Sunday, February 03, 2008

A Rebuttal

Alright. So I promised to address WHY I think The Silent Scream is propaganda. When I first saw the film, back before I'd actually thought through the issue of abortion and just went along with the crowd I had always hung out with, and called myself anti-abortion, I was just as horrified as the makers wanted me to be. I, in fact, had to re-watch the film and find out the facts before my whole thinking the issue over was done.
That being said, once I stepped back, I could tell that it was made to 1) Hit that sensitive, emotional chord in all of us, and that made me suspicious, because I know that if all you have is emotion than there might not be anything to back it up. and 2) that led me to finding out the scientific facts about the film - I figured if they backed up the emotion than I was in for more deep thoughts.
But the scientific facts DIDN'T back up the emotion. An abortion is always sad to me; but it's because of the loss of potential and because I feel bad about some of the situations women find themselves in. I get that people don't agree.
So, I looked up what the experts said. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, teaching faculty from hospitals, etc. I tend to believe experts, they know what they're talking about.
So I looked stuff up: about 12-week old fetuses (actually, the fetus in the video was 11-weeks, but we'll just go with a week further in development, as that's what the scientists/doctors did)
The video claims:
1) The 12-week fetus experiences pain.
Facts: At that stage of pregnancy, the brain and nervous system are in the earliest stage of development. The beginnings of the brain stem, which includes a rudimentary thalamus and spinal cord, is being formed. Most brain cells aren't developed. WITHOUT A CEREBRAL CORTEX, PAIN IMPULSES CANNOT BE RECEIVED OR PERCEIVED.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists made a statement on pain of the fetus: "We know of no legitimate scientific information that supports the statement that a fetus experiences pain early in pregnancy. We do know that the cerebellum attains its final configuration in the seventh month and that mylenization (covering) of the spinal cord and the brain begins between the 20th and 40th weeks of pregnancy. These, as well as other neurological developments, would have to be in place for the fetus to receive pain. To feel pain, a fetus needs neurotransmitted hormones. In animals, these complex chemicals develop in the last third of gestation.
2) The 12-week fetus makes purposeful movements(e.g., agitated movement in an attempt to avoid suction cannula)
Facts: At this stage of prenancy, ALL FETAL MOVEMENT IS REFLEXIVE IN NATURE rather than purposeful, since the latter requires cognition, you can't perceive and know without a cortex - or a covered spinal cord and attached nerves. The same type of response ("frantic activity") would occur with any external stimulus. IN ADDITION, EXPERTS IN ULTRASONOGRAPHY AND FILM TECHNOLOGY HAVE CONCLUDED THAT THE VIDEOTAPE OF THE ABORTION WAS DELIBERATELY SLOWED DOWN AND SUBSEQUENTLY SPEEDED UP TO CREATE AN IMPRESSION OF HYPERACTIVITY. -I would like to add that THIS really made me feel that the video was propoganda!
3) The ultrasonogram depicts the open mouth of the fetus.
Facts: The mouth of the fetus cannot be identified in the ultrasound image with certainty. It COULD be the mouth though, I'll give them that. BUT
4) The fetus emits the "silent scream."
Facts: A SCREAM CANNOT OCCUR WITHOUT AIR IN THE LUNGS. Although primitive respiratory movements do occur in the later stages of gestation, crying, or screaming cannot occur even then. In fact, a child born prematurely at 26-27 weeks' gestation (24-25 weeks fetal age) cannot scream but occasionally emits weak cries. No scream- no film.
5) A fetus is indistinguishable from any of the rest of us.
Facts: A fetus at 12 weeks cannot in any way be compared to a fully formed functioning person. At this stage only rudiments of the organ systems are present. The fetus is unable to sustain life outside the woman's womb, it is incapable of conscious thought; it is incapable of essential breathing. It is instead an in utero fetus with the potential of becoming a child.
6. Fetal head at 12 weeks requires the use of "crushing instruments" for extraction.
Facts: At 12 weeks gestation (10 weeks fetal age) and eve 1-2 weeks beyond, instrumentation other than a suction cannula is not required when abortion is properly performed.
- "Brain waves have existed for six weeks" in the fetus displayed on the screen.
*Experts say that there are some electrical impulses recorded as early as 10 weeks gestation, but GENUINE BRAIN WAVES DO NOT OCCUR UNTIL THE THIRD TRIMESTER.
- "Fetal heart rate rose from 140 to 200, which is abnormally high and reflective of fetal response to "imminent mortal danger."
*Experts say that the heart rate of the fetus portrayed in the film didn't rise significantly, BUT, A fetal heart rate of 200 is within the normal range (180-200 beats per minute) for this stage. It is also unlikely (though not impossible) that the fetus even HAD a heart rate of 140 that rose to 200 because a rate of 140 is generally noted in the latter half of the pregnancy.
- The large, well,developed fetal model intermittently picked up and displayed during the narrative of the porcedure is representative of a 12-week fetus.
* Experts say that the fetal model displayed during the abortion procedure is MUCH LARGER than a fetus of a 12-weeks gestation model visualized by ultrasonography. The model compared in size to a fetus of 18 weeks gestation.
- "Many women who have an abortion suffer severe and lasting psychological damage.
* Experts say that serious emotional problems following abortion are uncommon. (Though that doesn't mean impossible either) Most women report a sense of relief, although some may experience temporary depression. Serious psychological disturbances after abortion occur less frequently than after childbirth (postpartum depression anyone?)
This is getting long, so I'll skip the stuff about the number of illegal abortions, the crime syndicate stuff, etc. If you want me to address them, I will. Just ask and I'll add it to my comments page.

