another depressing thought - if you can't turn to that person or to those people, THEN what do you do?
I realize this is depressing, but I think because of the ice storm, I am having depressing thoughts.

Monday, November 26, 2007


So I'm reading the Chicken Soup for the Romantic's Soul. And it got me to wondering what are some of the romantic/sweet things that your partner has done for you? I'm collecting them for my own amusement, so provided you don't mind sharing, Share, share and then I can publish a book and make millions. Well, maybe it will just make me smile on days like I had yesterday. For example, Saturday, after I got off work, I got home to find out that Nick had ordered me my favorite pizza because he thought "I needed pizza." That's just one example of a little thing, but I would love to hear more about some of yours. So, share, share, share!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Today I had a meltdown. Well, not really. Hopefully some of you women and possibly men friends of mine will understand. But due to the stress of trying to remain calm in a situation that wasn't making me FEEL calm, I ended up sobbing. I HATE sobbing. I HATE crying. I don't think it really does much good other than to make you get a headache, red eyes, and make the people around you feel guilty or uncomfortable, usually both. I used to be able to control it. Seriously. I could feel tears coming on and just somehow stop them. I have lost this ability. So I just wanted to rant about how crying seriously sucks. And somehow, the situation feels resolved and also not resolved. I have no idea if this in anyway relates to crying or if it's just me.

Friday, November 16, 2007

I have puny, girly arms

So I did a shoulder workout today. I only used 5 lb. weights. But sadly, just typing this is making my arms turn to jello. I have very puny arms and it saddens me. In an effort to get better sleep and feel more energy and lose five pounds I've started up with my workout videos again. My cats helped me, they really like my resistance band. But it's the strength workout I did that really made me feel out of shape. I decided to lift weights and focus on arms today and I found out that I have girly arms. I want girly, muscly, strong arms so I'm going to have to do something about this. If anyone wants, I've also come up with the idea to send workout videos - like, if Kay, you have a yoga video but want to try a cardio that I have (I only have a few, but I'm hoping to get more) than we could trade for two weeks. Switch it up. Just an idea, let me know girls and guys.

Monday, November 12, 2007

I am in a funny mood today. I think it's just a stressful time right now. Anyway, I still haven't started the Einstein biography and now it's due in two days. It almost feels like homework to read it on a time crunch so I'm going to try and renew it, since I wanted to read it for fun. I finally got one of the books I reserved at the library called Our Mother's War - women during WWII. It's based on interviews and letters, etc. so it should be an interesting read. I'm going to recommend it to my grandma and then see if she can talk to me more about her experiences. I'm also reading the Church and the Second Sex about Christian misogyny. It was originally written in 1968 so I'm hoping to find another, more recent study and compare whether anything has changed, especially in the Catholic Church. Also, I CANNOT seem to make an appointment to get a haircut. I wanted to get something done before Wednesday, but I only trust two people: my sister and this spa/salon I go to because I know they're professional and do a great job based on recommendations. And both are impossible to get to: I have to work and can't make an appointment with Judy and I tried and failed to make an appointment at the salon before Wednesday night. I could chance somewhere else, but I have a gift certificate at the spa. I worked yesterday from 6am to 2pm. I am seriously thinking of quitting my job. Our manager is rather incompetent and also annoying. Plus, she asked me to cut short my Christmas vacation time, even though I requested off for it two and a half months before Christmas! Of course, it's already been approved and I won't actually be in the state so it was merely a request. I told her that it wasn't just MY vacation it was also Nick's and he hasn't seen his family since June I believe. I thought it was a bit ridiculous, especially considering that her vacations and time off days (which always seem to coincide with extremely big sales events or floorsets) are never denied or anything. But I digress into work madness and since I have today off, I'm trying not to stress myself out too much. Applications are still bogging me down. But I'm going to try to clear some of that off today, so YAY! Other than that...not much to talk about.
Things that really piss me off: calling pro-choice people "babykillers" and people not actually being informed of political and social issues but having a definite opinion that is NEVER going to change. Basically, close-minded people who can't see past black and white. I had a customer the other day like that; not with me, just her and a friend talking and she was so ignorant but was also so definite. People annoy me sometimes. USE YOUR BRAINS - that's why we have them, to think things through, become informed, see other peoples' points of view and then make a decision. You wouldn't just make a snap judgement about buying a house or a car, why do people do that regarding politics and such? Urgh!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Crazy Day

I've actually come up with a topic that I like but today I just wanted to vent about my day yesterday. Yesterday I got to work at 8 - rushing, because for some reason my contact lens would NOT GO IN MY EYE! It just kept popping out and laughing at me. I got a flu shot (my arm incidentally still hurts today, rather badly, plus I couldn't eat pizza because I was nauseous). Then, I ran some errands for G and took the minivan instead of the Lexus and therefore could not complete one of my errands. I saved a balloon for L, though and she was ecstatic. I got her to French. I took library books back. I loaded her up in her car seat and got her to the older kids school. And there, on the car, was a flat tire. Like really flat. Like, if I had driven it back to their house with three kids we would have had a blow up and possibly fiery car accident flat! T (the dad) had actually stopped at the school, which is strange, so he gave me his AAA card, we called up Gretchen, she called a tow truck and loaded up the baby in the minivan to come and pick us up. We waited until 4:40 ( the tow truck actually got there at 4:20 or so, but the kids were fascinated by watching them load up the car. Did I mention we were outside watching this and the wind was like -200 degrees and the actual temperature was like, 30? We pick up McDonalds for the kids (they don't get McD's alot at all, so you could see they were hoping that next time we might have something bigger happen) we finish up a few chores at the house. I get home at 6:30. Nick orders pizza - the delivery guy has a flat tire so the pizza is cold when it arrives. Pizza does not stay in my stomach (see flu shot above). I went to bed at 10:30 I believe. Thursday should be a relaxing day, considering it's piano day. Or maybe I'll just live through it and sleep in on Friday.

Thursday, November 01, 2007


I don't know how many of you use the link I put up to the Emily X blog. But I am proud to report that in 36 days (it's a 40 day campaign) the protesters at the Planned Parenthood Clinic have raised $41,509. Every time they showed up, the pro-choice movement made more money for women, for education, for health, for choice. And I got to hear about some very interesting and supportive people, and if I only had a set schedule at work, or the money to take a day off every week, I would love to volunteer and be a clinic escort. Soon, maybe. Anyway, congratulations to anyone who pledged!!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Families, Books, Adults

I think my family has fallen off the face of the earth. I haven't heard from anyone, except my stepmom for months! And I called HER! It's sad that we're so busy and that family gets pushed to the side; although when you think about it, who else would allow you to not call for months and then be happy to see you anyway. Only family, since they HAVE to love you. So to speak. I checked out the new Einstein biography written by Isaacson - I was wondering if anyone had read it yet? And Patricia Cornwell has a new Kay Scarpetta novel out too, although I haven't broken down and bought it = I'll put it on my Christmas list and hope that people know where my Amazon wishlist is - cause the list of books gets longer and longer! I'm still struggling through applications, and can't wait to get done - except I'm also a bit of a procrastinator so it's probably taking longer than it needs to - especially because I also want it to be perfect so I'll actually be accepted. I have a lot of worries lately, not that I'll detail them here, but for some reason, my brain doesn't want to turn off. It's horrible. I remember thinking that being an adult would be so much fun - when I was a kid. So here's a question? When you were a kid, why did you think (if you did) that being an adult would be more fun than being a kid and what do you miss about being a kid that you can't really do as an adult? Try to be original in presenting it, I'm sure that reasons are along the same page for a lot of people.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

My Day Off

I finally had a day off. Between my two jobs, I haven't had a day off in three weeks. Today, I got up at 8:15. That's like totally extra sleep! I went downtown and got a bunch of new books from the library. I got a great coffee at my favorite coffee place and then got to have lunch with my amazing boyfriend at one of my favorite Italian places. I also got rid of almost all of my tension and knots (I get really bad knots in my shoulders and back) from a full-body, 75 minute hot-stone massage (using up some of my gift certificate so it was free!) and went shopping. I got everything I needed and a few things I didn't on sale at Kohl's. It was a great day off and I am so refreshed and ready for tomorrow's workday. Sadly, I didn't get the job I interviewed for; but it was at a bank, and I don't know if they really wanted a historian working there. Anyway, a parallel discussion from Kristi's blog has turned into an interest of mine: religiousness and morality - what makes them different? How do you separate your morality from your religion? What about agnostics and atheists and their morality? What make religion so moral, if it is? And etc. Those are just a few; feel free to meander the discussion along - Kristi, your blog gives me ideas. Thank you.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Stuff AKA I have got to come up with more creative titles!)

