Wednesday, May 31, 2006


I know that it has been a long time since I last posted, but wow, moving is apparently more difficult than I thought. Our apartment is a mess...I am also taking my niece Alyssa with me, so she can meet up with her mom for the summer. She's a good traveler, so it should be kinda fun! So far, the biggest news is this: we bought a couch's really cool, and green, and I am extremely excited! I can't believe how much fun it is to share expenses, despite being poor, of course. I really dig the was so totally unlike my ex-husband to be that way, but that's another blog. Sara and Brad, congratulations again!!!! I will talk to all of you later, when life is less hectic and I will be in IOWA! Moving is still scary, even though I do have family close by. Maybe it's cause I will miss out on some stuff that normally I wouldn't, plus it's a new state..and I have to find a job and get settled. I am nervous! I will really miss the family I have here...and I think some of my nervousness stems from feelings that only my dad, sister, and stepmom really care that I'm leaving. I kinda get the feeling that Rick and Charlene have kinda written me off...but maybe that's cause we haven't really settled anything. I am really gonna miss my niece and nephews! Well, it's the last packing and loading day. Gotta go!


Anonymous said...

Moving is scary; I had my second anxiety dream the other night about moving to Iowa. I fear it will only get worse the closer it gets. I know next year will be fine, but it gets old moving and having to make new friends and find my way around. I've already done it twice; I'm ready to come home for good! Plus I'm sad b/c Dean will be so far away. I just have to keep telling myself it's only for a year...a person can survive anything for one year. Plus, I'm kind of excited about working in the hospital b/c I think I may like it, but I also worry 'cause what if I end up hating it!!! It's so unknown! Okay, enough ranting, I'll be fine, just had to release some anxiety:) And let you know that I know some of what you're feeling, Katie

Anonymous said...

Pixi (aka Judy) Sadly I am very computer illiterate and therefore do not have my own blog. Plus, lately I have been kind of time handicapped. So I just read everyone else's blog and occassionally say politically inflammatory comments to get all the freaky liberals riled up:)

Bishniak said...

I am not a liberal! but I am a freak.

Bishniak said...

The only thing I like about moving is when it's over. Just ask Sara about the move from the apartment to the house. Course, I tend to "not see the forest through the trees" and wanted everything magically packed and ready to go

Anonymous said...

Typical male, you probably think the laundry fairy just automatically cleans and folds your clothes and puts them in your drawers...Just like the moving fairy magically packs everything up neatly into boxes. Okay, I'm mostly kidding, but seriously, boys are kind of helpless when it comes to...anything...On the other hand, if they weren't so helpless then we girls wouldn't get the pleasure of being perfect and being able to not only do our crap but theirs as well.

Anonymous said...

Oh, yeah, and Katie...I just sent something to Sara that is about to blow your "favorite Aunt" application out of the water. I'm sorry I had to play so rough but all's fair in love and war and babies.

Bishniak said...


Before you claim I know nothing of laundry or packing.. I suggest you talk to the Missus.

That and insulting the Daddy doesn't help your chances with that coveted "Favorite Aunt" position. :)

Anonymous said...

Hmm, you make an interesting point, Brad, and I would just like to add that when I wrote my comment I was high on life (crack) and actually find you to be quite competent and wonderful...the kind of dad any favorite aunt would be happy to have around

Bishniak said...

not to shamelessly self-promote, but since I have no other way of contacting you, Kay, check my blog out today.

Katie, you'd better check it out too :)