Saturday, November 06, 2010
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
Well, we've moved back to KS, as N. got a job at WSU. Yay him!
N. and I have sort of settled in now: he's started his job, I've started school, so I can finish my second master's degree...we've been here about a month and so far, so good.
I'm still hoping to find a library job, but I might have to start school again and get my teaching license. I am thinking of being a substitute teacher while I do that, to get some experience, learn my way around the different schools, meet people, etc. But right now I'm focusing on school and re-learning Wichita. The traffic really sucks here, and I kind of despise having to drive everywhere...but I do really love being close to my family and my friends - I even got to have a sort of impromptu dinner with Kay which was great! I now have someone to call and hang out with, which is so wonderful!
A Regan family reunion is being planned for next July which is immensely exciting, and too far away - and my sister might even be getting married there so that my grandma can be there, since she doesn't travel much anymore. Anyway, life is sort of boring for now, and we're settling in, as are the kitties (poor things!). Just a quick update, cause I got tired of looking at my old blog post.
N. and I have sort of settled in now: he's started his job, I've started school, so I can finish my second master's degree...we've been here about a month and so far, so good.
I'm still hoping to find a library job, but I might have to start school again and get my teaching license. I am thinking of being a substitute teacher while I do that, to get some experience, learn my way around the different schools, meet people, etc. But right now I'm focusing on school and re-learning Wichita. The traffic really sucks here, and I kind of despise having to drive everywhere...but I do really love being close to my family and my friends - I even got to have a sort of impromptu dinner with Kay which was great! I now have someone to call and hang out with, which is so wonderful!
A Regan family reunion is being planned for next July which is immensely exciting, and too far away - and my sister might even be getting married there so that my grandma can be there, since she doesn't travel much anymore. Anyway, life is sort of boring for now, and we're settling in, as are the kitties (poor things!). Just a quick update, cause I got tired of looking at my old blog post.
Monday, August 02, 2010
Stuff I'm Reading/Browsing
Books I'm Reading (Yes, all at the same time...geez!)
Don't Think of An Elephant: George Lakoff
Every rendition of Stone Soup I can find (for the storytime I'm doing)
The Little Lady Agency: Hester Brown (I just love British humorous chick-lit books!)
Parenting Beyond Belief: Dale McGowan
Why You Can Disagree and Still Be a Faithful Catholic: Philip Kaufman (since I don't buy the whole - you can't be a good Catholic if you *insert your chosen position* crap)
And I've re-read this article from Sam Harris about a dozen times:
Bringing the Vatican to Justice
I confess that, as a critic of religion, I have paid too little attention to the sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic Church. Frankly, it always felt unsportsmanlike to shoot so large and languorous a fish in so tiny a barrel. This scandal was one of the most spectacular "own goals" in the history of religion, and there seemed to be no need to deride faith at its most vulnerable and self-abased. Even in retrospect, it is easy to understand the impulse to avert one's eyes: Just imagine a pious mother and father sending their beloved child to the Church of a Thousand Hands for spiritual instruction, only to have him raped and terrified into silence by threats of hell. And then imagine this occurring to tens of thousands of children in our own time -- and to children beyond reckoning for over a thousand years. The spectacle of faith so utterly misplaced, and so fully betrayed, is simply too depressing to think about.
But there was always more to this phenomenon that should have compelled my attention. Consider the ludicrous ideology that made it possible: The Catholic Church has spent two millennia demonizing human sexuality to a degree unmatched by any other institution, declaring the most basic, healthy, mature, and consensual behaviors taboo. Indeed, this organization still opposes the use of contraception, preferring, instead, that the poorest people on earth be blessed with the largest families and the shortest lives. As a consequence of this hallowed and incorrigible stupidity, the Church has condemned generations of decent people to shame and hypocrisy -- or to Neolithic fecundity, poverty, and death by AIDS. Add to this inhumanity the artifice of cloistered celibacy, and you now have an institution -- one of the wealthiest on earth -- that preferentially attracts pederasts, pedophiles, and sexual sadists into its ranks, promotes them to positions of authority, and grants them privileged access to children. Finally, consider that vast numbers of children will be born out of wedlock, and their unwed mothers vilified, wherever Church teaching holds sway -- leading boys and girls by the thousands to be abandoned to Church-run orphanages only to be raped and terrorized by the clergy. Here, in this ghoulish machinery set to whirling through the ages by the opposing winds of shame and sadism, we mortals can finally glimpse how strangely perfect are the ways of the Lord.
In 2009, The Irish Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse (CICA) investigated such of these events as occurred on Irish soil. Their report runs to 2,600 pages. Having read only an oppressive fraction of this document, I can say that when thinking about the ecclesiastical abuse of children, it is best not to imagine shades of ancient Athens and the blandishments of a "love that dare not speak its name." Yes, there have surely been polite pederasts in the priesthood, expressing anguished affection for boys who would turn 18 the next morning. But behind these indiscretions there is a continuum of abuse that terminates in utter evil. The scandal in the Catholic Church -- one might now safely say the scandal that is the Catholic Church -- includes the systematic rape and torture of orphaned and disabled children. Its victims attest to being whipped with belts and sodomized until bloody -- sometimes by multiple attackers -- and then whipped again and threatened with death and hell fire if they breathed a word about their abuse. And yes, many of the children who were desperate or courageous enough to report these crimes were accused of lying and returned to their tormentors to be raped and tortured again.
The evidence suggests that the misery of these children was facilitated and concealed by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church at every level, up to and including the prefrontal cortex of the current Pope. In his former capacity as Cardinal Ratzinger, Pope Benedict personally oversaw the Vatican's response to reports of sexual abuse in the Church. What did this wise and compassionate man do upon learning that his employees were raping children by the thousands? Did he immediately alert the police and ensure that the victims would be protected from further torments? One still dares to imagine such an effulgence of basic human sanity might have been possible, even within the Church. On the contrary, repeated and increasingly desperate complaints of abuse were set aside, witnesses were pressured into silence, bishops were praised for their defiance of secular authority, and offending priests were relocated only to destroy fresh lives in unsuspecting parishes. It is no exaggeration to say that for decades (if not centuries) the Vatican has met the formal definition of a criminal organization, devoted not to gambling, prostitution, drugs, or any other venial sin, but to the sexual enslavement of children.
