I got back from vacation. To be honest, I didn't want it to end. I could have used another week with my family. Of course, Nick and I got back and things started getting bad. It's like we had a fantastic time, so THIS week bad things would happen. In Nick's case, it was bad family news regarding a health issue. I won't go into the details here so don't ask. In my case, it's the fact that I haven't heard from any of the assistantships I've applied for, my insurance rate went up a bit, the driver's side speaker went out on my car, I still have a month until school so I have to work at a job I don't really like until it starts and I can start having days off, the video camera we bought for our trip and took video on isn't compatible for our computers, just little things that combined with Nick's news are making this a week NOT that relaxing. I kind of figured that this week would be semi-relaxed since I did just get back from vacation. But I digress.
Vacation was fantastic! It went WAY too fast but it was great. Eventually, I will be able to post pics on Facebook or send them out or something, but I haven't done that yet, cause Nick has the camera. Since Nick hadn't ever 1) Met my family or 2) Seen the Black Hills we had a great time exploring and spending time with family. Some highlights: not in any particular order:
1) He found out I'm pretty much fearless when it comes to climbing stuff when we went through the Badlands and he saw me walk along this ledge that was pretty narrow to get to a huge rock that was extremely high. Also, loved the Badlands and their geology.
2) Seeing Grandma. Well, okay, family.I think that one is carried throughout all of these highlights cause it was just so great. Oh, and of course, having Nick meet Grandma, cause that was also cool.
3) Alyssa + Floating Shoe = Hilariousness!!
4) Waterfights with extremely cold water.
5) Seeing Devil's Tower with Nick and hiking around it. We went alone and met up with people later that day, so it was neat to experience something that was just ours on our first real, long, family vacation together.
6) The buffalo herd that walked in between our car and Chris's car. That's right, I said buffalo herd. I could have touched one of the calves (if I had wanted to no longer be severely maimed).
7) Winning at the casino after only five minutes and putting in only $8. I won $100.
8) Times spent with family: talking with Colin on a water float at the lake, taking Dalton on go-karts and bumper boats, talking with everyone and catching up, riding with Chris on the 4-wheeler and discovering a cool track, having breakfast with dad and Pat and talking about his childhood growing up there, rafting with Alyssa (and everyone else), eating tons of roasted marshmallows over the campfire where we'd meet almost every night, meeting the kids I hadn't met yet, having Nick meet everyone and get to know them better.
9) An upside down shower. Ha! It's funny now.
10) Having a vacation that I didn't want to end: cause that's the mark of a great vacation and I hope we do it next year!
I'm glad you had fun! I hate coming back from vacation b/c everything just piled up from when you were gone and it's always high stressed! Also, S Dakota is awesome! kay
Yeah, the family asked about you. It is always highly stressful to come back. Plus, it's not like I felt like I was coming back home...since everything is all new here it's not as comfortable as Nick's apartment. It will be though.
I too love my vacations and never look forward to the return to the normal routine. Somethings we can help while some things are out of our hands. Enjoy your blog.
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