Thursday, July 19, 2007

I Feel Like Wonder Woman

Ok. So today I ran four miles. FOUR MILES! That's huge for me. I am so excited. I feel awesome. And I've taken up swimming laps to give my legs a break and apparently it's working cause I ran FOUR F***ing Miles!!!!!!! Had to share.


Anonymous said...

That really is pretty impressive. I always just go work out for 1/2 an hour, regardless of how much or how little I do during that time. I don't think there's any way I could go run four miles right now:)

Kathleen said...

You probably could, you were always a lot better at me at distance; probably had something to do with your mind powers :-) Oh, and just so you know, Nick and I found an awesome Asian/Sushi restaurant downtown. Very funky and chic and popular (we haven't tried it yet, we're waiting for you.

Anonymous said...

I always thought we were about the same in running/distance. Plus, working out on the eliptical is way different from just going out and running. Nonetheless, exercise is good regardless of its form:) I'm super excited to try new sushi place. You know how substance abusers dream about drinking and getting high after they've quit. Well, that's like me with sushi except I don't actually dream about it and it's not addictive and I can quit anytime!!!

Kathleen said...


Anonymous said...

Okay, so I get off work at 4:30 on the 10th, so I should be at your house around 7:30. That'll be good because it'll still be daylight out and I may be able to find you:) Should we eat cookie dough and watch old 70's horror movies? So I married an Axe Murderer was on the other day. "Harriet, sweet harriet, so knowing, so caring, so love...ed:)" It kills me. maybe we should make Nick watch Out on a Limb again since he enjoyed it so much the first time:) I can't wait!

Kathleen said...

Okay, so...Nick actually hasn't seen Out on a Limb yet, cause we don't have a VCR. I am still waiting to talk him into getting one of those dvd/vcr players. I am so excited and YES we should watch old 70s horror movies - Nick hates horror movies so he'll probably watch one as we laugh and then leave us alone to gossip. Should I MAKE cookie dough (I actually keep all the ingredients on hand, in case of emergency) or should I buy some? Maybe I can convince him to buy a vcr for next weekend....then we can watch Out on a Limb. OR we can go see any movies that we may want to see and that are out (obviously). 7:30 is still light out and we're really easy to find, even for you. :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm getting way better with directions that I ever used to be. In fact, sometimes I impress myself with my ability to figure out which way I'm going. I still have trouble with N/S/E/W. Anyway, you should totally make cookie dough as long as there's no raw eggs. If not then we can just buy, along with a shrimp platter because it's just not a girls' night out without a shrimp platter. (although we should get a really really small one because last time made me want to puke. Damn, I didn't know you didn't have a VCR. I'll remember than in case I buy you more movies:)

Kathleen said...

Isn't all cookie dough made with raw eggs? What else would you use, scrambled eggs? And Out on a Limb isn't available on DVD, cause I have looked everywhere, even before you got it for me, because I have been dying for Nick to see it. And N/S/E/W ARE the directions. What directions are you following?! :-)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but when you buy cookie dough it's all frozen and safe (at least it is in my head). Whereas if you make it then all of the salmonella germs are just floating around waiting to attack your intestine. I couldn't find Out on a Limb on DVD either which is why I bought it on VHS for you. Damn, DVDs. Why does technology have to continuously change. And now there are these new DVDs which apparently are better somehow although I have yet to figure out how. And by directions, I meant, like turn left, etc, rather than turn's just simpler. But that is why God invented Mapquest. So that people like me could figure out how to get places. It's the greatest invention ever!