Thursday, April 27, 2006

Freshman year

I was reading about my friend Nathan's experience as a college freshman, then read Kristi's comment that she hated her freshman year as well, and decided to reflect on my own freshman year and give everyone a break from the heated debate over women's rights. I didn't hate my freshman year at all - except for the fact of having an extremely insecure boyfriend who couldn't bear to have me not come home for a weekend. Despite all the good things that happened at Southwestern, I wish I'd decided on Hawaii instead - then I wouldn't have been able to come home every weekend, which ended up kinda sucking instead of being cool. Anyway, my roommate was awesome! I couldn't have done a better job of picking her if, well, if I'd picked her myself. Dalene and I had so much in common, besides majors and we had a great time. The high points: eating M&Ms while studying for every zoology exam we ever took late at night, and laughing because we couldn't remember which genus went with which class...or was it the other way around?? Getting into a squid tentacle fight with A.J. and some of the others in our lab, once we were finished dissecting the squid and they were fairly useless...and extremely smelly. I smelled like that for a week. So did Dalene. Having our Wednesday night ritual of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Dawson's Creek, and pizza. Freshman year would have been even better if on weekends we could have explored, but again, I was stupid. So, basically, there it is. Fun, despite the scariness. If I weren't so dumb in math I would probably be working on a research ship right now, or training orcas or something. I wish you guys hadn't hated your freshman years so much. Kay - how 'bout you?

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