Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Everyday Heroes


KU Mommy said...
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KU Mommy said...

It is interesting to see the Pro-choice propaganda that is put out there. Honestly, I've not seen a video like those before.

It automatically made me think of some of the videos I've seen that have helped shaped my pro-life stance.

If you're up to it (and I only reccommend it if you think you're strong enough to understand abortion for what it is), you can see oneof those vides at this website:

Part 3 of the high speed version is the most heart-wrenching part of the video.

Kathleen said...

I've seen silent scream. I thought of it much the same that you thought of the videos I put out - that it's pure propoganda. But still, I hate thinking of women who aren't getting their prescriptions.

KU Mommy said...

Good point, Katie... I'm sure the baby who gets killed in "Silent Scream" was just doing it for propaganda as well.

Sara Bishop said...

I agree with Katie that it is not the pharmacist's job to regulate what prescriptions doctors give out. However, I hate that all crisis pregnancy centers are painted as horrible when they arent. It also seems to me that the pro-life movement is the only one that is willing to show what the actions caused by the pro-choice movement are. They're the ones who deal with the fallout when women regret their abortions that were provided for them by the people who claim to be helping them. Real help would be helping them get out of the situation that makes them feel they need to get rid of their baby. Help them get away from the abusive boyfriend, or help them find a job or affordable maternity clothes. There are more choices than just abortion which it seems that the pro-choice movement has forgotten.

Sara Bishop said...

also, an interesting blog for you to peruse, Katie, might be:

Kathleen said...

I will try to look at that site. And to me, the prochoice movement DOES try to help women - but maybe not as vociferously as it could. I do know that when I go to the Planned Parenthood clinic here, there is tons of literature about resources for pregnant moms, abortion, adoption, Medicare, where to go for help if they don't have it (ie women's shelters, etc.) And my doctor also mentioned something in passing about how if a woman comes in and she's being abused they sort of slyly let her know that they know places that are safe for her to go. I didn't come right out and ask cause I don't need them...but maybe it's not advertised as much about these things. Basically, when it comes down to the basics, the people who are pro-choice (I'm not saying anti-abortion people aren't here!) let the women decide and abortion is one more option. That's just how we look at it - that it's an option and it may be the best one for some women. To anti-abortion people, they don't understand this option cause to them it's wrong. To us, anti-abortion people aren't helping women AS much as us, because they say adoption or motherhood, that's it. They draw a line. And the video on the pharmacist just pisses me off!!! I understand about religious beliefs, but if they interfere with your job then you need to find another job. I think it's crap that they use their religion to judge women and say, oh well, I approve your reason so it's ok and I'll fill your prescription. That's NOT their job! I sympathize to a point, but ONLY to a point and women need to get their prescriptions. And I agree as well, that a few hopefully a few, crisis pregnancy clinics are giving others a bad name. Some of it has to do with the advertising they do - just say you don't provide abortion services, how hard is that? Why lie through omission? And I have a rebuttal to that whole propoganda thing but I'm exhausted so I'm going to put it up on Monday.

Sara Bishop said...

hee. I guess if you're tired..... :-)

yeah, i know i might not agree with plan b and whatnot but I definately dont think the pharmacist has the right to decide that.

I wish I could find the article, but I remember sometime in the last couple of years a pro-life group put up a billboard, I want to say in LA, showing the development of a baby at a certain stage, probably 6-8 weeks gestation. PP wanted it taken down because they were getting too many calls from women angry that they had been told their baby was only a "blob of cells" or whatever at that stage and they felt they'd been lied to. It's stuff like that that really bugs me. But that's just me. And it also really bugs me that I cant find the article, so that for all you know I just made that story up. :-) I blame Nora, she's turned my brain to mush.

Kathleen said...

I don't think you'd lie to me. You're one of the few people I feel able to discuss this subject with rationally, because I respect your reasons and you respect mine. We don't agree of course, but we're able to not be emotional, or something. Also, I'm not saying that abortion is a great thing, and I'm sure there are pro-choice people who DO lie, or make it seem as though we're uncaring. Just like with those crisis pregnancy centers- a few give all a bad name.

Jennifer said...

Question? Do planned parenthoods promote the "baby safe haven" law? That is one good thing they could do to save babies lives and help out young teen mothers.

Kathleen said...

I don't really know. I know that there was a campaign for it here in Iowa that I'm pretty sure got passed. I'll have to look.