Friday, March 28, 2008


So, I often read blogs. I think this is no surprise. But I've been thinking lately that in my reading and encountering experiences I have noticed that some Christians drop god's name every other sentence or word. And usually, though not always, I've found what they're saying or trying to say in these sentences is less and less intelligent the more they invoke god's name. I don't know if this means anything or not. Has anyone else had this experience? I mean, seriously, the arguments, the sentences, every other word?!! I get that some people are Christian. But what is with having to hit people over the head with it? What happened to humbleness, and meekness, and showing people by action not words? Is it really hard for Christians to ACT appropriately so they have to drop god's name in every which way so people will know that they consider themselves good people or something? Maybe I'm anti-Christian. I don't like to think I am, but more and more I tend to roll my eyes whenever I hear people talking about bringing their children up to be good Christians, or how they have such a good relationship with god, Christ, Mary, whomever. I find it so stupid lately. I don't think people who believe in the Christian god, or any god for that matter, are stupid though and that's what I have so much trouble with, cause I know some really good people who happen to be Christian. I also know some extremely horrible people who happen to be Christian. And it always seems that their religion is what enables them or makes them extremely horrible. That they're being horrible - or in some cases mildly mean: ignorant, close-minded, intolerant, judgmental, etc. - BECAUSE of what they believe. As though religion has closed off that part of the brain that seeks logical, rational, I've looked at this from every angle, learned what I could, etc. answers and instead just focuses on - well, my religion says this, so I HAVE to believe it; even if I don't necessarily agree with it, or like it, or have even thought about it enough to actually find out what I believe rather than what the church or the religion or the bishop, pastor, minister, rabbi says...
Does anyone else think this? Maybe I'm just hyper-focused on this all of a sudden and it'll go away. But I'd love to know what people have experienced? Is it possible that the more people invoke god, the more ignorant they are?


KU Mommy said...

Did you ever consider that possibly when people write and speak about God that maybe it actually has NOTHING to do with you or how you might react or whether you think they're unintelligent or not?

I mean it seems to me that when you truly LOVE someone, you like to talk about them. You like talk to them. You like to give them praise. You like to just be in love with them.

Many Christians actually are IN LOVE with God and it would be impossible not to speak about Him.

Besides that, you always have the option to not read or listen to those people, right? So what's the difference to you if someone chooses to love God outloud?

Kathleen said...

I don't think I said they shouldn't choose to love god out loud; but I have just as much right NOT to choose as they do to choose (I am pro-choice! lol). And of course I have the option not to read it - but listening is different, isn't it? I could rudely walk away I suppose, but I don't like to be rude. I guess I could say something along the lines of, I feel uncomfortable when you speak about your religion to me, but again, I'd feel rude. I don't think they care whether they sound unintelligent or not, or how I might react? I don't honestly think I'm worth that thought to them. It's been my experience that most Christians DON'T care who is uncomfortable or whatever when they speak a certain way about their religion - they don't think about others in that way. In that way, I think they're rude. Not because they are speaking of god or religion - theirs - but because it never seems to occur to them that anyone WOULD feel uncomfortable or not like it, or think they're unintelligent or what have you. They're oblivious to others feelings when it comes to religion.

Kathleen said...

I always consider that when people write or speak about god that it has nothing to do with me. But when they use it to deny people rights, or to judge people for not believing as they do, or to show off, or to prove something - usually along the lines of I'm a better "fill-in-blank"-than it does affect me, and a lot of others too. I don't know how your response is a response to my post though? I don't think I meant to imply that what I thought matters to you or anyone when they speak about their god. I just wondered if anyone else had the same experience I did, thought the same thing at one time or another or would basically let me rant a little about something that annoys me and probably others. If you're in love with someone, it's true you like to talk with them, about them, and what have you - but you wouldn't actually do that if you knew it made people uncomfortable or bored would you? Maybe to your friends; but not to perfect strangers or even just close acquaintances? Unless someone asks, I try very hard not to talk about Nick and I'm totally in love with him. But I know others probably don't want to hear about it all the time so I try to censor myself.

Anonymous said...

"Maybe I'm anti-Christian."

Ya think?

Kathleen said...

