Sunday, April 16, 2006

This Weekend

Well, another fun post for all of you who are vicariously living my life. Or, at least, bored enough at the time you're reading this of your own life and not having anythign better to read. OR those extremely rare individuals who actually care about my life. Horrors! (sorry, I'm reading Wicked by Gregory Maguire and just can't stop wanting to say that). Friday night was fantastically fun - I got to see some old friends from high school (Hi Joel and Felix!!) and see a disturbingly funny movie; plus some of the professors met up with us grad students at the movies so that was kinda cool. It's such a small department it's almost like they like us or something :-) And on Saturday, Nick and I exhausted ourselves out by going to the zoo and dinner with Sara and Brad (hi guys) I got a sunburn and that kinda sucked; but it was a really fun day. Now of course, we're due to visit Sara and Brad and see some cool museums and zoos in KC. Not really celebrating Easter of course, because well, I'm me...but Nick and I are going to have dinner with my dad and stepmom and sister so that should be fun too. I would like to say that I am rather exhausted - I think we must have walked 4 or 5 miles yesterday Sara!


Bishniak said...

Felt more like 6 after the jaunt through the mall :)

Nelson-Atkins will be the same amount of footage, but at least it's all air conditioned.

Kathleen said...

Should be a bit slower too, provided we stop to have deep conversations about whatever we're looking at!

Anonymous said...

Good Grief....the last time I went to the zoo, we got rushed through it because EVERY other member of the family was in a hurry. Next time I will go alone, or at least only take my children, so that I can tell them to be quiet when they whine about how long it is taking, or MAKE them slow down and actually LOOK at the animals instead of eating so much sugary stuff and being rude to the ones who want to enjoy the walk. (it is NOT a marathon, contrary to popular belief!)