Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Depressing Thoughts

Just for the sake of seeing something new, I'm posting. Here's a thought for you: at what point in your life, when things seem really, really bad and that you are just the stupidest person that ever walked the earth (everyone has days like this, when everything seems to be going wrong and you just can't get a break) at one point to you say, screw it, life will just have to go on whether I get this work done, or break up with someone, or fail this test, whatever. Who do you turn to - real people wise Kristi, no Jesus stuff, cause I think that's a given in many case. And here's another depressing thought - if you can't turn to that person or to those people, THEN what do you do?
I realize this is depressing, but I think because of the ice storm, I am having depressing thoughts.


Anonymous said...

I don't know exactly, but sometimes when everything is going wrong, all you can do is just wait it out. Because everything has to turn around eventually. Doesn't it? And you can always turn to your friends b/c we're always there even when we're not literally there. Kay

Anonymous said...

I agree with Kay sis. Sometimes waiting it out is the only way through it. As far as who do you turn to...whoever it is who will listen and not judge, and will offer help but not be offended if you don't want to take it at the moment. Judy

Bishniak said...

Well, endurance is one of the true things said here, sometimes you can do nothing but ride it until it stops, which is annoying but what can you do. Also, with the God thing, he'll just point you towards the people you're asking about anyway.

Me, I went to my family, they've pretty much been there and always will be.