Tuesday, March 07, 2006

So I realized that aside from my divorce, its problems, and my at the end of the summer move to Iowa, my life is a fairly closed book. Which is not good, because my friends read this blog and I am sure (ok, really, really hope!) that they are interested in more things about my life than that. So here goes:

1. As I am struggling through a century and a half's worth of government documents about Indian problems,and reservations, and basically the whole shebang's worth of the crap that Indians lived through - not finding anything close to what I am looking for - I come across loads of information that can not be used for any current research I am doing. I wonder; should I keep this for later use? Is it just a fluke that I've thought of something cool to write about? And then I lose my nerve and put it back, probably to never be found again. This really isn't about my life, per say, but it is an example of how I think and also how insecure I am about how intelligent my research may be.
2. I submitted a paper on Romanian Gypsies following the first World War to the academic journal on campus and as the committee was rejecting me it also put in a lot of comments like: "This is a really good paper but...." etc. I realize that for an academic journal there needs to be lots of editing, but I'd really just rather hear that, put in a kind way, rather than...wow this is good, but also, it sucks too much to accept and publish. So, in conclusion, my paper was not accepted.
3.Nick and I went to dinner on Sunday and he met my dad and stepmom. Am rather unsure how it went. I actually can not read if they liked him or not, but am guessing probably not for various reasons. However, that is what is great about being 25, instead of say, 15. You can date someone your parents hate and they can't do anything about it except be polite. Pretty much. (Parents who read this - it is NOT a challenge!)
4.Oh, and I love quotes because they make me laugh, and ponder, and think: wow, I should read more about this person!


Bishniak said...

#3 - "various reasons" is rather a vague comment to use when stating that you think they don't like him. Truthfully, you won't know unless you ask them. I thought my folks liked my first wife, but I never asked... Hindsight being what it is, I should have. and if they say "no not particularly" then you can fall back on that being 25 thing :)

#2 They were just jealous of your writing and were afraid if they put it in their hoity-toity academic paper, they'd look dumber in comparison.

Kathleen said...

Okay, I'm laughing about your second point. But the "various reasons" were basically specific reasons that I know but don't really think many others do. I actually believe Sara and you know some of them.

Bishniak said...

Point taken. If they are the reasons that I may or may not know through the course of conversations that may or may not have occurred in my alledged dwelling at the time or times in question then I can kinda see them being a bit ... concerned.

Nevertheless, If he's a "Good guy" then those points will dwindle.

Nathan said...

If it makes you feel better, I once read a paper written by a group of some of the most heavily published, leading researchers in psychology, and THEY only get about 25% of their papers published.

Maybe it's just the nature of peer-reviewed journals.

Nathan said...

Oh, and to hear some thoughts about current indian civ from a guy whose been there and done that, visit the blog of my old roommate Michael Running Wolf.

Also, try not to be too politically correct around him. He's liable to start saying very bad words.