Consider the following passages from the CICA report:
7.129 In relation to one School, four witnesses gave detailed accounts of sexual abuse, including rape in all instances, by two or more Brothers and on one occasion along with an older resident. A witness from the second School, from which there were several reports, described being raped by three Brothers: 'I was brought to the infirmary...they held me over the bed, they were animals....They penetrated me, I was bleeding'. Another witness reported he was abused twice weekly on particular days by two Brothers in the toilets off the dormitory:
One Brother kept watch while the other abused me ...(sexually)... then they changed over. Every time it ended with a severe beating. When I told the priest in Confession, he called me a liar. I never spoke about it again.
I would have to go into his ...(Br X's)... room every time he wanted. You'd get a hiding if you didn't, and he'd make me do it ...(masturbate)... to him. One night I didn't ...(masturbate him)... and there was another Brother there who held me down and they hit me with a hurley and they burst my fingers ...displayed scar....
7.232 Witnesses reported being particularly fearful at night as they listened to residents screaming in cloakrooms, dormitories or in a staff member's bedroom while they were being abused. Witnesses were conscious that co-residents whom they described as orphans had a particularly difficult time:
The orphan children, they had it bad. I knew ...(who they were)... by the size of them, I'd ask them and they'd say they come from ...named institution.... They were there from an early age. You'd hear the screams from the room where Br ...X... would be abusing them.
There was one night, I wasn't long there and I seen one of the Brothers on the bed with one of the young boys ... and I heard the young lad screaming crying and Br ...X... said to me "if you don't mind your own business you'll get the same". ... I heard kids screaming and you know they are getting abused and that's a nightmare in anybody's mind. You are going to try and break out. ... So there was no way I was going to let that happen to me.... I remember one boy and he was bleeding from the back passage and I made up my mind, there was no way it ...(anal rape)... was going to happen to me. ... That used to play on my mind.
This is the kind of abuse that the Church has practiced and concealed since time out of memory. Even the CICA report declined to name the offending priests due to pressure from the Vatican. The cover-up of these atrocities continues.
I have been awakened from my unconscionable slumber on this issue by recent press reports (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6) and especially by the eloquence of my colleagues Christopher Hitchens (1, 2, 3, 4, & 5) and Richard Dawkins (1 & 2). Both have begun a public effort to make the Pope accountable for the Church's complicity in these crimes. Here, I would like to announce that Project Reason, the foundation that my wife and I started to spread scientific thinking and secular values, has joined Hitchens and Dawkins (both of whom sit on our advisory board) in an effort to end the "diplomatic immunity" which the Vatican claims protects the Pope from any responsibility. We would greatly appreciate your support in this cause. All donations are tax-deductible in the United States.
Books I'm Reading (Yes, all at the same time...geez!)
Don't Think of An Elephant: George Lakoff
Every rendition of Stone Soup I can find (for the storytime I'm doing)
The Little Lady Agency: Hester Brown (I just love British humorous chick-lit books!)
Parenting Beyond Belief: Dale McGowan
Why You Can Disagree and Still Be a Faithful Catholic: Philip Kaufman (since I don't buy the whole - you can't be a good Catholic if you *insert your chosen position* crap)
And I've re-read this article from Sam Harris about a dozen times:
Bringing the Vatican to Justice
I confess that, as a critic of religion, I have paid too little attention to the sexual abuse scandal in the Catholic Church. Frankly, it always felt unsportsmanlike to shoot so large and languorous a fish in so tiny a barrel. This scandal was one of the most spectacular "own goals" in the history of religion, and there seemed to be no need to deride faith at its most vulnerable and self-abased. Even in retrospect, it is easy to understand the impulse to avert one's eyes: Just imagine a pious mother and father sending their beloved child to the Church of a Thousand Hands for spiritual instruction, only to have him raped and terrified into silence by threats of hell. And then imagine this occurring to tens of thousands of children in our own time -- and to children beyond reckoning for over a thousand years. The spectacle of faith so utterly misplaced, and so fully betrayed, is simply too depressing to think about.
But there was always more to this phenomenon that should have compelled my attention. Consider the ludicrous ideology that made it possible: The Catholic Church has spent two millennia demonizing human sexuality to a degree unmatched by any other institution, declaring the most basic, healthy, mature, and consensual behaviors taboo. Indeed, this organization still opposes the use of contraception, preferring, instead, that the poorest people on earth be blessed with the largest families and the shortest lives. As a consequence of this hallowed and incorrigible stupidity, the Church has condemned generations of decent people to shame and hypocrisy -- or to Neolithic fecundity, poverty, and death by AIDS. Add to this inhumanity the artifice of cloistered celibacy, and you now have an institution -- one of the wealthiest on earth -- that preferentially attracts pederasts, pedophiles, and sexual sadists into its ranks, promotes them to positions of authority, and grants them privileged access to children. Finally, consider that vast numbers of children will be born out of wedlock, and their unwed mothers vilified, wherever Church teaching holds sway -- leading boys and girls by the thousands to be abandoned to Church-run orphanages only to be raped and terrorized by the clergy. Here, in this ghoulish machinery set to whirling through the ages by the opposing winds of shame and sadism, we mortals can finally glimpse how strangely perfect are the ways of the Lord.
In 2009, The Irish Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse (CICA) investigated such of these events as occurred on Irish soil. Their report runs to 2,600 pages. Having read only an oppressive fraction of this document, I can say that when thinking about the ecclesiastical abuse of children, it is best not to imagine shades of ancient Athens and the blandishments of a "love that dare not speak its name." Yes, there have surely been polite pederasts in the priesthood, expressing anguished affection for boys who would turn 18 the next morning. But behind these indiscretions there is a continuum of abuse that terminates in utter evil. The scandal in the Catholic Church -- one might now safely say the scandal that is the Catholic Church -- includes the systematic rape and torture of orphaned and disabled children. Its victims attest to being whipped with belts and sodomized until bloody -- sometimes by multiple attackers -- and then whipped again and threatened with death and hell fire if they breathed a word about their abuse. And yes, many of the children who were desperate or courageous enough to report these crimes were accused of lying and returned to their tormentors to be raped and tortured again.
