Friday, April 27, 2007

New Ideas

I've been toying with the idea, on and off for a few years now, of going to law school. Despite my insane fear of speaking aloud in front of people, I think I have qualities that would make my being a lawyer appealing. So, I've been toying with the idea of taking the LSAT just to see how well I do and maybe visiting some law schools. Anyway, on one of my friends blogs, he posted that he was in storyteller/writer mode. I get like that sometimes, wanting to write, but having nothing to really write. Perhaps a lot of people have that urge and that's why blogging is so popular. Also, I've been reading this delightful little book called god is Not Great; How Religion Poisons Everything. Naturally, I have lots of ideas. The author is logical, rational, and humorous, which opens my mind to new ideas. I would recommmend the book to everyone, even if you happen to be religious and think it's crap. And one other thought: why don't people burn witches anymore? Or people suspected of being a witch?
I am in no way advocating this policy - I just wonder about things like this.


Anonymous said...

They don't burn witches anymore because Muslims are the bigger threat to Christianity(and I am only half kidding about that). And we are a much more civilized and enlightened society, yada, yada...
But the height of the witch hunts happened when Protestant religions were threatening the power of the Catholic church and they needed a way to gain back some of that power, and what better way to gain power over your people than by scaring them with tales of witches(of course Protestants killed a lot of witches too). Now a days, pagan religions just aren't seen as a serious threat (Christianity won, yay!), and anyone who tries to take it as such is mostly seen as a nut.

Anonymous said...

Why not take the test? Although you are taking some time to study for it, right? because I would imagine it costs money to take and it wouldn't really be a fair or accurate picture if you just took it with no preparation. After all, I spent four years of my life studying psychology in undergraduate and I still had difficulty with the entrance exam to graduate school. But I think law school is a neat idea. And why not go after the things you want.