Monday, March 06, 2006


"I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man's reasoning powers are not above monkeys."
- Mark Twain

So anyone? Thoughts on my quotes? Should I continue putting up interesting quotes, about various things. Do people like quotes? Did anyone watch the Academy Awards last night? Wow, Jon Stewart was great, and I love to look at the dresses and stuff; plus, there were some really good movies so it was tough choices. Okay..thinking of what to say...oh, I know: so far things are fairly good.


Bishniak said...

It's your blog, sweetie. You can put today's weather forecast on it if you so desire.

I love Mark Twain quotes, he had a rather cynical and strong view on humanity.

I have noted, however, that you are hitting the religious (almost anti-religious) quotes a lot. Is this coincidental, a sign of subconcious doubt and wonder, or is it deliberate?

Kathleen said...

I thought I'd try to get people's attention. I have a bunch of quotes that are just funny or about science, etc.

Bishniak said...

Well you hit the big two (Religion & Politics) for getting attention. Get more posts than my blog at any rate :)

Anonymous said...

I'm loving Mark Twain's comments....

Nathan said...

I wouldn't vote against quotes, but I prefer that they be given a context. Quotes by themselves are meaningless, regardless of how deep or extensive they may be.

In my opinion the use of quotes should be limited to adding evidence, humor, poetry, or source-thought to your own ideas.

On the other hand, as Bishniak says, "It's your blog, sweetie."