The evidence suggests that the misery of these children was facilitated and concealed by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church at every level, up to and including the prefrontal cortex of the current Pope. In his former capacity as Cardinal Ratzinger, Pope Benedict personally oversaw the Vatican's response to reports of sexual abuse in the Church. What did this wise and compassionate man do upon learning that his employees were raping children by the thousands? Did he immediately alert the police and ensure that the victims would be protected from further torments? One still dares to imagine such an effulgence of basic human sanity might have been possible, even within the Church. On the contrary, repeated and increasingly desperate complaints of abuse were set aside, witnesses were pressured into silence, bishops were praised for their defiance of secular authority, and offending priests were relocated only to destroy fresh lives in unsuspecting parishes. It is no exaggeration to say that for decades (if not centuries) the Vatican has met the formal definition of a criminal organization, devoted not to gambling, prostitution, drugs, or any other venial sin, but to the sexual enslavement of children.
Consider the following passages from the CICA report:
7.129 In relation to one School, four witnesses gave detailed accounts of sexual abuse, including rape in all instances, by two or more Brothers and on one occasion along with an older resident. A witness from the second School, from which there were several reports, described being raped by three Brothers: 'I was brought to the infirmary...they held me over the bed, they were animals....They penetrated me, I was bleeding'. Another witness reported he was abused twice weekly on particular days by two Brothers in the toilets off the dormitory:
One Brother kept watch while the other abused me ...(sexually)... then they changed over. Every time it ended with a severe beating. When I told the priest in Confession, he called me a liar. I never spoke about it again.
I would have to go into his ...(Br X's)... room every time he wanted. You'd get a hiding if you didn't, and he'd make me do it ...(masturbate)... to him. One night I didn't ...(masturbate him)... and there was another Brother there who held me down and they hit me with a hurley and they burst my fingers ...displayed scar....
7.232 Witnesses reported being particularly fearful at night as they listened to residents screaming in cloakrooms, dormitories or in a staff member's bedroom while they were being abused. Witnesses were conscious that co-residents whom they described as orphans had a particularly difficult time:
The orphan children, they had it bad. I knew ...(who they were)... by the size of them, I'd ask them and they'd say they come from ...named institution.... They were there from an early age. You'd hear the screams from the room where Br ...X... would be abusing them.
There was one night, I wasn't long there and I seen one of the Brothers on the bed with one of the young boys ... and I heard the young lad screaming crying and Br ...X... said to me "if you don't mind your own business you'll get the same". ... I heard kids screaming and you know they are getting abused and that's a nightmare in anybody's mind. You are going to try and break out. ... So there was no way I was going to let that happen to me.... I remember one boy and he was bleeding from the back passage and I made up my mind, there was no way it ...(anal rape)... was going to happen to me. ... That used to play on my mind.
This is the kind of abuse that the Church has practiced and concealed since time out of memory. Even the CICA report declined to name the offending priests due to pressure from the Vatican. The cover-up of these atrocities continues.
I have been awakened from my unconscionable slumber on this issue by recent press reports (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6) and especially by the eloquence of my colleagues Christopher Hitchens (1, 2, 3, 4, & 5) and Richard Dawkins (1 & 2). Both have begun a public effort to make the Pope accountable for the Church's complicity in these crimes. Here, I would like to announce that Project Reason, the foundation that my wife and I started to spread scientific thinking and secular values, has joined Hitchens and Dawkins (both of whom sit on our advisory board) in an effort to end the "diplomatic immunity" which the Vatican claims protects the Pope from any responsibility. We would greatly appreciate your support in this cause. All donations are tax-deductible in the United States.
Friday, July 09, 2010
My Blog: How I Miss Thee
Well, my first post of June was actually my only post of June. I apologize to any loyal readers, still waiting for updated posts- I know how you feel when you get here and there's nothing new!
Today, I actually went shopping for myself. I managed to get new running shoes, and a new outfit, and even some fun new bath products. It perked up my spirits quite a bit - I got turned down for a great job this week. This economy really sucks - there's just not a lot of opportunities for full-time librarian jobs. I'm considering becoming a school librarian - I just have to get my license to teach, which means going back to school for a year or more. I am slightly reluctant about the school thing: I've been enjoying being done with classes and papers and grades. But oh well; it's not like I don't enjoy school.
Non sequitur: My husband is the best ever. I don't even need examples - but he is, you just have to trust me on this.
Today, I actually went shopping for myself. I managed to get new running shoes, and a new outfit, and even some fun new bath products. It perked up my spirits quite a bit - I got turned down for a great job this week. This economy really sucks - there's just not a lot of opportunities for full-time librarian jobs. I'm considering becoming a school librarian - I just have to get my license to teach, which means going back to school for a year or more. I am slightly reluctant about the school thing: I've been enjoying being done with classes and papers and grades. But oh well; it's not like I don't enjoy school.
Non sequitur: My husband is the best ever. I don't even need examples - but he is, you just have to trust me on this.
Friday, June 04, 2010
First Post of June
Well, let's see if I can do a quick rundown of life so far:
1. Vacation in Kansas: Got to see family, in a very rushed way. Why does it always seem like we have plenty of time, but instead do not?
2. Summer programs start at the library. It's my first summer here. Am very nervous and hoping I can remember everything. Also, there is one program where there will be snakes, loose (as in, not locked in triple glass cages far away from me), in the library. Please keep your fingers crossed that I am not working IN THAT ROOM on that day!!
3. Catching up on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.
4. Read the Empire of Illusion by Chris Hedges, which every single person in America should read. Seriously. It's on par with The Healing of America by T.R. Reid, which is also something every single person in American should read. Seriously. Read them.
5. Found a couple of new blogs people should check out: Let me know if the links don't work, okay?
The Secular Parent
1. Vacation in Kansas: Got to see family, in a very rushed way. Why does it always seem like we have plenty of time, but instead do not?
2. Summer programs start at the library. It's my first summer here. Am very nervous and hoping I can remember everything. Also, there is one program where there will be snakes, loose (as in, not locked in triple glass cages far away from me), in the library. Please keep your fingers crossed that I am not working IN THAT ROOM on that day!!
