Thursday, June 25, 2009


I honestly have no topic to post, but I'm getting a little tired of seeing my last post so I'm going to try for some kind of random writing - I've heard that just randomly writing things is good practice for all writing, and one of my goals is to get a book or two published (yes, I'm writing now, but it's too soon to really talk about) so I will practice.

School has already started and it's already crazy busy. I forgot to take into account that the summer semester, because it's shorter, will also be busier - assignments still have to be done, but done in weeks rather than months. Actually, this might be good for me, because I tend to procrastinate and this way I have to get things done sooner rather than later. So maybe it will help me break that bad habit. I love my classes - I'm taking three (which apparently is a lot for summer (everyone seems really impressed when I tell them this) and they're all interesting and going to be a great help when I start a "real" job. My favorite is definitely my children's nonfiction, mainly because most of the class are friends (or at least friendly) so I know them and feel comfortable talking and discussing things and mainly because the instructor is AWESOME! She's hilariously funny and very excited about things and just helps make the class fun as well as practical. Today we watched a video about hobbits - the REAL hobbits, not the Tolkien ones. And if anyone is interested, I suggest you search for the Wikipedia entry on Homo Floresias (I have no idea if this spelling is correct, but I know it's close).

I get to see my boyfriend next weekend over the 4th of July, and my friend Ramee is visiting very soon after that and we're going to the midnight premier of the new Harry Potter movie! YAY!

I have someone interested in subleasing my apartment, and despite having to go through a major cleaning fit in the next few days, I'm very hopeful they will like it and take it!

There are two sites I visit every day and one is becoming so hateful and toxic it makes me glad NOT to be associated with the people who post and comment on that particular blog site. Perhaps I'm taking it personally; but I've cut down my visits - the hatefulness and what, in my opinion, is very unintelligent comments all masquerading as a "discussion" is kind of addictive. So I'm glad that I'm weaning myself off of it.

So, that's pretty much it. I promised to write more about my life, and I did.

1 comment:

Ramee said...

I always kind of liked summer classes better. Yeah, they were a rush, but at the same time they seemed more relaxed or something.

And I can't wait for my visit! I am so freaking bored.

Can you believe Michael Jackson died?