How long has it been since I last posted about my trials in getting back into shape? Ten days or so? Here's an update, for all of you who actually care.
My goggles (which I bought cheaply at Walmart) have finally died. They no longer provide protection from water, therefore I have to figure out how to use N's, which are actually real swimmer's goggles and therefore require some sort of advanced degree in Engineering to figure out how to adjust so they will fit my small, weirdly shaped head. Therefore, swimming has been out, because I keep forgetting to ask him to who me how to adjust them. My fault.
I have been walking all this week, usually between 2 and 3 miles, sometimes slightly over 3. The path across the street, which is excellent, is finally free of all snow. It's been nice out all this week, with only a couple of days where I needed warmer layers. Today, all I needed was tights and a sweatshirt.
I managed to do three minutes of running today...I think it could have been more, but I didn't drink as much water as I normally do in the morning and that lack, plus the fact that I'm years out of shape, added up to a "Shit, well, damnit - YAY! You did 3 whole minutes! I'm so proud of you, you'll do even better tomorrow!" Rant in my head. That's right, I talk to myself when I run or walk. Usually it's along the lines of, "You can stop when you reach that tree. No, not that one, the one up ahead. I didn't mean THIS one, I mean that one, see, the big one. You made it past the bridge, good job can you get to the crosswalk." By which point, my running looks awkward and I'm gasping for breath, angry at my inner voice for promising I could quit sooner. Stupid inner voice.
The eating I'm having trouble with. I just enjoy food too much - and since it's a hard habit and attitude to let go of: namely, that I can eat whatever I want and not gain weight (yes, I realize this is a lie nowadays) - I'm having trouble measuring things out and making sure to eat normal portion sizes, as opposed to the ginormous ones that has led to America's obesity epidemic. But I try and I've accomplished a lot: I have fruit and/or a vegetable at almost every meal, even snacks, excluding last night's french toast. And I'm drinking tons of water - which my bathroom hates. And I have found favorites even: like today, I had a whole-wheat sandwich wrap with peanut butter (the recommended amount, which is actually a little more than I usually use and bananas, drizzled with a little bit of honey. With skim milk. Totally yummy.
Finally - how long does it take to see results? I am an American and I want, nay, I DEMAND, instant results!! I should have a flatter stomach and better thighs by now...urgh!
One thing that helped me, and Im sure it's not for everyone, is that I eat the exact same thing for lunch every day, same portion size, etc. it also cuts down on figuring out what to have for lunch. It's bad enough figuring out what to have for dinner for the fam every night. :-)
I've tried that, and I'd guess it would work. Or I could always have one of those prepared frozen meals, but I'd just get tired of it. My hubby can do it - he likes to eat the same thing over and over again.
I read a book at lunch too, so I'm not really paying attention to what I eat, it just has to be something I can eat with one hand. :-)
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