Monday, May 01, 2006

So, I have officially decided that I will have to have a new blog, because no one else does. So, um...I have a paper due on Wednesday that I have barely started, par for the course I suppose, because the topic is broad and I have to narrow it down and I just don't really care. Tomorrow morning I get to have breakfast with a man visiting the history department - he's a holocause survivor. It should be really fascinating, plus the breakfast is free. Oh, gosh, let's see...went to see the movie Stick It! with Nick and my sister Jackie - it was stupid and cute and he thinks he killed brain cells. The theatre was covered with preteens, so that was a lot of fun ...making fun of them. Remember being 13 girls? we were so stupid and yet had so much fun. :-) Well, that's all for now, I really just wanted to be able to say that I had blogged and no one else had. Heehehe


Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say
A) Good luck on your exams! I will totally knock on wood and throw salt over my shoulder to throw good vibes your way
B) I love pink! Pink is the greatest color's fun and girly and I couldn't live without it
And finally C) Dave Barry is quite possibly the funniest man alive...or the funniest man EVER. I just recently re-read his Guide to Guys and I totally laughed out loud nonstop. People kept looking but I didn't care because I felt so good!!!

Anonymous said...

OMgaw that was so long ago...let's see at thirteen I was a freshman so um yeah... Plus I just want to say you suck. First that movie CSA and now this speaker (free breakfast not withstandinb b/c that is good too). Requesting a review from that, k? As for being the first to post a blog update, in my defense Lily keeps me rather busy still.

Kathleen said...

Lol..Audrie, I don't think I have your blog address at all! And of course Lily keeps you busy...she's adorable, and besides needing mommy, well, she's fun! I am imagining here of course because all the babies I've dealt with have been fun...and then mom and dad took them home.

Anonymous said...

Yeah...its been on the way downlow as in only a handful of people even knew about it at all for various reasons but most of which are fading. Its a xanga, under A_m_mused. Well, I can't disagree I'm partial to her cuteness and entertaining value.

Bishniak said...

I posted a new blog. But no one reads mine so it's okay :)

and Nick was right, for him it probably did kill brain cells. And if the movie didn't the teenie bopper girls swarming the theater would have.