Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A Rant about Religion Based Off of Exhaustion and Frustration

For some reason I have been in a somewhat anti-religion state of mind. Perhaps it is the attack on Harry Potter. Perhaps it is the idea that a religion can take away my autonomy of action and thought - a pharmacist can decide for me that birth control is wrong; the Pope and 200 other men in Rome know better than me about whether I can support a baby, handle having and caring for one; that they can decide about something so personal and inherent to MY body and MY life based on a patriarchal tradition and a dogma that's not even based on biblical references. Perhaps it is because a sexist patriarchal religion such as Catholicism can dictate to a woman what her vocation can be -even if she knows that her god wants her to be, she can't because of sexism 2,000 years ago declared it to be so. Perhaps hearing about the Mormon religion's new bout with selling young girls into polygamous marriages - based on the bible and tradition (just like Catholicism, I don't know why they're not following it?)But I rant and rave, and next week I will be attempting to succeed at my Wiccan Rede and Calling the Corners, hoping to get a blessing from the goddess and god and thinking about how Jesus was a great guy and all. Anyway, I found this funny quote/joke. Thought I'd post it. Please bear with my rant. I only slept about 4 hours last night and worked since 7 this morning. I'm exhausted.

Atheist: n, A person to be pitied in that he is unable to believe things for which there is no evidence, and who has thus deprived himself of a convenient means of feeling superior to others.
—Chaz Bufe, The American Heretic’s Dictionary


Anonymous said...

Awww, I'm sorry you are so frustrated. Are you really doing the whole Wiccan thing? Let me know how it goes. And remember in Renaissance Italy they translated the Bible so that Moses had horns, so how can we trust it has been translated correctly now?

Kathleen said...

I know that the translation could be wrong - which gets me so much more frustrated cause what else is wrong? But basically it's just like banging my head against a wall; I just feel this deep dislike sometimes for organized religion and I hate the corresponding feeling that anyone who is devout in one is a total idiot (and that tends to include people I think are immensely intelligent and that I love, like my uncle, who is a deacon or my great-uncle who is a retired priest)

Kathleen said...

Perhaps at our 10-year high school reunion - amazingly that's in like 2 1/2 years or something.

Kathleen said...

okay, ignore the last comment - it was meant for something else - Kristi, I hope you read this, cause it was actually a response to your comment about meeting Andrew someday.

KU Mommy said...

Holy cow.. we're old.

Anonymous said...

I was saying the same thing the other day to Chrissy when she brought up that our ten year is just around the corner. Is it just me or do you not feel that way most of the time too (the whole almost been out of H.S. for ten years supposed to be all old now feeling)?

Anonymous said...

I like the Catholic church. It is very reassuring to me that I can go to almost any Catholic church and it will be the same or very similar to the others. I like the routine, and it leaves me feeling happy about myself and God. But that's just me.

Plus I dont trust religions like Wicca that pretend to be ancient but arent. At least we know just how old the Catholic relgion is. :-)

Anonymous said...

And no offense to you for wanting to try Wicca, my brother in law's husband is Wicca, so I am not anti-Wicca itself.

Kathleen said...

Well, modern Wicca is well, young..but the concept of nature religion is the same. And it's not the Catholic Church mass's just certain things in the Church that really annoy me. But I know that you would love me pretty much no matter what Sara, so I didn't take any offense to what you said :-)

Anonymous said...

The whole aspect of wicca is ancient. It's been taken to new levels by people who were intrigued by its original philosophies. I've looked into it as well sis!

Anonymous said...

Plus early Christianity took some of its traditions from pagan ones in order to try and entice more people to convert. So the two are somewhat connected.

Anonymous said...

I would love Katie no matter what. Although if she wanted to join Scientology, I would be very sad. :-)

Bishniak said...

If she joined Scientology, I'd say a forcible Intervention would be required at that time.

Kathleen said...

You guys are great!