Have gotten further into my book. It's about more than pro-choice nuns. It's about their growing realization that the Catholic Church has a rather, ahem, medieval view of women, and that what they wanted to accomplish they could not because of the church patriarchal systems and hierarchy, as well as the church's view of women. It's so interesting and amazing. In further news, I have linked a blog (perhaps some of you have noticed it) called Emily X. It's also amazing. She's a doctor for Planned Parenthood in Aurora, Illinois and she's really defending women's healthcare and right of privacy and choice on this blog. People who are so inclined can pledge a certain amount of money toward Planned Parenthood - BASED on how many protesters there are; so for example, if you pledge a dollar per protester and there are 11 protesters, you just gave $11 to Planned Parenthood. The protesters are making money for Planned Parenthood and women's health - it's fantastic!!!! I love it! Anyway, it's an interesting blog whether you're pro-choice, pro-life, anti-choice, middle-ground, whatever. It brings the issue right out in the open, and that always spurs discussion I think. Or I hope. I also had a job interview, so keep your fingers crossed. I am also stressing about my statement of purpose for the Graduate Programs I want to get into - Nick's is worse though, cause he's getting his PhD and he has to write a research statement! I have to get ready for work now so just to put this out there: Who are you supporting in the Primaries? If anyone. Why? Why don't you like Barack Obama, if you don't? Are you crazy or stupid? :-) Hehehe. Okay, enough with the funnies. Have a good day people!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Short update

Am now reading a book written by two nuns who are prochoice and was asked by the Vatican to shut up about it. I doubt that's exactly what they said...but that's the gist. Ahh, the beauty of actually having free speech! Just started it, but so far, it's very interesting. Also, I had the weirdest dream last night where Kay, Kristi, Sara, and I were all back in high school...seniors, and we were all doing this very funny, strange class play. I'll have to email all of it to you, but it was very funny. Anyway, just wanted to update, even if it's short.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Interesting and Heartening

feminist wire | daily newsbriefs

October 1, 2007
CT Catholic Hospitals to Dispense EC to All Rape Victims

Connecticut Roman Catholic bishops softened their opposition Thursday to a new state law requiring hospitals to dispense emergency contraception (EC) to all rape victims. Previously, the Bishops had refused to allow Catholic hospitals to provide EC without first performing an ovulation test.

"Our efforts had only one goal, to protect the victims of rape," Sen. Jonathan Harris, a Hartford legislator who worked with the church to negotiate a compromise told the Associated Press. "There was no other agenda. It was started to just do that."

The church fought legislation for two years, arguing that it would force Catholic employees at the hospitals to behave immorally, according to the Associated Press. In a recent statement however, the bishops conceded that the use of Plan B cannot be judged as an abortion. "To administer Plan B pills without an ovulation test is not an intrinsically evil act," the statement read.

During the first half of 2006, 40 percent of rape victims treated at Connecticut hospitals either were not offered EC or received an incomplete dose of it, Connecticut Sexual Assault Services Inc. told the AP.

Media Resources: Associated Press 9/27; Catholic Bishops of Connecticut statement 9/27

Sunday, September 30, 2007


It's Banned Books Week. Maybe you've seen information in your library? I hope so. In any case I want to ask all of you to pick up a book, or two, or five, on this list and read it, in order to show support for the First Amendment and right to privacy and to help "ban" intolerance and narrow-mindedness.

I have a huge list and so I'm only going to give some. The first 10 are the "Most Challenged Books of 2006."
1. "And Tango Makes Three" by Justin Richardson and Peter Parnell
2."Gossip Girls" Series by Cecily Von Ziegesar
3."Alice Series" by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
4."The Earth, My Butt, and Other Big Round Things" by Carolyn Mackler
5. "The Bluest Eye" by Toni Morrison
6."Scary Stories" by Alvin Schwartz
7."Athletic Shorts" by Christ Crutcher
8."The Perks of Being a Wallflower" by Stephen Chbosky
9."Beloved" by Toni Morrison
10."The Chocolate War" by Robert Cormier
These are the top ten challenged authors 1990-2004: Read one of their books if you don't want to read one of the above.
11. Alvin Schwartz
12. Judy Blume
13. Robert Cormier
14. J.K. Rowling
15. Michael Willhoite
16. Katherine Paterson
17. Stephen King
18. Maya Angelou
19. R.L. Stine
20. John Steinbeck

If you want more information go to Google and type in Banned Books or go to - That's the American Library Association's Home Page and they have tons of information and I think links.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?

Okay, well not dinner. But I am so excited because Barack Obama is going to be at the park across the street from Nick and I's apartment complex! How cool is that? Maybe I'll get to meet him! Get him to sign his book!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

It's Thursday!

So, it's Thursday. At 12 today I get to have an hour long body massage, courtesy of my bf Nick, and my birthday. Also, tonight....drum roll...Season Premiere's of both Grey's Anatomy!!!! and The Office!!! It is sad how excited I am, but I have been missing my tv shows. Gilmore Girls is gone, and while The Office can't replace it, I think Thursday nights are going to be like my Tuesdays, merely because of G.A. and The Office. So yay!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Feedback please

So lately I've been weighing a lot of pros and cons. I THINK I have narrowed down two graduate schools as my top two picks and just want some feedback. They're pretty much equal, so now I have to just figure out which one I will choose if I get into both of them. And that's a big IF.
Now, the choices are:
1. University of Illinois-Champaign-Urbana
2. University of Washington-Seattle
Would you like a pros/cons list or do you want to just go with your gut instinct? Let me know.

Friday, September 21, 2007


So my first week back from vacation. I already need another one. Anyone want to send me a thousand dollars to I can fly to the Bahamas or something? Anyway, Nick gave me my birthday present, and just so I can brag AND give an explanation as to why it has become important after I tell you what I did yesterday I will tell you what it was: An hour long massage, a manicure and pedicure, and a body steam treatment. Now, this week has been gearing up, getting busier and busier, and the pinnacle was yesterday.
1. Got up at 6:15. (Must say here that did not get to bed until about 1 because I babysat the night before and didn't get home until late. Then of course, had to shower and wind down). Got dressed and drank appx. 1/2 cup of coffee before rushing out door (not nearly enough, wish I had drank a whole pot.)
2. Arrived at G's house (Nanny-ing) at 7:25. A little early even. Helped her get kids going - luckily, they were already dressed so it was more, keeping kids occupied while she got dressed.
3. Buckled in LIla, Rosie, and Maggie. Drove Maggie 20 minutes to her school across town in Iowa City. Dropped her off. Headed back and drove all the way to North Liberty (20 minutes appx.) Unbuckled toddler and LIla and dropped her off at preschool spending 5 minutes trying to pry her off my leg.
4. Spent morning straightening house and playing with toddler. My most relaxed time of day.
5. Had lunch...then got small grocery list and prescription list. Went to pick up RX and groceries in Coralville. Drove to North Liberty. Picked up Lila. Drove from North Liberty to Iowa City. Dropped Lila off at Piano. Went to school and picked up Maggie. Drove back to piano lesson place. Picked up Lila, leaving Maggie for lesson. Drove back to school and picked up Liam. Drove back to piano lesson place. Dropped Liam off (very reluctant as he doesn't like piano that much). Picked up Maggie and managed to play with them on playground for half hour. Then played for fifteen minutes more with Liam so he'd get playground time in.
6. Drove all three back home. Left.
7. Got home, ate, didn't have any more coffee, stupid stupid! Drove to work at store. Spent two hours opening boxes of freight - supposedly only 50some, but felt like a billion. Also taking flat boxes to cardboard bin outside. ALL the boxes. Went home covered in cardboard pieces and barely able to feel hands. Took shower. Had two strong drinks and watched The Office. Am still tired just typing this down.
Sorry if this bored you, but I'm so proud of myself for doing all of this fairly well.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Another year.

Well, tomorrow I'm another year older. I don't feel much older than say, 23. But I am. Anyway. That's pretty much it. I could be all philosophical and try and remember all the things I've learned this past year and all, but really it can all be summed up with one statement: " Pay Attention!" And that's my own birthday message to me. I finished reading Forever, by Judy Blume because I wanted to see what the fuss was all about. Teenagers having sex. That was it. Well, actually, I think that was only some of it. Safe sex, and love, and teenagers were the whole of it. Enough to piss off enough people who "know" how other people should live their lives.

Friday, September 07, 2007


I never thought I'd post two things, totally different on the same day...but this just cracked me up. I'm looking for work as a nanny to supplement what I make at the store and save up for several things. Anyway, one of the ads was for a child care provider at Grace Community Church. The rate of pay...... $6.66. Tell me that's not funny.

Victory - Except for Bush

September 7, 2007
Senate Votes to Repeal Global Gag Rule

In a 53-41 vote yesterday, the Senate passed an amendment to the $34 billion fiscal year 2008 foreign aid bill that would overturn the Global Gag Rule. Also called the Mexico City policy, the Global Gag Rule prohibits the US from funding overseas organizations that support abortion in any way -- including direct services, counseling, or lobbying activities -- even if the groups use their own monies for such activity. The amendment, introduced by Senators Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Olympia Snowe (R-ME), would lift the policy, which was originally adopted by President Ronald Reagan, removed by President Bill Clinton, and reinstated by President George W. Bush on his first day in office.

The foreign aid bill itself passed 82-12. The House passed the foreign aid appropriations bill (HR 2764) in June with provisions exempting contraceptives from the global gag rule and repealing the abstinence-only funding restrictions for HIV prevention programs. According to Population Action International, this marks the first time since the Global Gag Rule has been in effect, from 1984-1993 and again since 2001, that both the House and the Senate have passed legislation to repeal or modify its restrictions.

The House and Senate versions of the bill will now move forward to a conference committee to be reconciled and sent to the White House. President Bush, however, has promised to veto any attempt to undermine the current policy, according to the Associated Press.

Media Resources: NARAL Pro-Choice America 9/6/06; Population Action International 9/6/07; Feminist Daily News Wire 6/22/07; Association Press 9/6/07

Friday, August 24, 2007


I really like the woman I'm working for - well, the family I'm working for - as a nanny and today just confirmed my feelings. She's a great mom, volunteers at the kids' school, and I just learned today that she worked at Planned Parenthood. How totally awesome is that?! I am just excited.