Questions and Other Problems
Q: Does a first-trimester abortion take so long to perform - it seemed to go on for a very extended period of time?
A: no, an uncomplicated first-trimester abortion usually takes less than ten minutes to perform

Q: Is it appropriate to refer to a fetus as unborn child, with the same rights as other human beings?
A: No. Constitutionally, a fetus has no rights of personhood. most legal precedent in English law attributes personhood with a live birth.

Q: What about the woman who needs an abortion? She is conspicuously absent from the film.
A: The film ignored the plight of the woman seeking abortion and tries to shift focus to the fetus. Women WANT abortions - even before Roe v. Wade, why? (that's just my own little aside - are all women really morally defunct as the anti-abortion people apparently think, throughout all these centuries, when it was legal, and then illegal. Legality makes no difference except in deaths of women's lives.

Q: What about the dead fetuses in the disposal containers?
A. Most of these fetuses are so large and in such a state of deterioration that THEY ARE ACTUALLY STILLBORNS rather than aborted fetuses. It is possible that some were the result of late-term abortions but it would be rare - late-term abortions constitute less than 1 percent of all abortions and are the result of fetal abnormalities that can only be diagnosed later in pregnancy or other extreme hardship cases (why don't anti-abortion people acknowledge the small number of these. Do they not understand the law they're trying to abolish or what?)

So, I've answered why I think the Silent Scream is pure propaganda. I realize that people will read this and just snort in disbelief and derision, but I thought it through, I went to people I believed would know (medical experts) and found answers to MY questions. That doesn't mean I expect anti-abortion people to agree, just that I have the right to my opinion, obviously.
Also, I know the film was made by an anti-abortion doctor. I think that skews his credibility and also - why would someone SO anti-abortion actually FILM an abortion HE WAS PERFORMING? That seems to be rather hypocritical since he believes that abortion is murdering an unborn person, but I guess he also believes that the ends (showing propaganda to hurt women in my opinion) justifies the means (performing a procedure he says is a murder). Just a thought.


Sara Bishop said...

I cant imagine anyone NOT thinking the silent scream is propaganda. Granted, I think people should really know what an abortion entails, but that doesnt make it any less propaganda. And not all propaganda is wrong, if it was we would hardly know anything about anything. :-)

And there are LOTS of instances of women feeling emotional and physical pain after abortions. Many websites support this. Some are:

If pro-choice people were really interested in helping women, they would be helping them to have other choices. They would also be incredibly interested in making sure all abortions are performed safely and sanitarily, which they arent, but anytime someone tries to regulate it, as all medical procedures should be, they are shouted down as anti-women or whatever. We shouldnt ever have to hear about women dying due to an abortion, but it happens all the time. It seems to me that if Roe V Wade was created to help women not die in back alley abortions, they shouldnt be dying in the so called "safe" legal abortions.

Sara Bishop said...

some medical research on post-abortive women.

