Wednesday, September 07, 2011

It IS September, and OHMYGOD I Didn't Post

Welcome to the second week of September. I really wanted to post, I did. But I forgot and then got lazy. Will you forgive me?

So here's something fun that I obsess over every. single. day. Pregnancy math. By calendar months (4 weeks each month) I am 2 weeks away from being 6 months pregnant. BUT, each month is actually measured differently, so technically I'm 5 months pregnant - or rather, I'm IN my fifth month.

Then, I get to the fun 17 weeks, I will be finished. In 14 weeks, I will be considered full-term. In 5 weeks, there is a 9 out of 10 chance that if I went into labor, the baby could survive albeit with tons of medical intervention. If I do this in months - ie. 4 months, 3 1/2 months - it sounds a lot longer until I'm all full-term and stuff. That must be why people measure pregnancy in weeks.

I also obsess over what to take to the hospital. What I will eat when I actually deliver the girl. What people will think about whatever name we choose. When will I actually go into labor? All of this, every day, and I'm only what? halfway through the second trimester. Oh, deity help me!

This past weekend I actually had off because it was Labor Day weekend. Oh unions, how I love you. N. and I went to Lawrence on Sunday and had cheeseburgers and really yummy fries and extremely yummy root beer. Preferred the cheeseburger I get at Free State and the fries I got at this place (the name escapes me). But oh, yum, the root beer....*drool*...

We went to the zoo on Monday. The temperature was perfect. Thank goodness for fall temperatures. I can actually sleep more comfortably. I can walk again, thus, hopefully, preventing me from turning into an actual cow instead of just preparing to be milked (HA!) And now, I am at work. Clearly, I am working hard - I hope you readers are grateful for my boredom and love of you that I am blogging instead of say, shelving.

And there - my first, and hopefully not only, September post.

1 comment:

KU Mommy said...

Awesome :)