So I'm reading the Chicken Soup for the Romantic's Soul. And it got me to wondering what are some of the romantic/sweet things that your partner has done for you? I'm collecting them for my own amusement, so provided you don't mind sharing, Share, share and then I can publish a book and make millions. Well, maybe it will just make me smile on days like I had yesterday. For example, Saturday, after I got off work, I got home to find out that Nick had ordered me my favorite pizza because he thought "I needed pizza." That's just one example of a little thing, but I would love to hear more about some of yours. So, share, share, share!
Seriously? Nobody?
well, im not really romantic. On valentine's day I stuck a little toy in brad's lunch box so he'd find it when he woke up.
all I can say is look whom I'm married to. romance went out the window long ago unfortunately.
Sorry, I've been busy. Dean and I aren't really romantic people. He does sweet things randomly for me all the time, I guess I just don't look at them as "romantic," even though they could be considered as such. He does a lot of private things for me like the way he ends phone conversations or how he snuggles up to me.
Yikes. I'm not talking bringing you a dozen roses just because the sky is blue here, just little things. For example, Nick almost always takes the trash out. This is because I had a traumatic experience taking out the trash one day. So now he takes out the trash.
I could name about a zillion sweet romantic things that my previous boyfriends did for me while dating... but my husband? well... not so much. :)
But I still love him. (And he does housework and stuff so that's got to count for something.)
well, brad gets up with Nora in the mornings on the weekends so I can sleep in because I am NOT a morning person. Even if he stays up late playing his game. because he's awesome.
My mom and I were talking the other day and she told me an ahhh which made me think of your current post...anyhow, my dad gets off work around lunch on fridays now so most weeks he and my mom go out to lunch together. That itself is nice to me but this week while at lunch my mom said she'd mentioned how much she'd been craving chocolate that day. Then when she got home from work sitting on the table was a big bag of M&Ms.
That is exactly what I am talking about!! I read somewhere that it's the little things we take for granted and don't even notice missing until they're totally gone.
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