Saturday, August 18, 2007


So lately I keep getting deja vu type feelings. Perhaps I'm repressing emotions from my childhood or something or I've BEEN repressing childhood emotions and now they're coming out, but I keep remembering high school and grade school. I mean, like I'll look out the window, see the sky a certain color and suddenly I'm waxing poetic about Kay and I playing Barbie on days like this, or reading a certain book, or just being a certain age. Or I'll feel myself wanting to sleep in on a stormy day and I'll be sad because I used to do that as a teenager and looking out my window at the rain..blah, blah, blah. I"m not explaining the surge of emotions correctly here, but hopefully I've gotten enough across to portray how weird this feels. Does everyone feel this way? I mean, I don't really feel a whole lot of "I miss that" emotions about college, or even my family and I live far away from them now? Why only grade school and high school? Why does it feel like I could wake up at any moment and be getting ready to go to band with Mr. A? Or something of that sort? Like time went too fast all of a sudden and I'm not really supposed to be grown up yet. Anyway, it's been happening more than usual, and it's making me feel very sad and a little weirded out. What the hell is wrong with me? Anyway, I wanted to post something new, and get away from the Wives topic until I've finished the there you have it. I'm neurotic or something.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


Hey all you female readers, and any men who want to discuss.
I'm reading a book about wives, modern wives, past wives, etc. It's a feminist research-oriented book, I usually get one every other time I go to the book store. Anyway, the author is asserting that today, being called a wife is considered an insult. The word wife, she has researched and claims, is used to describe a passive, quiet, June Cleaver type woman, and most women, even those who are getting married or ARE married, don't want to be called a wife, the wife of, or anything similar. I haven't finished the book yet, so this is all general stuff but I just wondered what you thought. I personally, don't really want to be considered a wife, but I DO want to get married again but only for the legal advantages and for the children - legal advantages. Otherwise, despite wanting a wedding, I don't really care about getting married. Anyway, I just wanted to open up a discussion about wives, marriage, commitment, kids, family, any thoughts?

Sunday, August 05, 2007

A quote that made me nod

" Feminism is about women having intrinsic value as persons rather than contigent value as a means to an end for others: Fetuses, children, the "family," men..."
- Katha Pollitt

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

New Post

Thought I'd put up a cute pic of my kitten Sophie. She's sleeping so peacefully that it's hard to tell that normally she can be so mischievous and active.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

I Feel Like Wonder Woman

Ok. So today I ran four miles. FOUR MILES! That's huge for me. I am so excited. I feel awesome. And I've taken up swimming laps to give my legs a break and apparently it's working cause I ran FOUR F***ing Miles!!!!!!! Had to share.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Freaks and Fans

Nick and I scored tickets to the newest Harry Potter movie last night...midnight showing. The movie was great - there were obviously some things missing that well, we wished they could have put in, but otherwise really good. Other Harry Potter fans though are FREAKS! I hate to be judgmental, as I remember being a Trekkie "geek" and wouldn't have wanted to be called a freak, but still....some guy was wearing a Hermione wig. This made it rather hard for me to see over him. He was with this girl - a don't know if they were dating-who had the most annoying laugh EVER!!!!! And she laughed at almost everything. It was easy to see she was excited about the movie, but she definitely dimmed my excitement when she went on and one about having to make sure she left the theatre at EXACTLY 11:25 to get popcorn and go to the bathroom. And then once the movie started she giggled. When there was something even remotely funny (I'm talking a witty line here that was meant to get a small chuckle) she laughed in this HUGE, annoying way, reminding me of Anita Shin from the original movie version of The Music Man. I kept waiting for an Egads! to come out! Finally, when I'd missed like the third line in what felt like the same number of minutes I Shushed her and that helped. But we still missed lines, and I can't wait to be able to rent or buy our own copy so we can hear them and enjoy it. I'm a fan of Harry Potter - why else would I go to a midnight showing - but some of the others are just WEIRD!!! Other than that, the people were quiet which is rather weird for Nick and I to experience. We're tired today, and I have to close at work tonight, but it was worth it. I'm still looking forward to the book more though. Also, I want everyone out there reading this to keep your fingers crossed and hope that I get one of these awesome jobs at the university I keep applying for - the librarian assistant one is my favorite, but I'd even settle for being a secretary if it meant I'd get a real salary, benefits, and not have to nanny anymore - I LOVE the kids, but I'm a little annoyed at being jerked around by mom. Well, that's all.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Kids are so funny

So I talked to the woman I was a nanny for this past semester and she told me a funny story. Their family is on vacation at their vacation house in North Carolina and they were sitting around talking about stuff. Somehow, the topic turned to who the kids would marry when they grew up and the four-year old, Lila, was saying stuff about how she'd marry Liam, her brother, etc. Then she said, well, I can marry a girl can't I? And they had to explain that no, not at this time can you marry a girl (homophobics religious intolerant people and all - though I doubt they said that) but you can have civil unions. And she was like, okay, then I'm going to have a civil union with Kathleen! So Nick now has competition from a four-year old girl. Kids say the funniest things! And I had to share.

Thursday, June 28, 2007

New update

Nick is home. This weekend we are having guests too! Alyssa and Kaylin are going to stay with us for the weekend. I'm so excited! I got new glasses as well, which, sadly, is also very exciting. And I picked up a travel guide to Finland. Totally cool! We might get lucky and get to see the Aurora Borealis, although in June it's a little out of the normal season. That's if we can go of course. Flights are kind of expensive. Am applying for graduate degree programs again. Two different subjects but they go hand in hand, and I'm almost sure of what I want to do, but still a little shaky, so no more talking about it until I'm positive. I've finished The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins and I TOTALLY LOVED IT!!!!!!! I can't wait to read it again and I just finished. That's very rare in a book. I can't wait to start reading more on that subject. It makes so much sense; so rational; the book just to use a sad cliche, it just spoke to me. Well, that's pretty much it. I'm so glad Nick is home. Still hoping some of the jobs I've applied for pan out. That's all for now.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Have I mentioned that Nick is in Canada this week? So I'm missing him again, after having him home for only a week and a half. Of course, the reason he's in Canada is because he got that scholarship to a week long immersion in information science. And he says that the place is beautiful and we should totally move up there and get a house on the island. I'm all for that, as I've always loved water and islands, and of course, whales! Not that he's seen a lot of them, since it's not yet that season. But that's my latest update. We're now planning some kind of trip for next year. I'm really excited for the days when we have real salaries, so we can use them for traveling. We both want to go to so many places. The top choices for next year are, of course, Berlin and Prague, or a cruise to either Alaska or Belize. But it's actually pretty affordable to go to Istanbul, which would be so awesome! We were looking at a guidebook. It's such a historical city, and who doesn't love Byzantine culture? Anyway, the only update for me is that this week is slow for working, although next week (once he's back of course!) I have a heavy schedule. So I'm basically sitting at the apartment or in the park, reading through some of the books that I need to "read before I die." Kay, how far have you gotten? Anyway, that's just an update; sorta boring.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Sometimes being an adult is great

Being an adult and living on your own has its downsides: bills, work, worries, etc. But right now, I'm doing something that only an adult can do: I'm eating a chocolate malt for lunch. Now, I don't normally do this. I have good, healthy food in the kitchen. But I just really wanted a chocolate malt. So I said, "to hell with it" (Also something you can do when you're an adult) and am eating one. It's yummy. It's bad for me. And I don't care.

Saturday, June 02, 2007


Do any of you remember reading, Are You There God, It's Me Margaret? Well, the author, Judy Blume, did an interview and I wanted to re-print it. It's kind of interesting.

Meet Judy Blume
by Amy Bryant

For nearly 40 years, Judy Blume has been writing books for young adults about the ups and downs of puberty and the initiation of sexual activity, among other things. Her work has been translated into 28 languages, and she's earned millions of teenage fans over the years.

The Planned Parenthood Federation of America Board of Advocates member took time out from writing to talk with about how fiction is a place to explore the realities of growing up, sex, and relationships.

Why do you think your work continues to stay popular with generation after generation of teens?

I guess I'm lucky. From what young people tell me, they identify with my characters. First experiences, whether a first kiss, first period, first wet dream, first sexual relationship — these are the moments we never forget. I write about the real world — about families, friends, school, about changing bodies and changing relationships. These are still the most important things in my life, too.

In Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret and Then Again, Maybe I Won't, you look at how young teens of both genders deal with physical and emotional changes. Why did you decide to write such brave and honest books at a time when these subjects were largely taboo?

I had no idea I was writing brave books, but I did set out to write honest ones. I was wildly interested in puberty as a child. Even though I was envied for having a warm and loving father, one who claimed I could talk to him about anything, I never actually asked him the questions I had. I waited for him to tell me. And then I didn't always understand what he was saying. I was so curious about sex, I looked it up in the encyclopedia but all I found were pages and pages of plants and how they reproduce. I never found characters in fiction that I could identify with. Looking back to the young woman I was in my 20s, when I began to write, I wanted to write the kinds of books that weren't there for me.

In your groundbreaking book Forever, teenager Katherine loses her virginity with her boyfriend Michael. Before Katherine and Michael have sex Katherine spends time thinking about whether she's ready for sex, and she also visits a health center. Why do you think so many teens relate so strongly to this story?

At the time I wrote Forever, I had a 14-year-old daughter, and she was reading a lot of books about young love. But in every one, if a girl succumbed to having sex with her boyfriend, she would be punished — an unwanted pregnancy, a grisly abortion sometimes leading to her death, or she would be sent away by her family. The boys in these books had no feelings and took no responsibility. My daughter said to me, "Couldn't there be a book about two nice kids who have sex and no one dies?"

