Sunday, March 07, 2010

Getting in Shape: The Saga: Part 1

I need some major fitness help. I can't seem to get any motivation. For a week and a half, I went swimming every day. Then, I had to take a break because of a stupid rash. I've been trying to walk more, which is fine, but doesn't seem to do much. Plus, I'm not great with dieting. I don't like the idea of living life always watching calories and not enjoying certain foods: cheeseburgers and pizza. It's just not a happy way to live. And I eat healthily for the most part: I don't eat cheeseburgers and pizza every week. I try to eat veggies and sushi, and fruit, except I'm sick of apples and oranges are usually too sour or acidic. (Excuses!). I've also almost completely given up soda and I rarely drink a lot of coffee. Not every day: sometimes I have a cup, sometimes more, but it's not all the time.

It's finally starting to get warmer outside, which means I'll be able to start running soon. I could even start running now, except I need to wait to buy my new running shoes - the ones that will, hopefully, not cause me to get shin splints this season. My goal is to work up to a half-marathon. Not that I am going to compete in one or anything, but just be able to run one once, by August or September.

I need a workout buddy. Does someone want to move up here and workout with me? Please?

Today, I am trying to relax and take a break from worrying about this. I have Girl Scout cookies! I'm not fat and I deserve Girl Scout cookies! And yet, I can not relax, because I'd like to lose a little weight and have somewhat buff arms by the time Nick and I go to Portland in two weeks. Clearly, to do that, I should not be eating thin mints!

Why does motivation take so much energy? It seems to take more energy to get motivated than to actually exercise.


Mimi said...

I feel exactly the same way. I guess I could just pick up and move there if I could like live in your car or something, lol. I even feel the same way about fruit, and juice too. Even water has given me heart burn.

I also don't believe you should really deny your body what it is craving. Just eat smaller portions. Oh and you like popcorn right? Because air-popped popcorn is supposed to be a fairly healthy snack. And if you don't have one I heard a really good tip this weekend: Buy the unpopped kernals and place them in a paper bag, scrunch up the end to close it and pop it in the microwave.

Maybe we can figure out a way to be workout buddies from a distance.

A said...

HEY! :P I have pizza every week. It might not be the healthiest of traditions but its ours, every Sunday night. Plus I've noticed it does help with the cravings for not terribly healthy foods. Also, speaking of Girl Scout cookies. I was very proud that I almost stuck to their serving size this year. The ones I got were two per and I had three more oft then two. So I say eat up those thin mints and take the small victories as I with my almost serving size and walking with the girls twice a week. Tis better then nothing.

Sara Bishop said...

I just decided to say screw it, even with a little belly fat, i'm still pretty hot. Well, except for the face, but there's nothing I can do about that. :-)

If you're at a healthy body weight, and can run up the stairs without passing out, I think getting in shape is over rated. But then, I'm also pretty lazy.

Kathleen said...

Belly fat is the unhealthiest fat to have though - I just don't want that. Plus, clothes just fit better if you're in shape. My calves look nice :-)

And your face is hot!