Friday, March 31, 2006

Happy and Sad

Well, I decided on Wednesday that I just can't handle the workload I put on myself in January. I was really struggling to finish the assignments in my classes (and I don't really need them, cause I have all my hours) so I decided to withdraw from the Religion in America class. It is a really, really, interesting and fun class but I just couldn't do the work properly. So, I am happy, cause now I feel a bit more in control and relaxed about being able to work on my thesis and such. But I am sad, cause this feels a bit like a failure, and it was a great class with a great professor and I will miss it. Anyway, today should be a fun day. I am having lunch and seeing a movie with my sister today and she is going to tell me all about her wild trip to Texas. Ahh, to live vicariously through others.


Anonymous said...

Is there any way you could still, like, audit the class? Maybe just go without doing all the coursework and whatnot? I'm sorry you had to drop it!

Kathleen said...

The professor was really great about it. He did tell me I could sit in on it; the problem wasn't the class just the time. I am really behind on my thesis and I want to at least get some catch-up done so this summer I'm not struggling to finish.