Wednesday, April 05, 2006

So anyway, the middle of another week. Everytime I feel like I accomplish something lately, it is replaced by the feeling that it doesn't matter because I have to get even MORE THINGS DONE! Oh no! And then I think, this is why you decided to drop the class - because you have to get tons of stuff done, you're a horrible procrastinator and just get to work! Oh, and on Saturday Nick and I went to this lecture on Gender Issues in New Orleans Pre- and Post- Katrina and it was fabulous. The speaker was from D.C. and she works at the Center for Women's Policy Issues and I decided that if I were more intelligent and confident I would so want to work there. Oh, and in other news: umm..nothing much. Same old school stuff, working out stuff...I think Nick and I will be going to Iowa next week to find an apartment (I think) and I still have to do my taxes. That sucks. I will probably be arrested for making a horrendous math error. Oh, and last night I went to dinner with my sis and step-mom and that was fun. It was nice to just sit and talk a bit. Well, basically, my life is pretty boring so I will end this. Hopefully I will come up with something more interesting later.


Bishniak said...

Getting things done and finding more to do -- welcome to adulthood I'm Bradley I'll be your host for the evening :)

Taxes -- Turbotax. Buy it, use it.

Procrastination -- I have a good method of combatting it, but I'll look for it later.

Anonymous said...

Haggie, forget Nick and move to Iowa with me. I've known you longer and I'll buy you chocolate. Trust me, there's Nothing he could do that I can't do too:) Okay, maybe some things but I'll go see chick flicks with you and I won't complain for a second! Also, quit procrastinating and finish my dissertation for me!!!

Kathleen said...

Poor Lightbulb how much longer on your dissertation...and you're offering me chocolate the week before Aunt Flo comes to town, when I'm trying to lose like 6 pounds? Are you vicious or what? When do I get to see you again? I miss you! And Sara too (whiny, near tears voice)!

Bishniak said...

Katie, we have a hide-a-bed in the couch, and the Dog loves company.

Nathan said...

My grandma's name is Grandma Flo. As such, I do not approve of the misappropriation of the name "Flo."

Anonymous said...

did you get my voicemail? We can hang out next saturday!