Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Yes We Can (Si Se Puede!)


Anonymous said...

I love that video! How are you feeling about the whole election so far? I am so burnt out on everyone talking about it that I can barely watch the coverage of it anymore.

Kathleen said...

I still love watching the coverage - and it's so awesome that Barack's come so far. Now it's just up to making sure the party doesn't screw itself. Eek!

Anonymous said...

Well some of the coverage is still watchable, but some of these people just seem to like hearing the sound of their own voices. And maybe I should include reading about it as well. It has gotten ugly. But at least the attention is mostly on the Democrats, right? And I too love how far Barck has come. He won here with 70% and even my mom has said she will likely vote for him if he wins the nomination.

Kathleen said...

From what it sounds like he will!