3. Catching up on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart.
4. Read the Empire of Illusion by Chris Hedges, which every single person in America should read. Seriously. It's on par with The Healing of America by T.R. Reid, which is also something every single person in American should read. Seriously. Read them.
5. Found a couple of new blogs people should check out: Let me know if the links don't work, okay?
The Secular Parent
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Hey all -
Maybe you noticed the new picture at the right of my posts? Anyway, it's also a link to this great new foundation that gives money to different charities. I think everyone should check it out, and if you can, choose a charity and make a donation. All good causes, and tax deductible and all of that.
Maybe you noticed the new picture at the right of my posts? Anyway, it's also a link to this great new foundation that gives money to different charities. I think everyone should check it out, and if you can, choose a charity and make a donation. All good causes, and tax deductible and all of that.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Free-Range Parenting Question: Is it okay to offer to help?
So, I am a big reader of the Free Range parenting blog (and articles, and books, and all that goes with it). I was reading about the parenting in different countries, during vacations in Thailand, and here.
And I had a question, so I'm really hoping that any free range parent can answer this for me, from their perspective.
Last month I was traveling, in the U.S. - my husband and I took trains and planes, and it seemed wherever we'd go there'd be kids and parents. Anyway, I'm wondering, are we too overprotective in this country to accept help from a stranger, or should it even be offered? I'm thinking not of anything specific, but I'll try to give an example.
I'm on an airplane (or in a restaurant, or public place, etc.) and I see a parent having trouble: their toddler needs to go to the bathroom, they're the only ones in the little group, and they have an infant. Is it acceptable to offer to watch/hold the infant while they take the toddler in the bathroom, or is that now a major danger alert for parents?
I refrain from doing anything like this, on the off chance I'd get a violent reaction from the parent thinking I'm a kidnapper or something - but I really feel bad in situations like these, because society is so much safer when people help each other.
So should I offer and take the consequences, which might be as little as a polite refusal or even a grateful, "that would be wonderful" or might be as bad as someone being paranoid and reporting me to the police or other official (I don't know for what, exactly, possible harm?)
I'd be interested in answers: is it okay to offer to help?
And I had a question, so I'm really hoping that any free range parent can answer this for me, from their perspective.
Last month I was traveling, in the U.S. - my husband and I took trains and planes, and it seemed wherever we'd go there'd be kids and parents. Anyway, I'm wondering, are we too overprotective in this country to accept help from a stranger, or should it even be offered? I'm thinking not of anything specific, but I'll try to give an example.
I'm on an airplane (or in a restaurant, or public place, etc.) and I see a parent having trouble: their toddler needs to go to the bathroom, they're the only ones in the little group, and they have an infant. Is it acceptable to offer to watch/hold the infant while they take the toddler in the bathroom, or is that now a major danger alert for parents?
I refrain from doing anything like this, on the off chance I'd get a violent reaction from the parent thinking I'm a kidnapper or something - but I really feel bad in situations like these, because society is so much safer when people help each other.
So should I offer and take the consequences, which might be as little as a polite refusal or even a grateful, "that would be wonderful" or might be as bad as someone being paranoid and reporting me to the police or other official (I don't know for what, exactly, possible harm?)
I'd be interested in answers: is it okay to offer to help?
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
The Onion
Had forgotten how funny the Onion can be.....
NEW YORK—Pro-life advocates celebrated approval of the new anti-abortion drug UR-86 by the Food and Drug Administration Tuesday, calling it a "safe and effective method" for terminating pregnant women while leaving their unborn children unharmed.
Pfizer, manufacturer of UR-86—dubbed the "last-morning-ever pill"—said the drug is intended only for occasions when the mind-set or politics of the mother threaten the life of the fetus.
"This drug is designed for extreme cases in which the mother cannot or should not be saved, or when her health has been placed before that of her unborn child," Pfizer spokesman Anthony Wright said.
The orally ingested drug first tests for the presence of a fetus. If the outcome is positive, a near-lethal dose of barbiturates is released, which induces a coma in the expectant mother until the child is born, at which point a second, fatal dose is released.
The FDA's approval came after months of clinical trials firmly established that the fetus would be nourished and protected in the womb of the near-deceased UR-86 user.
Gender-equality advocates praised the introduction of the drug, calling it an "innovative solution" to the highly polarizing national abortion debate.
"This is a step forward for equality," men's rights activist Charles Hackett said. "For too long, women have had an unfair advantage in the outcome of a pregnancy. UR-86 levels the playing field for husbands and boyfriends across America."
Pro-life advocates, many of whom had petitioned the FDA to approve UR-86 while the drug was still in the research-and-development stage, also reacted warmly to the FDA's decision. Randall Terry, founder of Operation Rescue, praised the new pharmaceutical for its potential use in cases of rape and incest, saying it could help end the shame and humiliation of such trauma while saving the life of the fetus.
"Victims of sexual assault can feel trapped, like they've got nowhere to turn," Terry said. "Now, they can solve their deep, internal problems once and for all, without unfairly condemning their children."
Yet critics say UR-86's prescription-only status and the fact that most health insurance plans do not cover the drug limit its effectiveness, as it is not available to those who need it most.
"If people can't afford the drug or get it prescribed on short notice, they're not going to have enough time to act, especially when their wives want to end the pregnancy fast," men's issues commentator Stan Dynes said. "UR-86 should be made available over the counter as soon as possible. It's the husband's right to choose if this drug is right for him, and neither the government nor the medical elite should get in the way of that decision."
Pfizer trials showed that UR-86 can do nothing for the fetus if an abortion procedure is performed. "If the mother is administered the pill the morning after an abortion, the fetus cannot be revived because it won't be there," Pfizer's Wright said. "It will still terminate the mother, though."
Conversely, some lawmakers are uneasy with the concept of ready access to the anti-abortion pill.
Tuesday night, South Dakota legislators introduced a bill to impose a five-day waiting period for teenage girls and women before they can buy the pill, claiming its use does not adequately safeguard the lifestyle of the father, the laundry of the father, or the favorite meals of the father. The legislators cited Pfizer's own published list of side effects of UR-86, which include domestic messiness, already-born-child neglect, and inadequate stocking of the fridge.
