So just to start things off right, I think I have a cavity. The left side of my mouth around a certain tooth area (hey, I'm not a dentist I don't know which bicuspid it is!) is feeling weird and also more sensitive to heat and cold. Unfortunately I do not have a dentist and also I'm TERRIFIED of going. Maybe cause I have a cavity. Anyway, will not bore you with more details but it is possible a future blog will be detailing the horrors of going to the dentist. In better news, Nick passed his History Comprehensive Exam yesterday. They told him within like four hours, which means it was really good and there wasn't anything to dispute or call him back in for. So Yay! I'm so proud. And I will now have to take mine. I am quite nervous, but I will be studying over spring break. And now, another round of
Who Said It?
What Luck for Rulers that Men do not Think.
Um, yeah, I'm making the first comment cause I hate seeing zero comments and well, this quote is a tricky one and I really hope using the internet doesn't help. But it might.
Hey, I don't know who said that quote but I don't think I've ever posted a comment on your blog...or at least not many..and I thought now was as good a time as any. I'm very excited because Dean is coming down this weekend and I haven't seen him in five weeks!!! Yay for this weekend! Everyone pray that Thursday goes fast:)
"What Luck for Rulers that Men do not Think."
Adolf Hitler
(Yes I cheated and googled it)
In the meantime (before you get to the dentist) I would suggest a sensitive tooth toothpaste, to help with the sensitivity to heat and cold. I use one for once in a while when my teeth get weird, because I also have no dentist. I'm having a hard enough time finding a good doc here in KC. :-)
Thanks Sara! I will definitely try that until I can get to one..I think it is because one of my fillings is getting loose because I also have a metallic taste in my mouth. So it will be really soon. And Kay, I am so glad that Dean will visit you. Have really really mean, have a great time. And googling quotes is cheating! But yes, it was Adolf Hitler.
I wouldn't worry about the dentist. Then again, I've never had a cavity so I'm talking from a slightly skewed perspective.
Sara - I have a dentist. I graduated High School from him. He really seem sto know his stuff, and I'm due for a cleaning so if you want I can schedule a cleaning for both of us :)
and Katie, the Internet has everything. Including every quote uttered by every human being since the dawn of time.
OF COURSE the internet has every quote uttered since the dawn of time but I was hoping for intellectual stimulation. As, she actually quoted Adolf Hitler (I just watched Downfall, about Hitler's last days in the German! if you wanted an explanation) and also, that's an interesting quote he said. What things come to mind, other than that you shouldn't trust insane, spittle-emitting, racist dictators! Plus, googling quotes is cheating! But if am giggling at the thought of people taking the time to do it, and so I guess it's okay. I'll try harder for quotes that aren't on Google. (Yeah, well, I LIKE a challenge!)
Metallic taste could be degradation of the filling, could also be small amounts of blood. Not to totally freak you out, but dental stuff is majorly important...oral disease can go directly to the heart!
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