Alright people! On Tuesday I expect all of you to get your butts to the polls and vote. Vote Democrat! Vote Pro-choice! Vote Republican! Vote Pro-Life! Vote Independent! Vote Nazism! (Okay, maybe not) but get out there and vote. The polls open at 7 and close at 8, at least here in Iowa they do, so go early, before work or school. Or go later, after work or school. Or go during your lunch break. Just get out there and vote and make the United States one of those countries that has a high voting record - I mean, even Iran and Iraq has better voter turnout! So get out there and yell at those politicians. Tell them they have to listen to us! Vote! Vote! Vote!
Oh, yeah, personal endorsement - vote Democrat and pro-choice. Get those Republicans out of Congress and out of our private health decisions.
I hope your decision to vote Democrat has more of a foundation than the fact that more Democrats side with Abortion advocates.
Oh, don't worry, it does. It also has to do with the environment, the economy, and the war in Iraq. I want Democrats in office in the hopes that they will do better for the country. I try not to vote based on one single issue like abortion. Granted, that helps me decide, but it's not the key.
At least, I hope it's not the key. I have my faults just like everyone else so I suppose I lean toward candidates that are prochoice. That tips it in their favor.
We all have faults. I knew of a girl who voted for Bush because Kerry looked like a child molester... her words not mine. So having one isssue solely is better I guess than physical appearance, It's just that if the Democrats get into office, it's because they'll actually do something with America, and not just beat the Republicans. It's not a race, it's a government :)
A lot of people also voted for Bush solely on the gay marriage issue as well, and that really worked out for them. I'll be voting for both Democrats and Republicans myself, but I do hope the Democrats get back control of Congress.
HAHAHA ....I'm pretty sure dad is republican....although I agree more with you, and for many of the same reasons. J.A.K.
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