So, I am comtemplating whether I want to join Planned Parenthood, Naral Pro-Choice, or both. Both are proponents of thorough sex education in schools, rather than just abstinence only. Both support a woman's right to choose or not, both give the facts about what to do if you don't want an abortion and how they can help. I guess it will just come down to something insanely mundane, like who requires more membership fees or or is more politically active. I will update later with my decision.
This post made me want to cry. I am so totally pro-life. I, personally, joined Feminists For Life, and you should check it out.
Out of curiousity... why are you contemplating joining either? Even though you believe in a woman's right to choose and even if you want to advocate that cause... there must be other ways to support women making this difficult choice other than paying for the abortions yourself which is what putting money into NARAL or PP would do. Putting money into these groups isn't too many steps away from working for or being Dr. Tiller yourself.
Why not support a group that helps unwed mothers or poor mothers or the poor in general?
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