Monday, April 10, 2006

So I realized that I haven't really been keeping people as up to date at they'd like. I have figured out my taxes and will be getting a refund sooner if I e-file them...although that just scares me cause I am notoriously bad at figuring out computer things. Oh, and I've been updating my address book so if you think I don't have your address, phone number, etc. just email it to me! And, my thesis research is really coming along!


Anonymous said...

If you're scared of doing your taxes, just remember that big fat check you're going to get. It's enough incentive to keep anyone moving. Also, I just got a phone call from Dean a short while ago and he told me he got into graduate school!!! He's going to Texas Wesylan, and I'm super pumped. So I had to tell someone! Also, congragulations on your new GTA responsibilities; obviously the professor guy trusts you and finds you highly competent:)

Anonymous said...

Brad did our taxes online, and it worked out really well. I think. Perhaps he did them on the computer and then mailed them can tell I was really involved. :-)

Kathleen said...

YAY for Dean!!!! I'm excited too...that's cool. And yes, I wish I could just pawn my taxes off on someone else, but I was relieved to hear from my dad that duh! I don't have to claim my inheritance this year (actually, I think it's untaxable anyway) because they're taxes for 2005. So, as soon as I figure out Kansas' super weird form, I'll be finished and can get my fat check!

Bishniak said...

I used TurboTax. It figures it all out. then I printed off the files and mailed them in. I could have e-filed, but that's extra money, and Sara wanted to see a check with that money printed off of it :)