Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Vindication of sorts

Do you ever get that feeling of wanting to be a kid, just so you can be annoying and know-it-all like: you know, nananana- I was right? Well, today I have that feeling. I think in some ways it is well-deserved. In others, I know it's mean, selfish, and well...mean. I talked to the prosecutor in Maize today; this fantastic woman who makes me want to become a prosecutor so I can be nice to women. She informed me that Adam is going through a diversion program. I will explain that in a minute. She was surprised to find out that I had received nothing regarding his case or what has been happening. I was equally surprised since I figured (listening to Adam will do this to a person) that nothing was happening. She pressed charges against him - domestic violence, assault with a deadly weapon; and he pled guilty. GUILTY! As in, he actually admitted that he did it, that is was wrong...and that I was right. Right to leave him because he was dangerous, at least to me. There were a number of reasons I left, but that is the best one. Anyway, the diversion program means that eventually, the charges will be dropped. He has to meet with a probation officer for a year, pay a fine, go through domestic abuse awareness and therapy classes, and can't have contact with me. I can go to a hearing tomorrow to well, hear all of this. But I feel so vindicated. I know that members of my family really weren't happy about things...but hopefully this will help. I actually made the right decision; I managed to do it despite disapproval and unhappiness, confusion, and I hope that things will get better. Anyway, this is big news...and something much more interesting than my sunburn!


Anonymous said...

YAY!!!! I never doubted your decision sis, just wish you'd been able to do it sooner. :)

Kathleen said...

Me too...well, if nothing else I've learned a lot. Thanks for the vote of confidence.

Anonymous said...

Holy cow! That is good news. And sang nanannana as much as you want you deserve it.

Anonymous said...

I know that Oedipus was the father an Electra the mother but most people have never heard of the Electra Complex so it just saves a lot of explaining if you say Oedipus to everything although I'm having to explain anyway so I guess I should have just done it in the first place:)

Bishniak said...

Kay, you actually didn't explain why you're using Electra or Oedipus, so I'm still lost.


but to take the Higher Road, a simple, "now do you believe me?" to all those that doubted you would suffice. While, in your head, sing the song and even make up dance moves to prance about them pointing and laughing.

Kathleen said...

I'm laughing Brad, cause that's exactly what I am doing. In fact, I think I may have a dance routine all planned out! Kay - that's what happens when you have extremely intelligent friends; we know the things that you assume other people don't know! Just go with it; we're all brilliant, including you and we all have to figure out a way to deal with that.

KU Mommy said...

Katie.. this is very unlike you. We need an update! :)

Kathleen said...

What's not like me? I am confused.