Still, Pfizer anticipates not only that the drug will be popular with husbands, but also that, once available over the counter, UR-86 will likely find a large consumer base in mothers-in-law, downstairs neighbors, and extramarital lovers.
NEW YORK—Pro-life advocates celebrated approval of the new anti-abortion drug UR-86 by the Food and Drug Administration Tuesday, calling it a "safe and effective method" for terminating pregnant women while leaving their unborn children unharmed.
Pfizer, manufacturer of UR-86—dubbed the "last-morning-ever pill"—said the drug is intended only for occasions when the mind-set or politics of the mother threaten the life of the fetus.
"This drug is designed for extreme cases in which the mother cannot or should not be saved, or when her health has been placed before that of her unborn child," Pfizer spokesman Anthony Wright said.
The orally ingested drug first tests for the presence of a fetus. If the outcome is positive, a near-lethal dose of barbiturates is released, which induces a coma in the expectant mother until the child is born, at which point a second, fatal dose is released.
The FDA's approval came after months of clinical trials firmly established that the fetus would be nourished and protected in the womb of the near-deceased UR-86 user.
Gender-equality advocates praised the introduction of the drug, calling it an "innovative solution" to the highly polarizing national abortion debate.
"This is a step forward for equality," men's rights activist Charles Hackett said. "For too long, women have had an unfair advantage in the outcome of a pregnancy. UR-86 levels the playing field for husbands and boyfriends across America."
Pro-life advocates, many of whom had petitioned the FDA to approve UR-86 while the drug was still in the research-and-development stage, also reacted warmly to the FDA's decision. Randall Terry, founder of Operation Rescue, praised the new pharmaceutical for its potential use in cases of rape and incest, saying it could help end the shame and humiliation of such trauma while saving the life of the fetus.
"Victims of sexual assault can feel trapped, like they've got nowhere to turn," Terry said. "Now, they can solve their deep, internal problems once and for all, without unfairly condemning their children."
Yet critics say UR-86's prescription-only status and the fact that most health insurance plans do not cover the drug limit its effectiveness, as it is not available to those who need it most.
"If people can't afford the drug or get it prescribed on short notice, they're not going to have enough time to act, especially when their wives want to end the pregnancy fast," men's issues commentator Stan Dynes said. "UR-86 should be made available over the counter as soon as possible. It's the husband's right to choose if this drug is right for him, and neither the government nor the medical elite should get in the way of that decision."
Pfizer trials showed that UR-86 can do nothing for the fetus if an abortion procedure is performed. "If the mother is administered the pill the morning after an abortion, the fetus cannot be revived because it won't be there," Pfizer's Wright said. "It will still terminate the mother, though."
Conversely, some lawmakers are uneasy with the concept of ready access to the anti-abortion pill.
Tuesday night, South Dakota legislators introduced a bill to impose a five-day waiting period for teenage girls and women before they can buy the pill, claiming its use does not adequately safeguard the lifestyle of the father, the laundry of the father, or the favorite meals of the father. The legislators cited Pfizer's own published list of side effects of UR-86, which include domestic messiness, already-born-child neglect, and inadequate stocking of the fridge.
Still, Pfizer anticipates not only that the drug will be popular with husbands, but also that, once available over the counter, UR-86 will likely find a large consumer base in mothers-in-law, downstairs neighbors, and extramarital lovers.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Happy April!
I am now on a major hunt for fun topics/things to do for future storytimes. To that end, I have found a wonderful author: Alan Katz. He redoes the words to fun, traditional kid's songs. Here are a few of my favorites!
Give Me a Break (to the tune of "Home on the Range" - I am originally a KS girl)
Oh give me a break
'Cause I made a mistake
And my library book's overdue
The fault is all mine
Oh boy, what a fine
It was due way back in '92!
Home, home's where it's hid
This is such a bad thing I did
And you might say "Gee whiz!"
'Cause the book's title is
How to Be a Responsible Kid!
"Don't Flush Strange Things in the Potty" (to the tune of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic") - for patriotic potty training?
Don't take your sister's rattle and just drop it in the bowl
It's not place to hide things like a pocket or a hole
It's also not a home to give your fishy or a tadpole
The toilet is for poop!
Don't put your toy in the toilet
Or it's probably gonna spoil it
And your mom'll have to boil it
The toilet is for poop!
A kid I know took both his boots and flushed 'em on a whim
Then he took his favorite bear and taught him how to swim
The potty started flooding and they called on Plumber Jim
He had to fix their bowl
Don't flush strange things in the potty
Doing that is really naughty
Pee and poop come from your body
And they go in the bowl!
Give Me a Break (to the tune of "Home on the Range" - I am originally a KS girl)
Oh give me a break
'Cause I made a mistake
And my library book's overdue
The fault is all mine
Oh boy, what a fine
It was due way back in '92!
Home, home's where it's hid
This is such a bad thing I did
And you might say "Gee whiz!"
'Cause the book's title is
How to Be a Responsible Kid!
"Don't Flush Strange Things in the Potty" (to the tune of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic") - for patriotic potty training?
Don't take your sister's rattle and just drop it in the bowl
It's not place to hide things like a pocket or a hole
It's also not a home to give your fishy or a tadpole
The toilet is for poop!
Don't put your toy in the toilet
Or it's probably gonna spoil it
And your mom'll have to boil it
The toilet is for poop!
A kid I know took both his boots and flushed 'em on a whim
Then he took his favorite bear and taught him how to swim
The potty started flooding and they called on Plumber Jim
He had to fix their bowl
Don't flush strange things in the potty
Doing that is really naughty
Pee and poop come from your body
And they go in the bowl!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Getting In Shape: The Saga: Part 3
Well, I've been doing well. I've decided that my new goal for the next month and a half is to work up to running 30 minutes straight. That's probably about 3 miles, maybe 4, depending on pace and all. So, I'm starting with intervals. Today, I walked 4 minutes and then ran, fairly slowly, but not a jog, for 2 minutes. I did this 5 times. Since N and I are going the PLA in Oregon this week, my workouts will only be two days this week, not including all the walking we'll do in the city while being tourists.