I don't think I'm anti-Christian. I just think I have anti-Christian tendencies when they try to convert me or act in a way I consider idiotic. That doesn't mean they ARE idiotic, just that I have to realize that they're not. Also, if you're going to post on my blog, I'd appreciate it if you'd use your real name and not be anonymous. Be brave.

Nick said...

Hmm. I believe the point that Kathleen is trying to make is that people shouldn't be so willing to wear their emotions on their sleeves.

The thing that I've always respected about Catholicism is the tendency to be reserved. The Pentecostals love to point out how Catholicism is merely the words of a priest thrown at the parishioners, who sit their and just "take it in." The Pentecostals, as with most Evangelical traditions, have, in my opinion, devalued their faith. What does it say when someone has to mention over and over that they love something? To me it makes a greater statement about the vitality of their belief, or lack thereof. Priests are highly educated men who often spend a lifetime educating themselves. There is meaning to their words: a Catholic sermon is not composed of the empty platitudes of the Evangelicals. I remember going to Mass when I was younger and listening to Father McGrede (sp?) talk about materialism in a rather philosophical manner: he could get a point across intellectually, not emotionally.

For part of my graduate study in history I researched and attended a Pentecostal mass. It was up-beat, they talked about God a lot, but there was no message. There was nothing there other than a cheap appeal to ones emotions. Simply repeating the word love does not increase its value.

I believe that the phenomena that Katie is talking about speaks more to the idea of the cult of the individual (i.e. "everyone wants to know what I'm doing all the time") than it does about relationships with God.

Sara Bishop said...

Nick, that is an interesting point of view. I love going to mass, I love Jesus, I love Mary, and I do have pictures of Mary and a crucifix and whatever in my house, but I generally dont feel the need to run out and tell everyone about it. My faith is personal to me, and I feel that God doesnt need me to tell everyone else how much I love him. I mean, does telling everyone else I love him make me love him more? Not really.

Kathleen said...

This has nothing to do with this particular post; I just read about the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia - it was the regime that had the largest mass genocide in the 20th century in relation to population - and when they tortured prisoners; they used waterboarding. How sad is it some people in our country actually disagree that this is torture?

Anonymous said...

But we're the good guys. It's only torture when the bad guys do it.

Anonymous said...

Katie, I don't entirely disagree with your point that it can seem irritating when people constantly invoke God's name when they talk about EVERYTHING. However, I think you're letting your non-religious viewpoint taint your vision here. Your post did seem to be overly involved in "you" in terms of other people make "me" uncomfortable with their talk, etc. Isn't it possible that you make people uncomfortable with your talk about things that typically go against religion. Yet you don't do that intentionally. I imagine it's the same way with people who talk about God. They're not trying to make you uncomfortable, they're just expressing their views. Kay

Kathleen said...

I could agree with your argument in this context: my blog or if I'm discussing this with friends or enemies, but I rarely bring up my views unless the topic comes up. What I was trying to get across or complain about were the people who are Christian (or any religion, but in this case Christian) who must invoke god or religion in almost everything they talk about. "It's such a beautiful day - god really smiled at me. I had a good weekend, thanks be to god; I found the best pink sweater on sale, god must have wanted me to have it."Etc, etc, etc. Now, if I"m ASKING them about their church services or religious beliefs or it comes up in conversation than I could see how discussing god is probably a good thing. But why everything? And it doesn't even necessarily mean that it is may just be something I'm hyper-sensitive to at the moment and I'm hearing it more because of that. And it's also entirely possible, more than that, highly Probable that I annoy people with my non-religious views. But again, because of my non-religious views, I don't bring up god unless that situation calls for it or I happen to be complaining on my blog or with a close friend. I'm not just dropping non-religious stuff into my everyday conversations.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but the point is, just because it irritates you that people overly talk about God doesn't mean they're doing it just to be irritating. Some people just really do think about God in an every moment kind of a way. If it irritates you, that's your own issue. And like I said, I find it irritating at times too so I understand what you're saying but the point is, it's not about us, it's about them and their beliefs. If it irritates you just roll your eyes subtly and tune them out:) Kay

Kathleen said...

But then my eyes might get stuck in the back of my head!!! :-)