Thursday, May 18, 2006


Well, Nick and i spent one day in Iowa. We found an apartment - it takes cats..but, it is 100 feet less than ours, no balcony (it's groundlevel) and doesn't have a fireplace. Plus, it's about 140 dollars more. Good times. Anyway, we will be moving in 2 weeks - on June 1! I am nervous and excited. Also, I applied to a bunch of places for work, so keep your fingers crossed everybody...cause I really need a job. In other news, ummm...the DaVinci Code comes out tomorrow - Jacks, Nick and I are going to see it. I am hoping for wacky Christian protesters. YAY! I guess that's all. Judy - I'll probably see you in a month! You know, two weeks til we move, then a few weeks to get settled. Yay. Oh, and I need my hair cut hehehehe :-)


Anonymous said...

I'm hearing only bad things about the da vinci code movie, except for Ian McKellen's performance, of course, cause he's awesome. It makes me sad (the reviews, not Ian) because I liked the book. So if you see the movie, and it sucks, read the book cause it was much better. The prequel, Angels and Demons, was especially awesome.

Anonymous said...

There are already protesters coming out of the woodwork.....of course ANYTHING that remotely says anything negative about "the church" is going to cause waves. Why can't people think for themselves....nothing but brainwashing, I tell you. This coming from a former victim of that brainwashing....hehehe

Anonymous said...

Call for an appointment girly, lol. Did you get my other emails??? I could REALLY use an answer!

Nathan said...

I get the impression that the thing that irritates most reviewers is the excessive softening that the script went through.

Also, the Louvre uses lotion soap.

Also (part two), I'm going tomorrow as well. I'm pretty pumped. Paul Bettany is AWESOME.

Kathleen said...

Yay Felix. I hope the movie is good. I mean, I like Tom Hanks. I haven't heard anything bad about the movie. I'm just worried it won't stay true to the book and then sorta suck. And I haven't gotten any emails from you. Did you change your address? I will write you one today.