I've been eating healthy, and really enjoyed my Saturday, I can eat whatever I want day. I didn't go too crazy, but I did have ice cream after dinner: a small chocolate cone, and popcorn at the movies. Since I'm off soda, I don't think my calories were too high. I also took the two days off from major exercise; Saturday, because of the snow, and Sunday, because I worked at the children's desk.
Was majorly distracted last night watching the health care reform debate and reading blogs: I like to read the right-wing conservative, anti-choice, etc. blogs when major progressive things come up to watch the freak outs and thank my lucky stars that the internet is fairly anonymous. I don't comment or anything, but if I did, I'd be extremely glad. Some of those people seem dangerously unstable.
This is going to be a busy week, and end of the month, so I wanted to make sure I posted something recent. Hopefully you faithful readers won't miss me TOO much :-)
I've been eating healthy, and really enjoyed my Saturday, I can eat whatever I want day. I didn't go too crazy, but I did have ice cream after dinner: a small chocolate cone, and popcorn at the movies. Since I'm off soda, I don't think my calories were too high. I also took the two days off from major exercise; Saturday, because of the snow, and Sunday, because I worked at the children's desk.
Was majorly distracted last night watching the health care reform debate and reading blogs: I like to read the right-wing conservative, anti-choice, etc. blogs when major progressive things come up to watch the freak outs and thank my lucky stars that the internet is fairly anonymous. I don't comment or anything, but if I did, I'd be extremely glad. Some of those people seem dangerously unstable.
This is going to be a busy week, and end of the month, so I wanted to make sure I posted something recent. Hopefully you faithful readers won't miss me TOO much :-)
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Getting in Shape: The Saga: Part 2
How long has it been since I last posted about my trials in getting back into shape? Ten days or so? Here's an update, for all of you who actually care.
My goggles (which I bought cheaply at Walmart) have finally died. They no longer provide protection from water, therefore I have to figure out how to use N's, which are actually real swimmer's goggles and therefore require some sort of advanced degree in Engineering to figure out how to adjust so they will fit my small, weirdly shaped head. Therefore, swimming has been out, because I keep forgetting to ask him to who me how to adjust them. My fault.
I have been walking all this week, usually between 2 and 3 miles, sometimes slightly over 3. The path across the street, which is excellent, is finally free of all snow. It's been nice out all this week, with only a couple of days where I needed warmer layers. Today, all I needed was tights and a sweatshirt.
I managed to do three minutes of running today...I think it could have been more, but I didn't drink as much water as I normally do in the morning and that lack, plus the fact that I'm years out of shape, added up to a "Shit, well, damnit - YAY! You did 3 whole minutes! I'm so proud of you, you'll do even better tomorrow!" Rant in my head. That's right, I talk to myself when I run or walk. Usually it's along the lines of, "You can stop when you reach that tree. No, not that one, the one up ahead. I didn't mean THIS one, I mean that one, see, the big one. You made it past the bridge, good job can you get to the crosswalk." By which point, my running looks awkward and I'm gasping for breath, angry at my inner voice for promising I could quit sooner. Stupid inner voice.
The eating I'm having trouble with. I just enjoy food too much - and since it's a hard habit and attitude to let go of: namely, that I can eat whatever I want and not gain weight (yes, I realize this is a lie nowadays) - I'm having trouble measuring things out and making sure to eat normal portion sizes, as opposed to the ginormous ones that has led to America's obesity epidemic. But I try and I've accomplished a lot: I have fruit and/or a vegetable at almost every meal, even snacks, excluding last night's french toast. And I'm drinking tons of water - which my bathroom hates. And I have found favorites even: like today, I had a whole-wheat sandwich wrap with peanut butter (the recommended amount, which is actually a little more than I usually use and bananas, drizzled with a little bit of honey. With skim milk. Totally yummy.
Finally - how long does it take to see results? I am an American and I want, nay, I DEMAND, instant results!! I should have a flatter stomach and better thighs by now...urgh!
My goggles (which I bought cheaply at Walmart) have finally died. They no longer provide protection from water, therefore I have to figure out how to use N's, which are actually real swimmer's goggles and therefore require some sort of advanced degree in Engineering to figure out how to adjust so they will fit my small, weirdly shaped head. Therefore, swimming has been out, because I keep forgetting to ask him to who me how to adjust them. My fault.
I have been walking all this week, usually between 2 and 3 miles, sometimes slightly over 3. The path across the street, which is excellent, is finally free of all snow. It's been nice out all this week, with only a couple of days where I needed warmer layers. Today, all I needed was tights and a sweatshirt.
I managed to do three minutes of running today...I think it could have been more, but I didn't drink as much water as I normally do in the morning and that lack, plus the fact that I'm years out of shape, added up to a "Shit, well, damnit - YAY! You did 3 whole minutes! I'm so proud of you, you'll do even better tomorrow!" Rant in my head. That's right, I talk to myself when I run or walk. Usually it's along the lines of, "You can stop when you reach that tree. No, not that one, the one up ahead. I didn't mean THIS one, I mean that one, see, the big one. You made it past the bridge, good job can you get to the crosswalk." By which point, my running looks awkward and I'm gasping for breath, angry at my inner voice for promising I could quit sooner. Stupid inner voice.
The eating I'm having trouble with. I just enjoy food too much - and since it's a hard habit and attitude to let go of: namely, that I can eat whatever I want and not gain weight (yes, I realize this is a lie nowadays) - I'm having trouble measuring things out and making sure to eat normal portion sizes, as opposed to the ginormous ones that has led to America's obesity epidemic. But I try and I've accomplished a lot: I have fruit and/or a vegetable at almost every meal, even snacks, excluding last night's french toast. And I'm drinking tons of water - which my bathroom hates. And I have found favorites even: like today, I had a whole-wheat sandwich wrap with peanut butter (the recommended amount, which is actually a little more than I usually use and bananas, drizzled with a little bit of honey. With skim milk. Totally yummy.
Finally - how long does it take to see results? I am an American and I want, nay, I DEMAND, instant results!! I should have a flatter stomach and better thighs by now...urgh!
