Monday, October 15, 2007

Stuff AKA I have got to come up with more creative titles!)

Have gotten further into my book. It's about more than pro-choice nuns. It's about their growing realization that the Catholic Church has a rather, ahem, medieval view of women, and that what they wanted to accomplish they could not because of the church patriarchal systems and hierarchy, as well as the church's view of women. It's so interesting and amazing. In further news, I have linked a blog (perhaps some of you have noticed it) called Emily X. It's also amazing. She's a doctor for Planned Parenthood in Aurora, Illinois and she's really defending women's healthcare and right of privacy and choice on this blog. People who are so inclined can pledge a certain amount of money toward Planned Parenthood - BASED on how many protesters there are; so for example, if you pledge a dollar per protester and there are 11 protesters, you just gave $11 to Planned Parenthood. The protesters are making money for Planned Parenthood and women's health - it's fantastic!!!! I love it! Anyway, it's an interesting blog whether you're pro-choice, pro-life, anti-choice, middle-ground, whatever. It brings the issue right out in the open, and that always spurs discussion I think. Or I hope. I also had a job interview, so keep your fingers crossed. I am also stressing about my statement of purpose for the Graduate Programs I want to get into - Nick's is worse though, cause he's getting his PhD and he has to write a research statement! I have to get ready for work now so just to put this out there: Who are you supporting in the Primaries? If anyone. Why? Why don't you like Barack Obama, if you don't? Are you crazy or stupid? :-) Hehehe. Okay, enough with the funnies. Have a good day people!


Anonymous said...

I hear you on the grad school application process. Of course I am applying to the Peace Corps too, which is just as stressful, if not more so.

I read some of that blog you linked to and it is awesome that they are using their protesters to help raise money for Planned Parenthood. I mean I don't begrudge pro-lifers their right to protest, but sometimes some of them go too far. And yes, I am aware that people on both sides sometimes go too far, and either way I find it ridiculous.

I like Obama, but I am really pulling for John Edwards, although my Grandpa the Republican likes him too so maybe I should rethink that (Just kidding). I just worry that Obama might still be a little green (though that might be a good thing nowadays). Of course when I took some quiz to find out who my ideal candidate would be I got Chris Dodd, and I don't think he has a chance, even though I like a lot of the things he has to say.

Good luck with your interview!

Kathleen said...

Thanks! And both Nick and I wanted to apply for the Peace Corps, and while this is totally not the ultra-feminist that I like to think I am, we decided not to until we're married (if that ever happens, since neither of us are really all that concerned with that) so they can't split us up! But that's awesome about the Peace Corps, and I'm sure they'll accept you and stuff! Gosh, I'm almost as excited as if I were applying too! When I think about the experience thing, I just think about Bush: "My job is a decision making job. Because of this, I make a lot of decisions." I'm paraphrasing, but still - after that, who needs experience?!

Anonymous said...

I am really excited too! I only started applying in case I couldn't get in to the grad school prgram I wanted (since it is the only one I have found with this exact area of study), but now I am starting to think I would rather just do the whole Peace Corps thing instead. But I have three essays to write as part of the process and I would like to get some more volunteer experience before submitting my application. Luckily there isn't a deadline like with grad school.

But yeah, going to other countries and helping people is just more important to me than all that marriage and babies stuff, unless I met someone like-minded like you seem to have.

Sara Bishop said...

I love John Edwards. He's the main reason I didnt hate voting for Kerry in the last election. But if Hilary gets the Democratic nomination, I may have to vote Republican. No offense, but I'm more of a conservative liberal, and she's a liberal liberal. Actually, I had a discussion with Brad recently about how I'm too liberal for the Republicans, but almost too conservative for the Democrats. But I cant vote for a third party, as that would just be a vote for the Republicans. I'm thinking of moving to Canada. At least they have universal health care. :-)

Sara Bishop said...

Also the peace corps is where my friend Jimmie currently is. His blog is here: Ramee, so maybe that will help give you a taste of the peace corps life. :-)

Kathleen said...

Ramee, Nick and I were talking and we're both so excited about the Peace Corps thing. NIck thinks it is something I would really like and would do a lot in my life and so I hope that you get accepted (oh, let's face it - they'd be idiots not to take you!!) and that you make sure to keep a very detailed journal so I can read about it. Sara, thanks for responding. I am a liberal liberal. I am not a huge fan of Hilary Clinton, although to be honest I have no reason other than she rubs me the wrong way somehow. However, if she's the candidate I will vote for her, because while she may rub me the wrong way, I am definitely not helping to put another Republican in the White House. Anyway, I love to hear about those kinds of things- too liberal for Republicans, too conservative for Democrats. I think sometimes it comes down to taking the issues and your gut instinct and whittling it down to who is the least of the me at this moment in time, I don't have to do that. But maybe that's what you should do?

KU Mommy said...

Sara, Have you heard of Unity 08? it's a "third party" that people are goign to try and form from the top repub and top-democ that DON'T get the nomination. Possibly it could be a viable person to vote for that won't cause the pubs or demos to win?? They have a website. You should google it.

I saw Hilary on the view the other day, and surprisingly realized that I don't hate everything about her politics. I, like you Katie (go figure), just always thought she rubbed me the wrong way. - But my big bro says that's not a good enough reason not to vote for someone (though I disagree with him).

I like Barack alot. Again... I don't agree with all of his politics, but he seems like a really good candidate.

I don't have a republican of choice as of yet, because any of them that are even close to thinking the way I do pretty much have no chance or have already dropped out of the race - I.E. Sam Brownback.

The Jury is still out for me.

Kathleen said...

This is no insult to you Kristi, although I doubt you'd take it that way since we both know how apart we are on politics..but I was sooo happy to see Brownback drop out, even though I didn't really think he had a chance anyway. It was like vindication that the majority of people don't like extremism. And that's always what he represented to me. But I agree with you Kristi, that a gut instinct is a perfectly acceptable reason NOT to vote for someone - it's an acceptable reason not to date someone and that's as important.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to that blog, Sara. I saved it and will read through it when I have more time. And I promise to detail all my adventures if/when I get accepted.

Something about Hilary rubs me the wrong way too. I have a lot of respect for her as a woman, but I sometimes thinks she changes her beliefs to fit current sentiment rather than having any strong convictions herself. But yeah, better her than one of the Republican candidates. And I don't consider myself a Democrat or a Republican (I think the whole system needs an overhaul), but I can at least find a Democratic candidate who shares some of my beliefs.

Sara Bishop said...

My problem with the Democratic party as a whole is that it is trying to include everyone, and then not really standing FOR anything. I dont like the Republican party because they take extremist, alarmist issues like gay marriage and blow it totally out of proportion. I love to vote, but depending on the candidates I may have a really hard time voting this election, if it comes down to the lesser of two evils.

Also, if Rudy Guliani gets the Republican vote, it will be easy not to vote republican, in my opinion. The only thing I ever hear out of him is "sept 11" which is just another alarmist catch phrase at this point, not a stand on anything.