Thursday, September 22, 2011

Waning Days of Summer

And let's all just thank nature and/or whatever deity you believe in for the end of all that heat!! Crap it was hot this summer. Things so far are rather good, thank you for asking. I just went to the doctor today for a four-week prenatal exam. I'm already at 25 weeks. Remember when I was complaining about how slow things were going? Yeah, I think that came back to bite me in the butt. Not that I'm complaining now. Anyway, everything looks good. I've gained 7 1/2 lbs. in the four weeks since my last appointment, so clearly MCO is getting fed. N. says that it must all be belly, because from behind I don't look pregnant. He might just be saying that so I don't cry, but I don't think so. Anyway, everything looks good. Next visit is in 3 1/2 weeks and that's when I get my yummy (or disgusting) glucose screening, along with my regular check-up.

It's also when we have our fourth ultrasound. In this case, it's not just us checking for abnormalities - the doctor wants to check to see if my placenta has moved: in the mid-semester ultrasound, we found out it was in front (or anterior) and low-lying. We're hoping it will have moved up, since I really don't want to have a C-section. Like, really, really, don't want a C-section! But I'm trying not to worry about that.

I am doing more at work (and wish I had my own desk - Ha!) and that's really fun. So far, I've come up with two programs - one for parents and one for kids, that are both inexpensive and not too draining. I have to start planning the story times for next year, especially the ones that will happen when I'm on maternity leave. This week, we're focusing on Banned Books week. Then I'll work on Halloween displays and such. I'm also going to be collaborating with a school librarian and going on school visits to let kids know what resources we have at the public library.

Basically, things are pretty awesome right now.

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