Sunday, February 08, 2009


I have a day off today. Well, yesterday I also had a day off, but I spent the morning voluntarily getting up early (which is weird for me, I tend to savor those days because I know eventually I will not be able to sleep in anymore!) to go to a storytelling workshop: Native American Storytelling for the Non-Native. It was pretty interesting; found out some techniques and also first-hand knowledge of something Jerry always tells me (and his classes): there are a LOT of different viewpoints regarding things in the Native world. Which I knew intellectually, but nor personally. Anyway, the speaker was good, very interesting. Don't know if it will help me with my storytelling in class, but I think it was mostly worth it. Made me miss Jerry quite a lot though.

So today I have to get ready for the week: I'm regretting not going to the grocery store yesterday because I know today will be majorly crowded and I hate that: I tend to do the impulse buying when I'm standing in line. I also have to start my whole spring-cleaning process, now that it's starting to get nice out. I honestly LIKE spring cleaning, as long as I can have the windows open and music going. It'd be more fun with someone else here, but I'm still basically a loner, so I doubt I'd make friends quick enough or close enough to do spring cleaning. Plus, if I had someone here besides the cats, I couldn't sing along to Mamma Mia! which right now is my favorite sing-along music while I clean.

The interview on Thursday went pretty well. Don't know if I got it, although I really want it - it's a pretty amazing job, even as a lowly office assistant there's some great opportunities. But don't know if I got it and trying not to think about it. I wonder if maybe I blow my interviews and am thinking of going to whatever workshop I can the next time they have one and practice.

This week is already going to be the best week: Nick will be visiting, and I'm ready to see him. Plus, I don't have to work at 5am for two mornings, so I won't be sleep-deprived for the week, like last week. I DO have to pay my tuition soon - it's more expensive this semester which makes me very nervous, but I guess it's worth it for that teaching certificate. If nothing else, they will always need teachers: I'm planning on being certified in whatever I can be so I have that to "fall" back on - plus, despite being somewhat terrified with public speaking, I kind of LIKE teaching.

I exorcised some past demons and tried to let go of some of my anger regarding my ex-husband this week too: I got rid of a lot of photos and such that I didn't want anymore, but kept hanging onto out of some misplaced sense of loyalty or something. Not only are my closets/photo albums cleaner, but I feel a little better. I still wish I had my childhood things, but I'm trying really hard not to let it get to me, because there are people around me who have things I can use for memories, if that makes sense, and I don't want to be bitter which makes more sense. Also, I went for a run/walk yesterday. I emphasized walking, which was good -I am majorly out of shape! I felt like I was dying, and I only ran for one song. I did better the second run, once I'd been warmed up. I can't wait for spring to get out there. Still somewhat intimidated to go to the rec center alone, but as soon as I get into more of a schedule, I'm going to do it. Even if it's just on my days off or something. I'm also thinking of taking a kayaking course that they're offering there in April - does anyone think this is crazy? I think it would be fun, I love water and any kind of water sport, and it's good exercise. Plus, it's something different, a new skill. Unless it's really expensive, I'm planning on doing it. I also want to learn rock climbing.

I know this post was pretty boring and uncontroversial. I just didn't want to get into politics today - I could, of course, with the Republicans being so recalcitrant on the Stimulus bill, but well, it's my day off. Maybe tomorrow. Ta-ta.

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