I hated the idea of feeding young people the idea that sex is linked to punishment. Sexuality is a healthy, normal, and natural part of life. And in real life, boys can be hurt, too. And so I decided to write Forever...

I certainly never thought of the book as groundbreaking when I was writing it. I was just telling a story about two seniors in high school who fall in love and decide to have sex. If there's anything groundbreaking about it, maybe it's that they're sexually responsible. Or maybe it's that Katherine enjoys her sexuality. There are still people who are bothered by that today.

How can fiction play a role in answering teens' questions about sex and relationships?

It's often much easier to talk about characters in a book than to talk about yourself. If you have questions you can use Katherine and Michael, or Margaret, or Tony, instead of making it about you. This works if an adult you trust also reads the book. When it comes to sex and relationships, it's important to talk about the emotions of first love, to think about the consequences of first sex. Will you be able to handle it if it doesn't last? How will you feel if he/she ends it?

Why is it important to present sexually active teenagers in a realistic, mature way?

It's important to me, as a writer, because I'm interested in kids who take responsibility for their own actions. I hope it helps young people make their own decisions, understand that it's okay to say, "no." But only if they have the facts can they make those decisions wisely.

What advice would you give teens who are thinking about having sex for the first time?

Don't just listen to your hormones. There are other ways to be sexual together besides having intercourse. And remember, the safest sex of all is masturbation. So, get the facts first. Think about it. Too many kids jump in and have sex without thinking. Adults need to talk with them about sexual responsibilities, but too often, don't. I hear a lot of kids say they wish they had read Forever before they became sexually active. They might have waited.

What are your views on sex education?

A comprehensive sex education program can really help. Some adults think sex education means "the talk." But that's not it. It's an ongoing discussion — whether at home or at school, or both. Kids need answers to their questions before they're sexually active.

Despite rave reviews and millions of fans, some of your books have been censored over the years. Why do you think this is?

Some adults have a desperate need to control everything in their children's lives. These individuals believe if their kids don't read about it, they won't know about it, and if they don't know about it, they'll never do it. These parents are often the same ones who can't (or don't want) to talk with their kids about sex. They send out the message that sex is a taboo subject. It's really about fear, and fear is contagious.

Amy Bryant is a writer living in Brooklyn, NY.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Week highlights

To continue with my non-confrontational( I hope) and non-issue (I hope) blog topics, I wanted to post about the highlights of this past week while Nick is away. Sadly, I'm hoping it will cheer me up to think of some things that are actually highlights of my week(s) without him.

1. Reincarnating a fish. Yep. That's exactly what I mean.

2. Getting post cards from Nick.

3. Getting phone calls and messages from Nick, nearly every day, while he's in Berlin and Prague. Transatlantic messages and conversations are awesome!!!!

4. Winning the bingo game at work and getting a gift card to Barnes and Noble.

5. Hearing this guy talking about the new plane he just bought and feeling totally, wretchedly poor standing next to him. It would have helped if he's been a jerk, but he was funny and nice. He bought a PLANE! And he doesn't know how to fly it - he's learning! A PLANE!!!!

6. Last week of school for the kids=lots of hours, busy, busy hours for me=hardly anytime to be thinking about missing Nick.

7. Gretchen hearing that I would be alone (save for my kitties) these past few days/weeks and telling me that they are always free if I need company. How sweet is that to hear from a boss? I have a new, sort of surrogate family.

8. Emails from friends who are supportive of everything I do, and not overly sensitive to blog postings.

9. Calling my dad to tell him about fish reincarnation and just talking to him. I miss my dad! (I miss my entire family, of course, but my dad is the best dad in the whole world!)

I can't think of a tenth. Sorry. Anyway, I do have something sort of controversial to discuss. I was invited to go to a Pride Parade in Des Moines. I'd love to go, but I can't get off work. The only controversial part is the Pride Parade and that I'd love to go. Anyway, hope this is a somewhat interesting post. If it's not, well, comment on something and help me make it more interesting!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Trip Highlights

Well, I returned from Andale on Monday. I am still tired from the drive and still blue from having to leave after a too-fast vacation with my family and Nick. I miss my family; it is finally feeling like we're more normal since the divorce. Plus, Nick will be leaving from Wichita (he stayed) to fly to Berlin on Friday (I don't get to see him for almost 3 weeks) so I'm missing him right now. I figured one of the better ways of cheering me up is to update my blog a bit. So here are a few highlights of my trip:

1) Going to the zoo with Dalton and spending at least 10 minutes watching the hippos. Dalton wanted to feed them one of his cookies, which was sweet, but I informed him that it would probably hurt the hippos. And he didn't want to do that.

2) Going on my niece Taylor's second-grade field trip: we went to the Warrne Old Town for a tour of the kitchen and projection rooms, then we got to see the movie Happily N'Ever After, eat popcorn at 9:30 in the morning and then go to North Rock Lanes where a bunch of second graders kicked my butt at bowling and eating pizza. Riding home from the field trip and having Taylor's teacher (who was also MY second grade teacher 18 years ago!) come over and saying hi, thanking me for coming, and saying she remembered me.

3) Hanging out with my friends from grad school and just talking about old times, professors, what they're doing now, and in general having a good time.

4) Actually being able to kiss my nephew, who is now 11, goodnight. I am a girl, I have cooties, and kissing is gross. Granted, he was zoned out on his X-Box game but still...I got one in.

5) My dad showing me all he's done to the house: new carpet, floors, furniture, etc. He was so excited, like a little boy with a new toy, and it's nice to see my dad happy and excited.

6) Finally meeting Jackie's new boyfriend and his two boys, all three of whom are adorable. I only wish they could have stayed longer so we could talk.

7) Playing volleyball with all the kids and Nick (who sucks worse than me). The barbecue for my niece Alyssa's 14th birthday and her 8th grade graduation. Good food, fun times, a chance to hang out with great people.

8) Finding out my future nephew's name - Charlene is 7 weeks until due date. And no, I'm NOT telling!

9) Looking at old pics of my mom, Alyssa, and Dad. Tears in my eyes cause I miss her so much and can't believe Alyssa is already 14. Trying to hide tears, not succeeding very well, and finding out that Kent has tears too. Tear!

10) In general, spending time with family, feeling like I'm a part of it again. Seeing friends, feeling motivated to figure out what I want to do with my life and take steps to do it. Spending time with my nieces and nephews: Alyssa, Kaylin, Colin, Taylor, Dalton.

Well, anyway, I know these kinds of posts aren't controversial or anything, but I figured this is at least an interesting update.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Did anybody get a chance to watch the Republican candidates debate last week. I was able to watch the Democrats, but missed the Republicans and was wondering which guy (the Democrats had a woman! Even if it was Hilary.) you all liked. So far, my favorite candidate is Obama, but there is still time to make a firm decision. One of Nick's friends got to meet him and she said he was nice. I actually had the weekend off. Which is nice, cause I got to run a lot and relax and clean the apartment and stuff like that, but at the same time I kept thinking...I need the money, I need the money. I got a raise at my mother's helper job though, and she's asked me to work a few extra hours lately, so that's nice. Who knows? Maybe I'll get lucky. I started re-reading the Anne of Green Gables series. I just felt nostalgic. I'm going to re-read the Harry Potter books too, since the book and movie come out in July. Really soon! And I've applied for information to a few law schools - Iowa, Illinois, Washington. I just want to look at the materials and what I need to do to actually apply. My LSAT prep is also on its way. I guess that's it. I just wanted to post something different.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Yet More Random Thoughts

I went for a run today. Well, okay, to be totally honest it was more a run/walk with more of the walk thrown in. Apparently, not running in cross country and track for 9 years really impedes your endurance. Plus, things hurt more now than they did then, because, sadly, I am older. Anyway, on Kristi's blog she's asking for those things that are just "oh yuck" kind of moments and I started thinking about those really small things that feel really good. Today for instance, one of my best aaahh moments was when I got home from my run, sweaty, stinky, gross, cause it was around 85+ degrees today, and I took off my running shoes and socks. Is there anything better feeling after a run (besides running into a cool lake) than taking off the shoes and socks and having that first wave of cool air on your overheated feet? Anyway, like I said random thoughts. Also, spaghetti. That's a good thought too, right?

Friday, April 27, 2007

New Ideas

I've been toying with the idea, on and off for a few years now, of going to law school. Despite my insane fear of speaking aloud in front of people, I think I have qualities that would make my being a lawyer appealing. So, I've been toying with the idea of taking the LSAT just to see how well I do and maybe visiting some law schools. Anyway, on one of my friends blogs, he posted that he was in storyteller/writer mode. I get like that sometimes, wanting to write, but having nothing to really write. Perhaps a lot of people have that urge and that's why blogging is so popular. Also, I've been reading this delightful little book called god is Not Great; How Religion Poisons Everything. Naturally, I have lots of ideas. The author is logical, rational, and humorous, which opens my mind to new ideas. I would recommmend the book to everyone, even if you happen to be religious and think it's crap. And one other thought: why don't people burn witches anymore? Or people suspected of being a witch?
I am in no way advocating this policy - I just wonder about things like this.

Monday, April 23, 2007

the link

Oh, and I forgot to include the link so you could read it...
Hope that works.

