Dear Alice,
It's August and you turned seven months old this month. I just can't believe how fast the time is going. This past month has been so busy, busy, busy. There have been trips to the zoo, feeding the giraffes, swimming, walks, new books, just so much that you've done. You're sitting up so well by yourself, and you seem so proud too. You can roll to your tummy, scoot backwards, and sit up like a big girl. We've had to move your crib mattress down because you're able to pull yourself up to your knees.'re totally mobile - crawling. You're still somewhat slow and you get frustrated pretty easily but you are working hard. You also LOVE to stand and get mad sometimes when we sit you down because you want to hold onto us, or the side of the bathtub, and try to pull yourself up or stay standing. I foresee an early walker, not that I'm anxious for you to be even MORE mobile than you already are.
You're absolutely adorable and get tons of compliments and smiles whenever we go out somewhere. You smile a lot and are generally a very happy little girl - smiley, laughing more, playing well with your toys....every day is pretty much a joy. There are exceptions - this month was another first and it was not a fun one: you got your first cold, probably because of that whole being adorable and people loving to talk to you and unfortunately, touch you. Some stranger at the Farmer's Market thought it would be okay to kiss you and we think that's how you got sick. You were pretty miserable with a fever and a runny nose, and you couldn't breath you were so congested. We had to prop up your mattress and run the humidifier at night, and you had so much medicine in you and on you. Your naptimes were okay because I'd hold you upright on the boppy and rock you so you could breathe. I think it also helped because you needed the extra cuddling. But we got through it and you were still a pretty happy baby throughout.
The sleeping at night is still going very badly. Daddy and I have tried a lot of different things, but we've finally decided that we'll probably have to use the Ferber method and make you cry it out a bit. Believe me, it will be harder on us than you I think - I really didn't want to make you cry at all, but you're still so tired, even after good naps and you're only sleeping at most, 2 hours at a time, sometimes 3 on a good night. That's just not good enough for you anymore. I know you won't remember it, so just know that this was so hard on us. We hate to have you cry.
You've also got two teeth this month - both of your bottom teeth have popped on up and it's making you pretty unhappy: at night, we'll give you Tylenol or Ibuprofen, but during the day I try to make sure you have lots of stuff to chew on and suck on, especially cold washcloths. I wasn't looking forward to this particular development, but you're so cute. I think so far we've handled it pretty well. I am not looking forward to the many more months of teething, but I think we'll all survive.
This has been a whirlwind month and so much has happened, but I'm really looking forward to this fall with you - mommy's birthday, your first Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas....we have so much to look forward to. I love you, my sweet sweet daughter and I can't wait to see what you will come up with next. You are my sunshine.
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