Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Something More Fun than My Computer Ills

Okay, so I have to do this:

Four jobs you have had in your life:
1. Graduate Teaching Assistant at Wichita State University
2. Carlton Cards
3. Warren Theatre
4. Babysitting - ALOT

Four movies you would watch over and over:
1. Pride and Prejudice (the A&E version)
2. Love Actually
3. anything Muppets
4. The Music Man or Singin in the Rain

Four places you have lived:
1. Andale, KS
2. Winfield, KS
3. Wichita, KS
4. Rock Falls, IL

Four TV shows you love to watch: (I'm using only shows currently on the air)
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Family Guy
3. Gilmore Girls
4. Simpsons

Four places you have been on vacation:
1. Spain, France, Italy
2. Caribbean Cruise
3. South Dakota
4. Washington, D.C.

Four websites I visit daily:

Four of my favorite foods:
1. Fried Rice
2. Pita Bread and Hummus
3. Chocolate
4. my mom's lasagna and dad's fried chicken

Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Playing with nieces and nephews
2. Working Out/Running
3. Reading a good book
4. With friends/boyfriend


Bishniak said...

Four jobs you have had in your life:
1. Graduate Teaching Assistant at Wichita State University
2. Carlton Cards
3. Warren Theatre
4. Babysitting - ALOT

*HISSSSS* You worked for the enemy!

Kathleen said...

I needed the money and they were the only place smart enough to hire me. I quit after a year! Don't hate me!

Anonymous said...

That's not DAD's fried chicken recipe, it's MOM's silly girl! She taught him!

Kathleen said...

Yes, but dad has made it more often at least in the past few years! That's what I meant.

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO, I'm sure mom will fry some up quick and throw it to you from the great beyond....if you find yourself pelted with fried chicken, that is where it's coming from!