News from Finland

Yes, that's right. The title said Finland. According to my feminist wire newbrief article (I get emails from Ms. Magazine, Naral, and Planned Parenthood, just to push the stake through my heart a little more for those antichoice (except Sara, I promise!!)readers of mine) According to the article, 12 of the 20 cabinet positions went to women in Finland on Tuesday, making Finland the world's first female dominated government. Isn't that the coolest? I only wish the U.S. could have been the first. According to the Prime Minister Vanhanen, he wants his government to respect "gender equality." Finland was also the first country to allow women to vote and run for office and has had a female president. I'm not for voting for someone like Hilary just because she's female, but it's so inspiring to know that at least somewhere in the world, women's equality is important and in some ways, thriving. I just had to share and I figured even those of you who hate my other pro-women views (I know, I know, which some of you consider anti-woman!) would be happy.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I love it when Catholics actually think for themselves!

Catholics for a Free Choice Launches Campaign to place Catholic Americans’ Views on Contraception and Abortion Center Stage

Prevention Not Prohibition calls on policymakers to fund policies that prevent unintended pregnancy and support pregnant women

WASHINGTON, DC— Prevention Not Prohibition, a provocative campaign launched today in the nation’s capital, highlights the fact that the majority of American Catholics support access to contraception and legal abortion, and support policies that prevent, rather than criminalize, abortion. To kick off the campaign, CFFC advertisements, “How to end the abortion wars” and “Nobody wants to need an abortion,” are appearing in Metro stations and on bus shelters around the capital, and will spread out across the country as state policy makers introduce policies that support pregnant women in the choices they make. Images of the advertisements are available here.

Jon O’Brien, president of Catholics for a Free Choice, stated, “The advertisements articulate the views of the majority of American Catholics who do not want to see abortion criminalized, but want to see it less necessary. The campaign seeks to galvanize their support for proactive legislation that reduces the need for abortion and provides good options for women coping with an unintended pregnancy.”

“Two pieces of legislation on Capitol Hill—Prevention First and the Reducing the Need for Abortion and Supporting Parents Act—are a step in the right direction,” O’Brien continued. “However, we believe that women and their families, especially those who are poor, need even more. They want policies that result in real action, not just talk. Prevention Not Prohibition aims to convert the talk in Washington, DC, into real life public policy.”

Despite years of campaigning by the bishops, 97% of Catholic women have used an artificial contraceptive method and Catholic women have abortions at the same rate as non-Catholics, there is clearly ample support for policies that reduce the need for abortion. The campaign identifies a number of opportunities for advocacy and improved policies. These include:

Ensuring the availability and promoting the use of safe, reliable and affordable contraception;
Securing health care for all, whether they are employed or not;
Promoting responsible sexuality education that provides accurate facts; and
Guaranteeing that parents have access to child care.
O’Brien noted, “Catholics and Catholic policymakers must speak for themselves and let it be known that they, like the majority of Americans, want policies that reduce the need for abortion. Providing the resources that enable women to prevent unwanted pregnancies, and the resources to help those who decide to continue their pregnancies, such as adequate prenatal care and childcare, is a matter of national priority.”

There are many elements to the Prevention Not Prohibition campaign. In addition to supporting those who choose abortion, it also supports policies that reduce the need for abortion through efforts to both prevent unintended pregnancy and help women with unintended pregnancies who choose not to have abortions. O’Brien continued, “Our first step will be to convince policymakers at all levels of government to introduce and fund initiatives that both promote access to and education about contraception and offer serious economic support to women who have unintended pregnancies. To that end, we are sponsoring a series of briefings on Capitol Hill this year that both outline the theological background that enables Catholics to support contraceptive policies and take the voices of Catholics in the pew into the corridors of political power.”

Catholics for a Free Choice has increased its activity at the state level, working with Catholics, policy makers and local groups in communities across the U.S. advocating for changes in the way we approach the real life reproductive health challenges in this country.

Notes to Editors:

Sexually active Catholic women above the age of 18 are just as likely (97%) to have used some form of contraception banned by the Catholic church as women in the general population (97%).
85% of sexually active Catholic women report that they have had their partners use condoms during intercourse.
78% sexually active Catholic women report having used birth control pills.
Even among married Catholic women who attend church every week, only 5% rely primarily on church-approved methods for preventing pregnancy.
[All above: National Survey of Family Growth, 2002]
Less than one-quarter (22%) of U.S. Catholics agree with the bishops’ position that abortion should be completely illegal.
[Belden Russonello & Stewart, 2004]

Visit to see images of the advertisements: Nobody Wants to Need an Abortion and How to End the Abortion Wars.


Catholics for Free Choice (CFFC) shapes and advances sexual and reproductive ethics that are based on justice, reflect a commitment to women’s well being, and respect and affirm the moral capacity of women and men to make sound decisions about their lives. Through discourse, education, and advocacy, CFFC works in the US and internationally to infuse these values into public policy, community life, feminist analysis, and Catholic social thinking and teaching.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Another article that people..won't read or will hate!

Well, another successful campaign thanks to me and thousands of others. The Pill Patrol thing was kinda cool, even though I don't need emergency contraception. I donated it instead to a clinic so that someone could get it free. Which made me feel really good. Anyway, we also had a success in Iowa for health and sex education: all information given - even for abstinence only classes-must be medically accurate. So hopefully, no more lies.

Planned Parenthood Activists Nationwide Get Wal-Mart to Change Its Birth Control Policy at Pharmacies: Emergency Contraception Will Be Stocked and Dispensed Without Discrimination or Delay

Planned Parenthood’s “Fill My Pills Now” and “Pill Patrol” Campaigns Claim Another Victory for Women’s Health and Safety — and Access to Birth Control

NEW YORK CITY — In response to Planned Parenthood’s massive grassroots advocacy campaign “Fill My Pills Now,” Wal-Mart notified Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) today that it has revised its nationwide corporate policy with regard to emergency contraception. The new Wal-Mart policy ensures customers “will now receive their prescriptions or OTC products in store without discrimination (no harassment or lectures),” “without delay,” and “without judgment,” according to the Planned Parenthood survey that Wal-Mart returned to PPFA today.
“This is a huge victory for women’s health and for Planned Parenthood’s campaign for accessible birth control,” PPFA President Cecile Richards said. “We’re pleased that Wal-Mart has changed its policy to meet the real-life health care needs of women and families. Congratulations to our activists and supporters, especially our Pill Patrol, for making sure pharmacies respect and protect women’s health.

“With its new and improved policy, Wal-Mart joins other women-friendly pharmacy chains like CVS, Eckerd and Medicine Shoppe, RiteAid and Walgreens,” Richards said. “Our Planned Parenthood Pill Patrol will continue to focus on getting more major retailers to follow in Wal-Mart’s footsteps — including Target, Giant, Safeway and Winn Dixie, which have a long way to go.”

Women can always turn to Planned Parenthood for birth control — including emergency contraception — and all their reproductive health care needs. Last year, Planned Parenthood provided more than one million women with emergency contraception kits.

Birth control refusals are a disturbing trend that jeopardizes women’s health and safety. The Planned Parenthood Pill Patrol volunteers survey pharmacies about availability of emergency contraception and refusal policies.

For more information on pharmacy refusals, including a state-by-state guide to major pharmacy chains and their policies regarding access to birth control, please visit and

### Planned Parenthood Federation of America is the nation's leading sexual and reproductive health care advocate and provider. We believe that everyone has the right to choose when or whether to have a child, and that every child should be wanted and loved. Planned Parenthood affiliates operate more than 860 health centers nationwide, providing medical services and sexuality education for millions of women, men, and teenagers each year. We also work with allies worldwide to ensure that all women and men have the right and the means to meet their sexual and reproductive health care needs.

Erin Kiernon, 202-360-1198
Andrea Hagelgans, 212-261-4652

Saturday, April 07, 2007

I have the best boyfriend

Okay. So I shouldn't brag but I want to anyway. I have the best boyfriend in the world! All week he's been talking about a surprise for Friday. How he asked Erin, one of his friends if I would like it, giving these insane clues that I had no idea what he was talking about - and on Friday I thought I'd figured out that it was some sort of departmental, university, scavenger hunt thing and the winners get a prize. He picks me up after his meeting, takes me downtown, and I follow him into Zender's. Zender's is an Aveda salon and spa. Then he checks me in, kisses me, and to my astonishment, smiles and starts out the door saying, "Enjoy yourself!" I'm like, where are you going, what's going on. And the salon person smiles and says, this is a surprise for you huh? I nod, thoroughly confused, and then she takes me to the back, where I fill out some paperwork and then, into the room where I get a full-body, hot stone massage. An hour! Of PURE BLISS!!!! He'd set it up so I could relax and unwind, and cause he had remembered that I'd always wanted to try hot stone massage. That was my Easter present! An hour of nirvana. It was fantastic. Oh, and after he poured me in the car, we got to spend the rest of the day together! I have the best boyfriend ever, and I HAD to brag.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Funny Lists

To Kay and Dean:

Snappy Comebacks to "Why aren't you married yet?"
-You haven't asked yet. 
-I was hoping to do something meaningful with my life. 
-What? And spoil my great sex life? 
-Nobody would believe me in white. 
-Because I just love hearing this question. 
-Just lucky, I guess. 
-It gives my mother something to live for. 
-My fiancee is awaiting his/her parole. 
-I'm still hoping for a shot at Miss/Mr. America. 
-Do you know how hard it is to get two tickets to Miss Saigon? 
-I'm waiting until I get to be your age. 
-It didn't seem worth a blood test. 
-I already have enough laundry to do, thank you. 
-Because I think it would take all the spontaneity out of dating. 
-My co-op board doesn't allow spouses. 
-I'd have to forfeit my billion dollar trust fund. 
-They just opened a great singles bar on my block. 
-I wouldn't want my parents to drop dead from sheer happiness. 
-I guess it just goes to prove that you can't trust those voodoo doll rituals. 
-What? And lose all the money I've invested in running personal ads? 
-We really want to, but my lover's spouse just won't go for it. 
-I don't want to have to support another person on my paycheck. 
-Why aren't you thin? 
-I'm married to my career, although recently we have been considering a trial separation.
--(Bonus reply for Single Mothers) Because having a husband and a child would be redundant.