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Getting in Shape: The Saga: Part 1
I need some major fitness help. I can't seem to get any motivation. For a week and a half, I went swimming every day. Then, I had to take a break because of a stupid rash. I've been trying to walk more, which is fine, but doesn't seem to do much. Plus, I'm not great with dieting. I don't like the idea of living life always watching calories and not enjoying certain foods: cheeseburgers and pizza. It's just not a happy way to live. And I eat healthily for the most part: I don't eat cheeseburgers and pizza every week. I try to eat veggies and sushi, and fruit, except I'm sick of apples and oranges are usually too sour or acidic. (Excuses!). I've also almost completely given up soda and I rarely drink a lot of coffee. Not every day: sometimes I have a cup, sometimes more, but it's not all the time.
It's finally starting to get warmer outside, which means I'll be able to start running soon. I could even start running now, except I need to wait to buy my new running shoes - the ones that will, hopefully, not cause me to get shin splints this season. My goal is to work up to a half-marathon. Not that I am going to compete in one or anything, but just be able to run one once, by August or September.
I need a workout buddy. Does someone want to move up here and workout with me? Please?
Today, I am trying to relax and take a break from worrying about this. I have Girl Scout cookies! I'm not fat and I deserve Girl Scout cookies! And yet, I can not relax, because I'd like to lose a little weight and have somewhat buff arms by the time Nick and I go to Portland in two weeks. Clearly, to do that, I should not be eating thin mints!
Why does motivation take so much energy? It seems to take more energy to get motivated than to actually exercise.
It's finally starting to get warmer outside, which means I'll be able to start running soon. I could even start running now, except I need to wait to buy my new running shoes - the ones that will, hopefully, not cause me to get shin splints this season. My goal is to work up to a half-marathon. Not that I am going to compete in one or anything, but just be able to run one once, by August or September.
I need a workout buddy. Does someone want to move up here and workout with me? Please?
Today, I am trying to relax and take a break from worrying about this. I have Girl Scout cookies! I'm not fat and I deserve Girl Scout cookies! And yet, I can not relax, because I'd like to lose a little weight and have somewhat buff arms by the time Nick and I go to Portland in two weeks. Clearly, to do that, I should not be eating thin mints!
Why does motivation take so much energy? It seems to take more energy to get motivated than to actually exercise.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
So, I've been reading a lot lately, because I'm in full-on learning mode. I think I need to take a class or something. It's weird not being in school, since I've been there 24 years or so...
And one of the books I've been re-skimming (since I read it a couple years ago) was Dan Barker's Losing Faith in Faith. I've lately been reflecting on religion in society, and politics, and in my life, and even in my friends' lives. It's an interesting conundrum, because religion, by its very nature, is somewhat comforting. As long as you blindly believe, pretty much, you don't have to worry about certain things: death, evil, meaning of life (sort of). So in a sense, it'd be easy to just choose some religion to become a part of: go back to Catholicism, become Wiccan, join the Episcopal church....
But rationalism just makes so much more SENSE! I remember never asking those questions that now I constantly wonder what the answer would have been had I asked...I can't even remember all those questions I had, when I was a kid. And when I think about it, my environment seemed to say, don't ask! Don't question! If you're scared of losing friends because you're thinking different thoughts or questioning things you just don't do it, you know?
Anyway, there's a question that Dan Barker put toward readers in his book, and I'm paraphrasing here:
Without the Laws of Moses, humans would be wandering around like little gods, stealing, raping, and spilling blood wherever vanity was offended? That question resonates with me - I think humans, for the most part, are basically good. We're not born evil, we're not born with "original sin," we're evolutionarily hardwired to be good to each other. So why do we need laws - of Moses, 10 Commandments, etc. But then I start thinking about all the things laws DO provide: civil rights, equality, figuring out messy situations, sometimes messily themselves. So I'm not inviting anarchy or anything...BUT...
I consider myself a good person. I give to charity. I try very hard to help people. I support causes I believe in, and love my family, and all sorts of things. And I do this NOT because I'm afraid if I don't I will go to hell, or because "god" told me to, or because if I do I will go to heaven. I do it because it's the right thing to do.
And here's something funny to end my weird musing: also from Dan Barker, which I just LOVE:
Truth does not demand belief. Scientists do not join hands every Sunday, singing, yes, gravity is real! I will have faith! I will be strong! I believe in my heart that what goes up, must come down, down, down. Amen! If they did, we would think they were pretty insecure about it.
He also had a challenge, which I'm going to dig out my Bible to complete: where do these words appear in the Bible, if they do!?
trinity, Rapture, Second Coming, original sin, afterlife, deity, divinity, theology, monotheism, transcendence, omniscience, fundamentalist, evangelical, catholic, Christmas, Christianity, Purgatory, Infallibility, inerrancy, good Friday, Eucharist, chastity, dogma, capital punishment, abortion, ethics, morality, patriotism, education, democracy, capitalism, lesbian, homosexual, logic, fairness, Bible, unpardonable sin, pope, cardinal, the Lord's Prayer, doubting Thomas, catechism, transubstantiation, sermon, republic, apostasy, atheism, funeral, decalogue.
And one of the books I've been re-skimming (since I read it a couple years ago) was Dan Barker's Losing Faith in Faith. I've lately been reflecting on religion in society, and politics, and in my life, and even in my friends' lives. It's an interesting conundrum, because religion, by its very nature, is somewhat comforting. As long as you blindly believe, pretty much, you don't have to worry about certain things: death, evil, meaning of life (sort of). So in a sense, it'd be easy to just choose some religion to become a part of: go back to Catholicism, become Wiccan, join the Episcopal church....
But rationalism just makes so much more SENSE! I remember never asking those questions that now I constantly wonder what the answer would have been had I asked...I can't even remember all those questions I had, when I was a kid. And when I think about it, my environment seemed to say, don't ask! Don't question! If you're scared of losing friends because you're thinking different thoughts or questioning things you just don't do it, you know?
Anyway, there's a question that Dan Barker put toward readers in his book, and I'm paraphrasing here:
Without the Laws of Moses, humans would be wandering around like little gods, stealing, raping, and spilling blood wherever vanity was offended? That question resonates with me - I think humans, for the most part, are basically good. We're not born evil, we're not born with "original sin," we're evolutionarily hardwired to be good to each other. So why do we need laws - of Moses, 10 Commandments, etc. But then I start thinking about all the things laws DO provide: civil rights, equality, figuring out messy situations, sometimes messily themselves. So I'm not inviting anarchy or anything...BUT...
