Monday, April 23, 2007

News from Finland

Yes, that's right. The title said Finland. According to my feminist wire newbrief article (I get emails from Ms. Magazine, Naral, and Planned Parenthood, just to push the stake through my heart a little more for those antichoice (except Sara, I promise!!)readers of mine) According to the article, 12 of the 20 cabinet positions went to women in Finland on Tuesday, making Finland the world's first female dominated government. Isn't that the coolest? I only wish the U.S. could have been the first. According to the Prime Minister Vanhanen, he wants his government to respect "gender equality." Finland was also the first country to allow women to vote and run for office and has had a female president. I'm not for voting for someone like Hilary just because she's female, but it's so inspiring to know that at least somewhere in the world, women's equality is important and in some ways, thriving. I just had to share and I figured even those of you who hate my other pro-women views (I know, I know, which some of you consider anti-woman!) would be happy.


Bishniak said...

This is probably just being devil's advocate, or stirring up the hornets nest, but if they're Anti-Choice, would that make you Anti-Life?

And America is way too rooted in the good ol' days of white male dominice, Things here change violently rather than eventually

Kathleen said...

Probably. I'm sure a lot of people think so.

KU Mommy said...

See.. the beauty of being Pro-Life is that you can be BOTH pro-woman & pro-baby (aka pro-very-young-women).

I find it to be quite neat.

KU Mommy said...


Kathleen said...

Except for that whole pesky making women have babies they don't want thing which I don't find very pro-woman...or pro-life. But the POINT isn't abortion at all it's Finland. So, thanks's so cool isn't it? And to think that only about a hundred years ago, we couldn't even vote in this country.

Anonymous said...

But did you also know the female president of Finland looks exactly like Conan O'Brien? Finland totally takes the awesome cake.