And just hilarious:
Top 10 Reasons Beer is Better Than Religion:
10. No one will kill you for not drinking Beer. 
9. Beer doesn't tell you how to have sex. 
8. Beer has never caused a major war. 
7. They don't force Beer on minors who can't think for themselves. 
6. When you have a Beer, you don't knock on people's doors trying to give it away. 
5. Nobody's ever been burned at the stake, hanged, or tortured over his brand of Beer. 
4. You don't have to wait 2000+ years for a second Beer. 
3. There are laws saying Beer labels can't lie to you. 
2. You can prove you have a Beer. 
1. If you've devoted your life to Beer, there are groups to help you stop.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


The weary traveler is home. Nick and I went to Minneapolis over a two-day spurt to see the Mall of America. First day, we stop in Mason City, Iowa to get fuel and food and also to realize, no thanks to my best friend Kay, that it is the home of Meredith Wilson who wrote the Music Man one of my three favorite musicals. And, the home of a house designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. Kay was a little bit in trouble for failing to mention this, but I forgive you because I just realized that I forgot all about calling you the next day to see if we could meet up, and please forgive me cause that is way worse of a transgression, and I will definitely be visiting soon!!! Okay...anyway. We reach Minneapolis and find our hotel. It's a small room. With a really small bathroom. I mean, no elbow room. A shower, a sink, a toilet, a hairdryer that if you tried to use would probably result in a broken elbow and concussion. It was that small. So, naturally, we hurried out of there and headed to the Mall. Huge. Enormous. Gigantic. Will we be able to find the car again? large. We entered through Bloomingdale's which was really cool. Then sort of stared in awe for a little bit and walked around. And then we decided to go to the aquarium. Of COURSE they have an aquarium! It's the largest underground aquarium, in the world, I think. And we saw fish and sharks and sea horses and sea turtles and THEN, we petted sharks and rays. I got a sticker that says I touched a shark! It was flippin' cool! Awesome! Then we walked around some more. Found a store devoted to all things Irish, where Nick bought me a history of the last name Regan. Found out that one branch of my royal family (yes, I'm Irish royalty!) kinda, sorta kicked some Danes asses. Nick gave me a look cause he's part Danish. Hehehe. We ate at the Bubba Gump Shrimp company. Good food, but really greasy. So greasy, I really can't think about eating greasy food for awhile. But good. We bought postcards, walked, saw the Legos center, played, walked, walked, and oh, yeah, walked some more. Went into Sephora which was amazing. Went to the Apple store where I drooled over the laptop I want. Walked some more. Basically it was a walking trip, and I'm glad to sit on my couch now that we're back. But it was so cool! And I can't wait to see what we'll plan on next. Maybe Chicago?!
Other news: Nick got a scholarship to go to Canada for a library conference. Oh, and he's planned his train trip to Prague from Berlin this summer and his mom is excited! It also means we're driving down at the end of May to drop him off, see my niece graduate 8th grade and then he'll head to the exciting European continent, and I'll head to Iowa to work. Anyway, that's my story.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Some of the new stuff I've been reading about

I've been branching out, reading more about the history of women's rights in America - not just abortion, but work and job related, health related, etc. And this article was interesting because it touched on some stuff I have been reading about. I think even my pro-life readers will agree with some of it - even if it is just a little bit.

Towards A Real Culture Of Life
Lynn M. Paltrow
March 12, 2007

Lynn M. Paltrow is the executive director of National Advocates for Pregnant Women.

Many people in the U.S. work to protect the rights of pregnant women and to ensure that they are treated with dignity and respect. But as a result of the divisive abortion debate, many of those advocates typically do not work together—or even speak to one another.

The anti-abortion movement has successfully used the abortion issue to divide the electorate, and a key part of their strategy has been creating the illusion that there are two kinds of women: those who have abortions and those who have babies. The truth is that 61 percent of women who have abortions are already mothers, and another 24 percent will go on to become mothers. Over the course of their lives, 85 percent of all women bring life into this world and provide the vast majority of care for the lives of those around them—without compensation.

This means that whether someone is an abortion provider or pro- choice advocate defending the right to choose abortion—or a midwife, doula, or birthing rights advocate seeking to ensure that women have access to health care providers that listen to and support them—they are advocating for the same women, regardless of their position on abortion.

Members of both groups struggle with U.S. policies that run counter to women’s health and well being. Both know that many pregnant women are not receiving the information or support they need. Both represent pregnant women who lack protection from workplace discrimination—and lack supports available to women in virtually every other western industrialized country, like a national health care system and paid maternity leave.

Both groups are hurt by state legislative agendas that focus on restricting abortion to the exclusion of virtually every other health issue concerning pregnant women and mothers. (In the 2005 legislative session, over 650 bills were introduced that would directly or indirectly restrict access to abortion and contraception or advance the legal status of the fetus as if it were separate from the pregnant woman.)

Despite these shared challenges and their shared commitment to the health and rights or pregnant women—whether or not there is agreement on abortion—pro-choice and birthing rights advocates have only recently begun to talk, organize, or advocate based on their shared interests.

Finding common ground among these two groups, and beginning to build a broad-based coalition of activists were two of the primary goals of the National Advocates for Pregnant Women when we sponsored the 2007 Summit to Ensure the Health and Humanity of Pregnant and Birthing Women earlier this year in Atlanta.

The summit brought together over 300 maternal, birthing and reproductive rights/justice activists along with social justice activists, legal and policy experts and healthcare providers from 37 states, the District of Columbia, Mexico and Canada. It was co-sponsored by more than 60 organizations ranging from advocates for mother-friendly childbirth to those that advocate for the right to choose an abortion.

Participants moved beyond the divisive abortion debate to find common ground in the experiences of pregnancy and the increasing limitations to care and support that all pregnant and birthing women face.

For pro-choice advocates these barriers include laws that mislead or misinform women about abortion. Twenty-eight states currently mandate that women seeking abortion receive an approved set of materials that often contain misleading information (for example, raising expectations for benefits or child support if she continues to term that she may very well be unable to collect). Millions of government dollars are being spent on medically inaccurate abstinence-only education. Millions more in state and federal funding goes to pregnancy crisis centers whose staff have been caught red-handed providing false information to pregnant women about abortion.

But not only women seeking to end a pregnancy are being deprived of information. Today, caesarian sections account for nearly one in three births in the U.S., a statistic that far exceeds international recommendations. Even though c-sections constitute significant invasive surgery with a considerable recovery period, only two states, New York and Massachusetts, mandate that their hospitals provide women who are going to term with specific information regarding their birth-related practices.

Both pro-choice advocates and birthing rights advocates are challenged by decreasing access to services: the former struggles with the fact that 87 percent of all U.S. counties have no abortion providers; the latter struggles against policies at over 300 hospitals around the country that deny women who have previously had c-sections the right to even try delivering vaginally.

And both have been negatively affected by growing claims of “fetal rights.” While these are advanced as part of the campaign to outlaw abortion, they have begun to effect the lives of women who personally identify as “pro-life.” Christian fundamentalists have been told that they must have unnecessary c-sections to protect the rights of the fetus; pregnant women opposed to abortions have been arrested as child abusers in the name of fetal rights for things they did or did not do during pregnancy.

We saw at the summit that pro-choice advocates and birthing rights advocates can work together, whether they are identifying civil and human rights violations or formulating an agenda that genuinely values pregnant women, maternal health and motherhood.

The time has come to move away from divisive (and inaccurate) “pro-life” and “pro-choice” categorizations and stand together. We need broad based support for laws and policies that genuinely promote a culture of life—one that includes and values the women who give that life.

Reject Bush's Health Care Plan March 12, 2007
Towards A Real Culture Of Life March 12, 2007
Seeking Justice In The Drug War March 12, 2007
Iraq: Pulled Out Or Pushed Out March 09, 2007
Who Cares For Incarcerated Girls? March 09, 2007

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Some pics

My niece Kaylin with Sophie.

Sophie crashed on Nick's Shoulder

Sophie helping with my Christmas cookies. She must be hungry!

Leo and Sophie LOVE to cuddle!!!

Monday, March 05, 2007


Okay, faithful blog readers, and commenters. I need some advice. Have any of you found a really good, fairly cheap razor. I've tried the Venus ones, but they're so expensive! I need one that are good, but also cheaper. I'm sorry you guys, but unless you have found a good, fairly inexpensive razor that will work well on my legs, you probably won't be able to comment. So in a sense this is a sexist blog. Thanks for any help!

