Friday, March 17, 2006

Who said it?

"I have never killed a man, but I have read a lot of obituaries with pleasure."

Incidentally (hehe) My tooth (teeth) don't hurt as much today. And, I am going to a funny play tonight with my friends - a play, about a play. Should be interesting. I honestly don't know what the title is or anything; we all thought it'd be fun to go. Have any of you ever used a public computer, in the library or something, and had people humming the entire time? I have this guy across from me, and he is humming! Literally, humming along with some unheard music in his head (good for him) and damn, it is extremely distracting. Plus, the song sucks.


Nathan said...

I once saw a play about a play...

Wait a minute! I once was IN a play about a play!

Anonymous said...

What song is the guy humming?

Kathleen said...

I have no idea what song the guy was humming. It just sucked. And that's right - you were in a play about a play! Ahh..the memories!

KU Mommy said...

I was just talking about Play On at lunch today. That's weird!

Bishniak said...

Play On Rocks!

and I am a Computer Major. I've heard humming, singing, cursing, and my favorite, a guy with a sinus problem, so he'd snort back mucous, then break wind, and then curse at his program in chinese.

Ah college.....

Bishniak said...

Oh and Katie, here's some quotes for you.

"Some luck lies not in getting what you thought you wanted but getting what you have, hwich once you have it you may be smart enough to see it is what you would have wanted had you known."

"Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can't... you're right."

"There is no 'I' In 'Teamwork', but there is an 'Ewok'.

Anonymous said...

I was listening to a song the other day, and I thought of you. It is on my 2gether soundtrack, and is called "the hardest part of breaking up (is getting back your stuff)" But at least you, unlike the guy in the song, managed to get your cat. :-)

Bishniak said...



Go visit my blog and comment, my name's the link :)

Nathan said...

Um. So where are more updates? I want info!