Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy Inauguration Day!

So, what did everybody think about the inauguration? Did anybody else cry a bit? It's turning out to be a very exciting year. My classes are going to be more involved; my ten-year high school reunion is happening in September; my oldest best friend is getting married in October; my cousin is having twins; and a new president! Yep, all in all a very busy, exciting, happening year. I'm slightly amazed by it all, in fact. And very inspired. And slightly uneasy - because, frankly, I haven't really accomplished anything even close to exciting or amazing for awhile. So I guess this means that inspiration is a good thing to feel right now - hopefully, I can harness it.

Happy Inauguration Day!


Mimi said...

I did not cry during the inauguration, but can I say that I think the Obamas are the most adorable family ever. The Bidens aren't so bad either. And you know, on some level I think I think I knew that 2008 was going to suck right from the beginning, and it pretty much did. But I too already feel like this year is going to be better. Oh and ten year reunions are so much fun.

Kathleen said...

I'm so glad Hitler is dead! But yeah, I liked that part too - I think too often people want everyone to be the same: I usually find this in religious people but it's probably a universal thing - differences scare us. It's good to think about a president who will go out of his way to use the diversity in this country and be bi-partisan (to use political speak). At least so far