Monday, January 29, 2007

Sex Crimes and the Vatican

So sad. And makes me glad I don't identify with the Catholic Church any longer.

Investigation into allegations that a secret church directive, issued by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger before he became Pope Benedict XVI, is being used to silence the victims of child sex
abuse by Roman Catholic priests. Colm O'Gorman, who was raped as a 14-year-old boy by his local parish priest in Ireland, travels to America, Brazil and the Vatican City to uncover more.


Kathleen said...


Anonymous said...

hee on the above comment.

I am always angry to hear about anyone being sexually abused, but I'm also always angry to see the Catholic church demonized, when many other denominations of Christianity have sex scandals, but it never makes the news like Catholics. We arent perfect, but no one is, and we shouldnt be portrayed as only child molesters and whatever. Because there is more to our religion than that.

Kathleen said...

Well, I'm not saying that there aren't other sex scandals. I think what makes the Catholic Church one such a big deal is that it was kept hidden for years and years and plus, it's more of a hierarchy - you may trust pastors and such, but other religions, other than maybe Episcopals, don't put as much education or responsibility onto their leadership. Plus, in Catholic tradition, priests are said to be Jesus' standins here on earth. So it can kinda be said that it was Jesus molesting those kids, which is far different than a Bapist minister or something. I

KU Mommy said...

Okay... to say "So it can kinda be said that it was Jesus molesting those kids" shows the utter ignorance you have concerning the teachings of the Catholic Faith.

Perhaps you should familiarize yourself with these teachings before accusing GOD of the crimes committed by these men.

Just to enlighten you a bit... a priest, like the rest of us, should be shining lights of Christ's love at ALL times. However, like the rest of us, they are susceptible to temptation, sin and wrongdoing. They are still human.

They stand "in persona Christi" only at certain times during their preisthood... for example... during the Consecration of the Mass and in the confessional.

Please educate yourself before making such ridiculous statements.

Kathleen said...

I wasn't actually saying that Jesus was molesting them. Just that it was kinda like that. If you consider priests to be Jesus at some times, than, as a small child who doesn't really understand this Catholic phenomenon, than yes, it's like Jesus is molesting or abusing them. The fact I was trying to get across was that priests are considered god's representatives on earth. As are other ministers and such. They also at times, are considered to be as you said, in persona Christi. I was just pointing out that it could seem that way. I was also trying to say that the Catholic church scandal in no way discounts other religious sex scandals, but it seems worse because of the years and years of lies that the hierarchy told and how they could have prevented its magnitude. Since the only thing you seem to be angry with is that I don't know Catholic church dogma, I am going to assume you agree that keeping it hidden was a bad thing, though I know how much you adore the Catholic church so this could be a dangerous assumption. I'm not trying to demonize the Catholic church, just entering into a new topic and trying to say that I'm glad I'm not associated with a church that protects child abusers. I'm NOT saying that all priests are abusers or that the religion is about sex abuse at all. The religion itself has a foundation on a lot of things that I agree with. I just don't think you have to be a part of the religion to do those things.

Anonymous said...

The Catholic church has hidden things in the past, but it is working to rectify its mistakes. It is becoming much more out in the open about its problems, for example we got a letter informing us that our church had a problem with one of it's day care workers inappropriately touching a child, and they wanted to let all the parishenors (seriously spelled wrong) know what had happened and the steps they were taking with the authorities to rectify it. What was it the cardinal said in Dogma? "you cant blame the current incarnation of the Holy Mother Church for the mistakes of the past" or something. Every system with a heirarchy has problems, but at least the Catholic church admits it had a problem and is trying to keep it from happening again.

Nick said...

Yes, it's admitting it NOW. But why didn't the Catholic Church admit it right away, rather than wait decades and only come out with it when it broke in the papers and such? I'm not blaming the parishioners, but I don't think that merely apologizing after the fact works in cases like this. Not that it's a bad thing, just that I would hope that parishioners and devout Catholics would expect a lot more. But that, to me personally, is the problem with a church hierarchy that doesn't have any responsibility to, has to answer to, anyone other than a hierarchy of men.

Bishniak said...

The Church is run by man. That in of itself makes the Church fallibale to Human mistakes. Why did it hide it? because it could. Was it right? Sure as hell no. What should they do about it now? I don't know. The Church does not move fast on anything. It's been around for 2000 years, they're like Ents, they don't do things hastily.

and Katie, I am sorry you have chosen to move away from the Church. I understand the scandal is wrong, but it doesn't reflect on the Church as a whole, but a group (albeit large) within the structure. To blame the whole church for the sins of a portion of it is a slap in the face to those of us who have not molested a kid. I do not wish the sins of others onto me, and your sweeping statements suggest otherwise.

Kathleen said...

I was referring to the church hierarchy, not the parishioners. I doubt that the priests and bishops who hid the abuse wrote letters asking for opinions from parishioners, which is kinda my points. But I didn't move away from the church only because of the scandal, though that makes it easier and more of a relief to disassociate from it. I'm not trying to blame you Brad, sorry.

Bishniak said...

I'll be the first to tell you the Church ain't perfect. After all, I have a gay brother that they condemn. I personally think that's wrong. Actually a priest in his homily also said it was wrong at my church, but I understand that it's never going to be perfect so you just make the best with it.

I try not to take it personally, as not everyone is going to agree with my religious convictions. Guess having the last name of Bishop doesn't help much either :)

Kathleen said...

Reading over your comment I had to kinda smile - I would HOPE that you'd be angry about hearing that someone was abused. I was laughing to myself, wondering what kind of person would be saying, oh yeah, now THAT guy, he should totally be abused. How's Nora? just to get off topic and onto something more fun.