Friday, March 02, 2007


I love Fridays. Today, after two weeks of rushing around, not getting enough sleep, or rest, doing all that adult stuff that takes up so much time, energy, stress, I acted like a teenager and slept in..until 9:30. Not exactly like a teenager. And I had coffee, which I never did as a teenager. But I stayed up later last night, slept in today, and then read a cheesy romance novel I'd started last night and finished it. No worries about getting to work on time or making sure I had everything done before or after. So nice to have peace and quiet every now and then.
Nick told me the other day he had a surprise idea for me, and then asked me how I'd feel about visiting Minneapolis for two days over spring break (I will only have two days off). I immediately began looking at the website to Mall of America: they have an aquarium there! Major cool! And of course, a lot of stores. Chicago would probably have been our next choice, but it's more expensive than Minneapolis and we have to have a budget trip. But still, I'm so excited. This is sort of our first vacation together. Before we started dating we did check out college campuses together, but we kept it clean! Not that I'm saying this one will be dirty, but it will be nice to travel as a couple. Especially since we both want to go to so many place. It's like our first start on traveling around the world - and it may be short - but I think that will make it really special. At the end of May, he and his mom are traveling to Berlin and Prague. I'm so jealous! But only cause I can't wait to go to Berlin and Prague with him! Of course, this way, he'll know a little more about the city (well, Prague, because he studied in Germany for awhile so he already knows Berlin quite a bit). Anyway, that's a bunch of kinda fun stuff. Much more fun than that article I posted - which was so sad and depressing. Have a great weekend everybody!!!!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Isn't this sad?

Violating Iraqi Women
Yifat Susskind
February 22, 2007

Yifat Susskind is communications director of MADRE , an international women's human rights organization. She is the author of a new report on violence against women in U.S.-occupied Iraq.

The international news media is flooded with images of a woman in a pink headscarf recounting a shattering experience of rape by members of the Iraqi National Police. Most of the media coverage has focused on her taboo-breaking decision to speak publicly about the assault, but has missed two crucial points for understanding—and combating—sexual violence by Iraqi police recruits.

As Iraqi women’s organizations have documented, sexualized torture is a routine horror in Iraqi jails. While this woman may be the first Iraqi rape survivor to appear on television, she is hardly the first to accuse the Iraqi National Police of sexual assault. At least nine Iraqi organizations as well as Amnesty International, the U.N. Assistance Mission in Iraq and the Brussels Tribunal have documented the sexualized torture of Iraqi women while in police custody. These include Women’s Will, Occupation Watch, the Women’s Rights Association , the Iraqi League, the Iraqi National Association of Human Rights, the Human Rights’ Voice of Freedom, the Association of Muslim Scholars, the Iraqi Islamic Party and the Iraqi National Media and Culture Organization.

According to Iraqi human rights advocate and writer Haifa Zangana, the first question asked of female detainees in Iraq is, “Are you Sunni or Shia?” The second is, “Are you a virgin?”

Next week, MADRE , an international women’s human rights organization, will release a report that documents the widespread use of rape and other forms of torture against female detainees in Iraq by U.S. and Iraqi forces. The report includes testimonies collected by the Organization of Women’s Freedom in Iraq (OWFI) of numerous rape survivors. Since November 2005, OWFI has conducted a Women’s Prison Watch project and has found that “torture and rape are common procedure of investigation in police stations run by the militias affiliated with the government, mostly the Mahdi and Badr militias,” according to their summer 2006 report.

These are the same sectarian Shiite militias that have been prosecuting Iraq’s civil war, the same militias that stepped into the power vacuum created by the U.S. overthrow of Saddam Hussein in 2003 and the same militias that have been systematically attacking Iraqi women in their bid to establish an Islamist theocracy. As the occupying power in Iraq, the U.S. was obligated under the Geneva Conventions to provide security to Iraqi civilians, including protection from sex-based violence. But the U.S. military, preoccupied with battling the Iraqi insurgency, simply ignored the reign of terror that Islamist militias were imposing on women, including a campaign of assassinations, rapes, acid attacks and public beatings targeting women perceived to pose a challenge to the project of turning Iraq into a theocracy.

By 2005, the U.S. was actively aiding the militias. As the “cakewalk” envisioned by U.S. war planners quickly devolved into the quagmire is the Iraq War, the U.S. began to cultivate Shiite militias to help battle the Sunni-led insurgency. According to Newsweek, the plan was dubbed the “Salvador Option,” recalling the use of militias by the U.S. to bolster right-wing regimes in 1980s Central America. Today, the Mahdi Army controls the police forces of Baghdad and Basra , Iraq’s two largest cities. The Badr Brigade is headquartered in Iraq’s Ministry of Interior, which directs the country’s police, intelligence and paramilitary units. And the United Nations special investigator on torture is reporting that torture in Iraq is worse now than under Saddam Hussein.

It’s no surprise that we’re hearing allegations of rape against the Iraqi National Police, considering who trained them. DynCorp, the private contractor that the Bush Administration hired to prepare Iraq’s new police force for duty, has an ugly record of violence against women. The company was contracted by the federal government in the 1990s to train police in the Balkans. Human Rights Watch reports that DynCorp employees were found to have systematically committed sex crimes against women, including “owning” young women as slaves . One DynCorp site supervisor videotaped himself raping two women. Despite evidence, the contractors never faced criminal charges.

Contrary to its rhetoric and its international legal obligations, the Bush Administration has refused to protect women’s rights in Iraq. In fact, it has decisively traded women’s rights for cooperation from the Islamists it has helped boost to power. Torture of women in detention is one symptom of this broader crisis.

Monday, February 12, 2007

New Post

For something new for my readers I decided to try a new post. I have started the job as a mother's helper. The two youngest girls both like me, but I have yet to meet the older kids. Maybe tomorrow. Nick and I are still looking at a bunch of travel guides. Newest one is from Alaska. VERY fantastic places to visit. Sadly (well, for male cats everywhere) Sophie, my kitten, will be getting "fixed" on Friday. I will be visiting my little honorary niece Nora soon - very soon! And my real, biological niece very soon as well...hopefully this week but if not, 2-3 weeks after this. I'm reading a lot, but have almost decided what to do about my master's and it's not finishing it up at WSU. Still applying for a teacher's certificate program at UofI, but now I'm a bit nervous - what if I make a horrible teacher?! What if I can't teach!? All sorts of nerves and doubts are coming to the surface. Well, all. Have a good week.
Oh, and it's snowing, snowing, snowing!!!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Well, I got the job as a mother's helper and I'm quite excited. Plus, I'm getting more hours at the Children's Place as well, so I might actually have some savings built up soon. Yay for having some reliable income. I just wish there was more there. But we can't all be Vanderbilts. Kristi and Andrew had their baby - congratulations! I presume Sara, Brad, and Nora are doing well - congratulations again! I read an interesting article in the New York Times today about a serial killer in South Bend, Indiana. So far, four homeless men were victims. But my friends who live there should still be careful! There's a rally in Des Moines next week organized by Planned Parenthood, while the state legislature votes on comprehensive sex education in school. I wish I could go and rally around the effort, but unfortunately I can't because I missed the deadline. I still responded via email and letter, but I think it'd be fun to be part of the action. I talk big, but too often can't act big because of work commitments or time and/or distant restraints. That's all the news for now; except to say: one of my new well-read authors is Jane Green and I think all my female friends should read her; quite hilarious, modern chick lit.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Sex Crimes and the Vatican

So sad. And makes me glad I don't identify with the Catholic Church any longer.

Investigation into allegations that a secret church directive, issued by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger before he became Pope Benedict XVI, is being used to silence the victims of child sex
abuse by Roman Catholic priests. Colm O'Gorman, who was raped as a 14-year-old boy by his local parish priest in Ireland, travels to America, Brazil and the Vatican City to uncover more.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Wish me luck

Well all, I have applied for a 20 hour a week position as a nanny! It's good pay, and I love kids. Plus, I can still keep my other job at Children's Place most of the week. Please, wish me luck because this would really help me out and I think I would really love this job. I hope. Also, I have to provide very good references, so anybody who knows my experience and expertise with children please, send a letter or something to my email and I'll print it out. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


Well, I don't know how many people actually read my list, since I really didn't get a response to any of my reasons. BUT, that's neither here nor there. I get my niece Kaylin this weekend. YAY! And today I've decided to begin a winter/wish it were spring cleaning of the apartment. Shouldn't be hard, considering that Nick and I are fairly neat. But, I am having a guest this weekend, even if it's just a six-year old who probably doesn't care. For some fun information about my life right now:

1. I have purple and pink nail polish on - Kaylin did it last Friday and they're quite sparkly and fun.
2. Nick and I are looking at brochures for cruises. We're quite interested in a few: Alaska, there's one that's a Mediterranean one, Greece, Turkey and the Greek Isles, and one that goes to Scandinavia and Russia.
3. My best friend Sara had baby Nora on Friday! That's technically not about MY life, but I'm excited and didn't mention it in my last post so I'm mentioning it now. Congratulations Sara and Brad!!!!
4. I've been working out, and I know that my arms are getting stronger because they hurt! Apparently I have weak, girly arms.
5. Sophie is still cute! And Leo is driving me crazy! And Casper is still sweet.

Okay, nothing too exciting. But I think it's fun news.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Anniversary of Roe v. Wade - Why I am Pro-Choice

In honor of the anniversary of the landmark case, Roe v. Wade, which gave women the right to decide whether or not to continue with an unwanted/surprise pregnancy, I decided to follow thousands upon thousands of people and explain WHY I am pro-choice. Notice, I am merely explaining my views, and hoping that, if you are pro-life you'll 1) Read them, cause that's a major challenge. And 2) Read them. Like I said, it's a challenge, especially with long posts. Oh, and to add a quote that I'm just really liking right now: "If you can't trust me with a choice, how can you trust me with a child?"

I am pro-choice because I believe women’s lives matter.

I am pro-choice because I think women themselves are the best people to decide when and if they get pregnant, give birth, and raise children.