I consider myself a good person. I give to charity. I try very hard to help people. I support causes I believe in, and love my family, and all sorts of things. And I do this NOT because I'm afraid if I don't I will go to hell, or because "god" told me to, or because if I do I will go to heaven. I do it because it's the right thing to do.
And here's something funny to end my weird musing: also from Dan Barker, which I just LOVE:
Truth does not demand belief. Scientists do not join hands every Sunday, singing, yes, gravity is real! I will have faith! I will be strong! I believe in my heart that what goes up, must come down, down, down. Amen! If they did, we would think they were pretty insecure about it.
He also had a challenge, which I'm going to dig out my Bible to complete: where do these words appear in the Bible, if they do!?
trinity, Rapture, Second Coming, original sin, afterlife, deity, divinity, theology, monotheism, transcendence, omniscience, fundamentalist, evangelical, catholic, Christmas, Christianity, Purgatory, Infallibility, inerrancy, good Friday, Eucharist, chastity, dogma, capital punishment, abortion, ethics, morality, patriotism, education, democracy, capitalism, lesbian, homosexual, logic, fairness, Bible, unpardonable sin, pope, cardinal, the Lord's Prayer, doubting Thomas, catechism, transubstantiation, sermon, republic, apostasy, atheism, funeral, decalogue.
Monday, February 22, 2010
What I'm Reading Now: I read several to many books at the same time, a mix of adult fiction/non-fiction and teen fiction/nonfiction, as well as children's books of all types. It's my job (and totally a pleasure) as a librarian! Duh!
The Left Hand of God by Michael Lerner
Going Bovine by Libba Bray
Family Tree by Barbara Delinsky
Comfort Food: Williams and Sonoma
Twelve Sharp by Janet Evanovich
What I've Just Finished Reading and Recommend!
Sexism in American by Barbara Berg
Framed: A Baby Blues Treasury (hilarious comics, I love these)
Going Rouge: An American Nightmare (which was hilarious!)by Richard Kim and Betsy Reed
Abortion: My Choice, God's Grace by Anne Eggebroten
I am also excited that one of my favorite characters will be returning in a new book in March! Totally buying the book - which is indeed special. I guess that's really all...I don't have much of a topic, I guess, but I'm always open to new ideas and to talking about these books, if any one else has read them!
The Left Hand of God by Michael Lerner
Going Bovine by Libba Bray
Family Tree by Barbara Delinsky
Comfort Food: Williams and Sonoma
Twelve Sharp by Janet Evanovich
What I've Just Finished Reading and Recommend!
Sexism in American by Barbara Berg
Framed: A Baby Blues Treasury (hilarious comics, I love these)
Going Rouge: An American Nightmare (which was hilarious!)by Richard Kim and Betsy Reed
Abortion: My Choice, God's Grace by Anne Eggebroten
I am also excited that one of my favorite characters will be returning in a new book in March! Totally buying the book - which is indeed special. I guess that's really all...I don't have much of a topic, I guess, but I'm always open to new ideas and to talking about these books, if any one else has read them!
Thursday, February 04, 2010
I passed this quiz, but barely. How well did you do?
How Much Do You Know?
Okay, so I'm a little bored. How about this quiz?
Are you?
The quiz site is Go To Quiz and I had a lot of fun just choosing a bunch of different ones. I wonder why taking quizzes like this is so much more fun than quizzes and tests in school. Weird!
How Much Do You Know?
Okay, so I'm a little bored. How about this quiz?
Are you?
The quiz site is Go To Quiz and I had a lot of fun just choosing a bunch of different ones. I wonder why taking quizzes like this is so much more fun than quizzes and tests in school. Weird!
Friday, January 29, 2010
My Only January Post
Well, I was wrong - I can admit it. Ramee, you were right to have faith in a Kansas jury. It's good to know.
Kansas Juries DO Care about justice
In other news: I cut off all of my hair (okay, not all!). It's a "long bob" although not extremely long, and has some layers. Looks cute and ready for spring. I am hoping it will spur the weather on to get warmer. I am hoping to post some pictures here and on Facebook once I get some taken and uploaded to my computer.
How many of you readers were able to watch the State of the Union address? I had to work that night, so I missed it but I'm interested in hearing what you thought. Considering the problems this country has right now, I have to say, I am still very supportive of Obama. I knew solutions wouldn't come quickly. I wish some things had been taken care of, but then, I let my representatives know that, so I guess I've done all I can. Also, any thoughts on the resolution that is being introduced from some in the Republican party who want candidates to agree with 8 out of 10 of their positions, or not get funding. I think it's called the Reagan principles? Since I have some Republican friends and family; shocking I know!; I am really interested to see if they would be considered "true" Republicans. I don't think many would when it came down to the specifics involved in each of the principles, but I don't know. But it's an interesting thing to watch, in my opinion.
Also, I have been staying up with a new blog. It's funny and shocking and really interesting and I thought some of you might be interested.
Here's the link:
Remember OUR childhoods?
Kansas Juries DO Care about justice
In other news: I cut off all of my hair (okay, not all!). It's a "long bob" although not extremely long, and has some layers. Looks cute and ready for spring. I am hoping it will spur the weather on to get warmer. I am hoping to post some pictures here and on Facebook once I get some taken and uploaded to my computer.
How many of you readers were able to watch the State of the Union address? I had to work that night, so I missed it but I'm interested in hearing what you thought. Considering the problems this country has right now, I have to say, I am still very supportive of Obama. I knew solutions wouldn't come quickly. I wish some things had been taken care of, but then, I let my representatives know that, so I guess I've done all I can. Also, any thoughts on the resolution that is being introduced from some in the Republican party who want candidates to agree with 8 out of 10 of their positions, or not get funding. I think it's called the Reagan principles? Since I have some Republican friends and family; shocking I know!; I am really interested to see if they would be considered "true" Republicans. I don't think many would when it came down to the specifics involved in each of the principles, but I don't know. But it's an interesting thing to watch, in my opinion.
Also, I have been staying up with a new blog. It's funny and shocking and really interesting and I thought some of you might be interested.
Here's the link:
Remember OUR childhoods?
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