Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Reading, Writing, and Working Out

I got new workout DVDs today so I am well on my way to having no excuse to not work out. No more it's too cold outside to run whines - I can now do Tae-Bo or Self cardio, or toning exercises in my living room. So yay, for come bikini and shorts season, and vacations with Nick, I will look all fit and toned and in shape and sexy! Plus, I'll be so much healthier! I've been doing a lot of reading and writing as well. Application stuff for the summer session, reading biographies, histories, current events, and of course, romances and novels. I was also excited because I got my brochures to Royal Caribbean cruise lines. Nick and I want to go to Alaska and they have a program where you do the cruise and take a train ride into the interior of Alaska to see Denali and other sites. Of course, the way things are looking we may have to wait awhile. But I'm excited. And of course, the job hunt continues. Keep wishing me luck! That's really all my news. I just wanted to share my excitement of getting those DVDs. And tonight is sad movie night: I'm watching the Bridges of Madison County for the first time. Luckily, Nick opened a new box of tissues today!


Anonymous said...

I love the Bridges of Madison County. And Dean and I have been talking about taking a cruise to Alaska for I hope that both of us actually get to go soon:) Maybe we should make a big trip out of it and invite lots of people. That way Dean can fish every single day and I can fish one day and then do fun stuff the rest of the time with friends:) Like take the helicopter ride into the glaciers and then dog sled down..!

Anonymous said...

I want to go on one of those whale and otter watching kayaks, where you get so close you can touch them.

Maximus Doom said...

No Doubt, That's What It's All About
That is a great workout tape. I don't like tapes but that one and some Tony Little's are really effective and they get RESULTS. Kathleen, my wife and I honeymooned in Alaska and kayaked with or more accurately, at the same time that a humpback whale was surfacing about 300 yrds away. Terrifying and exhilerating all in the same breath. I recommend Alaskian cruises during whale migration season. Great blog!!!