Friday, November 16, 2007

I have puny, girly arms

So I did a shoulder workout today. I only used 5 lb. weights. But sadly, just typing this is making my arms turn to jello. I have very puny arms and it saddens me. In an effort to get better sleep and feel more energy and lose five pounds I've started up with my workout videos again. My cats helped me, they really like my resistance band. But it's the strength workout I did that really made me feel out of shape. I decided to lift weights and focus on arms today and I found out that I have girly arms. I want girly, muscly, strong arms so I'm going to have to do something about this. If anyone wants, I've also come up with the idea to send workout videos - like, if Kay, you have a yoga video but want to try a cardio that I have (I only have a few, but I'm hoping to get more) than we could trade for two weeks. Switch it up. Just an idea, let me know girls and guys.

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