Kathleen said...

I think I've mentioned this before, but pro-choice people ARE interested in helping women have ALL choices. And there are lots of instances of women feeling emotional and physical pain after an abortion, I don't think I disputed that. It's just LESS common than after a delivery. It doesn't make it less important, and there are counselors that help women after abortions. But you don't stop giving birth because you MIGHT get post-partum depression, so stopping abortions because SOME women have pain after an abortion doesn't really translate. And I think abortion is one of the most regulated forms of any surgical procedure - but I don't know what kind of regulation you're talking about; I'm thinking of all the laws states have about abortions - when to have them, how they can have them, who can have them. As for medically, i think pro-choice groups and clinics DO want all abortions performed safely and sanitarily.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it is realistic to expect no one ever will die from an abortion, as sad as that may be. It is still a medical procedure, and therefore is prone to somewhat of a risk factor. Women sometimes die in childbirth too, but no one (at least no one with any sense) is suggesting women stop having babies.

However a woman who is considering abortion SHOULD have every available information on alternatives to abortion and the risk factors involved, as well as counseling. Any clinic that does not offer this is wrong, in my opinion.

I am curious who it is exactly that is saying abortion should not be regulated, as I rather thought that was the point of legalizing it.

Sara Bishop said...

The problem is that when people suggest that any clinic have more inspections or whatever they are automatically labeled as anti-choice anti women and not as wanting to make sure that the place is clean or even being run by a medical professional. I've read a few too many sad tales of non-medical professionals helping in procedures that should only be done by doctors and assisted by nurses. Or of fetal parts being put down the garbage disposal instead of properly disposed of. But that's the part the pro-choice lobby doesnt want you to hear.

OH, and I went to both the Planned Parenthood and NARAL websites and couldnt find anything on post-abortion counseling.

Kathleen said...

I am not sure about the sites having information on post abortion counseling; I was referring to reading materials about it; articles from nurses and doctors and books and such. I'll try to pull them off my shelves and get you authors and titles.

Kathleen said...

Okay. I just visited the Planned Parenthood site. Under the information on Risks and Side effects of abortions there is a whole section on emotional after effects where they tell you that if you need to see a counselor there are some available or they can refer you. I don't think they're pushing abortions in this section here -they're being honest. If you go to a pro-life/anti-abortion site, do you think they'll ever tell you that the majority of women who have an abortion feel RELIEF not trauma. Of course not!

Kathleen said...

Kathleen said...

Oh, and I'm not surprised about you not finding information on the medical aspects of abortions on the NARAL site. It's a political and legal site that supports choice and voting for pro-choice candidates, etc.

Kathleen said...

ALSO in the Planned Parenthood site under the health issues section you'll find several links that include not only abortion and contraception but prenatal care, adoption, and other women's health issues. I saw this right away from my link on this blog.

Anonymous said...

I was just going to say that I saw all of that on Planned Parenthood's website as well.

And I would really like more information on who specifically is against clinics being inspected to make sure they are safe. I am not doubting that there is someone that thinks this way, there are extremists on both sides of the issue, who I think do more harm than good for their cause.

Sara Bishop said...

well, i'll have to look more into it. My computer died a few months ago, so I lost all my links that prove my points. So I just sound like a big fat weirdo.

And I did see those things on PP's site. So I'm not saying that all pro-choice people are baby hating monsters. I totally hope I didnt come off that way.

KU Mommy said...

Okay... though I'm pretty much over these debates, I did want to say that this "anti-abortion" doctor you talk about wasn't anti-abortion UNTIL he saw the video. He had been doing abortions for a long time. And the doctor who present the film is NOT the same doctor who performed the abortion. Just wanted to correct that mistake.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Kristi!!! I'm doing a research paper on abortion, and I've concluded the obvious--nothing concerning abortion is one-sided. Not the Silent Scream, not your post, Kathleen, not anything.

Kathleen, you have to know that so little is known about fetal pain that your "facts" are no more than theories. Other, just as credible, theories say that an unborn baby can feel pain as early as eight weeks.

I'd also like to respond to your "a fetus can't scream" argument. They just said the baby opened her mouth AS THOUGH she was screaming, not that she actually made sound, hence the SILENT part!

Goodness, I could go on for days, but i'm going to stop.