I am pro-choice because I believe that the right to control your own reproduction is a fundamental right, and is protected both under our Constitution and basic human rights ideals — and I believe that fundamental right includes the right to prevent pregnancy, the right to get pregnant, the right to carry a pregnancy to term, and the right to terminate a pregnancy.
I am pro-choice because I believe that if we outlaw a woman’s right to terminate a pregnancy, there is no legal argument against forcing a woman to terminate a pregnancy, or disallowing certain people from reproducing.

I am pro-choice because I do not believe that anyone should be subject totalitarian laws which impose unwanted occupations on certain classes of people.

I am pro-choice because I don’t believe that women should be legally compelled to maintain another life at the expense of her own wishes, her body, her health, or even her life.
I am pro-choice because I don’t believe that women’s bodies should be used against our will.
I am pro-choice because I believe that compulsory pregnancy and childbirth is immoral, cruel, and flies in the face of basic notions of freedom, liberty, and human rights.
I am pro-choice because I believe that forcing women to carry pregnancies against their will is involuntary servitude.
I am pro-choice because I believe that children should be wanted, their entrances into the world joyous occasions — that they should never be considered punishment.

I am pro-choice because I want women to be physically and emotionally healthy.

I am pro-choice because I don’t believe that pregnancy should be a punishment (or, as anti-choicers say, a “consequence”) of sex.

I am pro-choice because I realize that my rights to birth control, to have children, to make my own decisions, to be a fully autonomous human being all hinge on my very basic ability to decide when and if I reproduce.

I am pro-choice because I trust women!

I am pro-choice because reproductive rights are FAR MORE than abortion, and because I want to see us live in a true culture of life — one where men, women and children are truly valued, and where pregnancy doesn’t turn a woman into a second-class citizen.

I am pro-choice because those who attack abortion rights don’t plan on stopping there — they’re also going after contraception, science and even sex itself. And they’ve got a whole lot of political capital.

I am pro-choice because I see what places look like when “pro-life” policies are the rule of law. I see it again and again and again.

I am pro-choice because I see what places look like when abortion is safe, legal and available, contraception is accessible, and sex is considered natural, normal, and something we should take responsibility for, not be ashamed of.

I am pro-choice because “pro-life” policies kill and maim women. I am pro-choice because abortion rates are no higher in countries where abortion is legal than in countries where it is outlawed — but countries where abortion is legal see lower maternal mortality rates, lower infant mortality rates, greater economic prosperity, and greater gender equality.

I am pro-choice because women who live in the developing world account for 95 percent of the world’s illegal abortions, and I believe that access to safe health care should not be contingent on where you happened to be born.

I am pro-choice because the countries with the LOWEST abortion rates — Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland — have liberal abortion laws, good health care, comprehensive sex education, and accessible and affordable contraception.

I am pro-choice because many countries where abortion is illegal or highly restricted have significantly higher abortion rates than we have in the United States, and astronomically higher rates than we see in Western Europe. Some of those countries include Brazil, Chile, Bangladesh, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Egypt, Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, and the Philippines.

I am pro-choice because of the number of women hospitalized after unsafe illegal abortions in these countries:
Bangladesh: 71,800
Brazil: 288,700
Chile: 31,900
Colombia: 57,700
Dominican Republic: 16,500
Egypt: 216,000
Mexico: 106,500
Nigeria: 142,200
Peru: 54,200
The Philippines: 80,100

I am pro-choice because 80,000 women die every year from complications from illegal abortion, and hundreds of thousands more are injured.

I am pro-choice because the risk of dying from abortion is far higher in countries where abortion is illegal than where it’s legal.

I am pro-choice because illegal abortion is the cause of 25% of all maternal deaths in Latin America, 12% in Asia, and 13% in sub-Saharan Africa.

I am pro-choice because I will not go back.

I am pro-choice because if Roe is overturned, abortion will be illegal in many states. Even with Roe in place, states like Georgia are considering legislation which would impose life in prison or the death penalty as punishment for women who have abortions and doctors who perform the procedures.

I am pro-choice because I don’t believe we should criminalize women and doctors for exercising reproductive freedom.

I am pro-choice because seeing the impact of abortion rights on a country’s prosperity, gender equality and overall well-being is apparent simply by looking at a map.

I am pro-choice because it’s the pro-choice movement that has advocated for policies which actually decrease the need for abortion, and which make it easier for women to have children: comprehensive sexual health education, affordable and accessible contraception (including emergency contraception), pre-natal and well-baby care, social support for pregnant women and women with children, affordable child care, fair pay for working women, supporting pregnant girls, and gender equality. Comparatively, the “pro-life” movement* has no interest in actually lowering the abortion rate; their ultimate goal is sexual control of women, evidenced by their opposition to contraception and their belief that there is only one singular way to live: abstain from sex until heterosexual marriage, and then have as many children as God gives you.

I am pro-choice because I see the positive impact that the pro-choice movement has had in the United States. Women go to college at the same rates as men. We can define ourselves as something other than mothers, or as mothers and something else. Or as mothers primarily. Poverty has been cut in half since Roe gave women the right to control their own reproduction. Men can be nurturing too, and are expected to take part in raising their children. Families can be planned. Men have greater choices in their occupations since they aren’t required to be the sole bread-winner. More people have access to education. Women have more power to escape abusive relationships or bad jobs. Parents of both sexes spend more time with their kids than ever before.

I am pro-choice because I care about children- I LOVE children and can't wait to have some (but those some are a number I decide and that I can support and provide for with everything — and according to the Children’s Defense Fund, 100% of the worst legislators for children in this country are pro-life.

I am pro-choice because I believe that my body is mine. I want women, girls, men, and children to be healthy, valued, and cared for. I want families to be healthy.

I want to live in a country that values the lives and well-being of all of its citizens.

I am pro-choice because it is life-affirming. I am pro-choice because it is fundamentally just. I am pro-choice because to be anything else is to devalue and harm women, children, families, and my country.

I am pro-choice because my life is worth something.

Happy Roe day.

*By which I mean the fanatical leaders of anti-choice organizations, not the individual people who identify as “pro-life” to mean that they dislike abortion and want to see the abortion rate decreased, but also support common-sense policies like sex education and contraception.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Reading, Writing, and Working Out

I got new workout DVDs today so I am well on my way to having no excuse to not work out. No more it's too cold outside to run whines - I can now do Tae-Bo or Self cardio, or toning exercises in my living room. So yay, for come bikini and shorts season, and vacations with Nick, I will look all fit and toned and in shape and sexy! Plus, I'll be so much healthier! I've been doing a lot of reading and writing as well. Application stuff for the summer session, reading biographies, histories, current events, and of course, romances and novels. I was also excited because I got my brochures to Royal Caribbean cruise lines. Nick and I want to go to Alaska and they have a program where you do the cruise and take a train ride into the interior of Alaska to see Denali and other sites. Of course, the way things are looking we may have to wait awhile. But I'm excited. And of course, the job hunt continues. Keep wishing me luck! That's really all my news. I just wanted to share my excitement of getting those DVDs. And tonight is sad movie night: I'm watching the Bridges of Madison County for the first time. Luckily, Nick opened a new box of tissues today!

Friday, January 12, 2007

New Year Post

Well, it's been awhle since I've posted anything new. Not much has happened. I'm anxiously awaiting my surrogate niece - Sara and Brad's baby. I've been hoping to find a better paying job as well. Exciting news: my niece Kaylin turned six! Happy Birthday! And I get to have her stay with me for a weekend in a few weeks so I'm excited. I'm working on a book database so I can keep track of the books I have, and basically for later, when I have a house that has a room devoted only to books. A library of course - if that ever happens. And I'm reading a book on the history of abortion and the differences in opinion between pro-choice and anti-choice people. It's bery non-judgemental and unbiased so far, since I'm about halfway through I think it will remain that way. To put it in basic language, the author is writing about why each group has the viewpoint that it has. Very interesting, and I may write more about it later. It's a break from reading mainly one viewpoint or another - I usually try to read both so I can be fully informed. Sometimes it's difficult. Anyway, I plan on seeing one of my best friends in April and Nick and I are planning on a trip to Chicago to see the art museum, the aquarium, and then tour, hopefully - if the weather is nice and all - the Frank Lloyd Wright stuff there. I guess that's all for now. Not very interesting, but I'm hoping my life will get more exciting.

New Year Post

Well, it's been awhle since I've posted anything new. Not much has happened. I'm anxiously awaiting my surrogate niece - Sara and Brad's baby. I've been hoping to find a better paying job as well. Exciting news: my niece Kaylin turned six! Happy Birthday! And I get to have her stay with me for a weekend in a few weeks so I'm excited. I'm working on a book database so I can keep track of the books I have, and basically for later, when I have a house that has a room devoted only to books. A library of course - if that ever happens. And I'm reading a book on the history of abortion and the differences in opinion between pro-choice and anti-choice people. It's bery non-judgemental and unbiased so far, since I'm about halfway through I think it will remain that way. To put it in basic language, the author is writing about why each group has the viewpoint that it has. Very interesting, and I may write more about it later. It's a break from reading mainly one viewpoint or another - I usually try to read both so I can be fully informed. Sometimes it's difficult. Anyway, I plan on seeing one of my best friends in April and Nick and I are planning on a trip to Chicago to see the art museum, the aquarium, and then tour, hopefully - if the weather is nice and all - the Frank Lloyd Wright stuff there. I guess that's all for now. Not very interesting, but I'm hoping my life will get more exciting.