I am so tired of packing. I don't have a lot of things, but apparently it's enough to drive a person crazy. Also, I don't want to pack something I might need or want in this last week here in Iowa. *tear*. I'm so going to miss Iowa. I already have a job and financial aid lined up. I haven't yet heard from my advisor, but I have plenty of time to start choosing classes for next fall (YAY!). Obama won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have a presidential candidate for the party! I'm not too sure about this whole Clinton as vice-president thing. Nick and I have been discussing Richardson or even Sebelius; but Clinton might bring in those voters that Obama doesn't appeal to and maybe even swing some of those crazy Republicans over to the good side hehe.
Those wacky anti-choicers are at it again with something called "Protest the Pill" day. Cause the pill is "bad." But it does prove that some of the pro-choice arguments are correct: that those arguing against the pill and abortion aren't anti-abortion, they're anti- women's reproductive freedom, anti-choice. Apparently, the claim is that, despite the medical definition of pregnancy as starting at implantation (cause we all know that doctors don't really know any science), pregnancy REALLY starts at fertilization. Which you can't detect. So the pill is somehow a chemical abortion - even though the medical dictionary describes an abortion (spontaneous or induced) as the "loss of a pregnancy." (www.medterms.com). I have no idea how someone who isn't pregnant (at least the actual definition of pregnancy, not the anti-choice one) can have an abortion by the pill.
The pill can prevent implantation, but that's preventing pregnancy, not ending one, because implantation is the definition of pregnancy. At least, medically. Not that it matters, cause science isn't really high on the list of important things to know when you're anti-choice. But I'm getting all sarcastic and I apologize. I just couldn't believe the ignorance and sexism that comes out of this and while I realize people in general don't agree with me on my pro-choice stance regarding abortion, I can't believe that a majority of people would agree with this anti-choice stance on birth control.
So a new subject to get off my high-horse and lecture: Nick is back from Paris. Apparently, he has bought me French chocolates (that's the only thing he would tell me he got me, the sneak!) Next summer, instead of Ireland, we may be heading to see my sister get married in San Diego. But I'm hoping that we might be able to find a cheaper international trip to Belize or Canada. Europe is so expensive lately thanks to our lovely dollar decline. Or maybe we could go to Budapest - it's pretty inexpensive in the former Soviet bloc, even though they're having a major revival. Any thoughts on this?
Part of the problem is that doctors dont inform you that the pill can stop a baby from implanting. It makes me want to throw up to think that I might have killed one of my own babies because no one told me that was a possibility.
It may seem that the pro-choicers are really about being anti-women, but at least they're the ones giving women all the facts.
i mean, pro-lifers, there, not pro-choicers, obviously. I guess I should re-read BEFORE I hit send. hee.
I knew what you meant. And it IS on the packaging; cause I checked. I don't think they deliberately mislead women/people. And I don't at all think they give them all the facts. I think they give them their own version of science, which isn't really science. Especially since the pill's non-implantation goal, so to speak is really like a last case scenario - it's really designed to stop ovulation. And a fertilized egg isn't a baby, at least not in my view. It certainly has the potential to become one, but it's not even an embryo yet. In many cases, it wouldn't implant naturally anyway. Not that that takes away from your argument. I just don't think they should be telling people it kills babies. It stops a potential life from developing, but that's a different thing.
There are a lot of things that kill babies: malnutrition, starvation, disease, genocide. But I don't see alot of supposed pro-life people standing outside of UN headquarters protesting genocide in say, Darfur. Just for one example. That's why I think it's less about being "pro-life" and more about being anti-choice. They're more interested in protesting women's clinics, harassing people, getting their religious views pressed onto other people, than they actually are about saving lives. And not all people who are against abortion are like this - but the majority is.
Ok. That sentence should be: I don't think pro-choice people mislead women/people. And I definitely don't think anti-choice people give all the facts.
Hmmm, perhaps doctors should tell woman that the pill can potentially stop a baby from implanting, but women also have to take the responsibility to educate themselves and read the packaging. Part of reproductive freedom means that you have to learn all the facts and options for yourself and then choose based on what is right for you. Neither side has the right to dictate what a woman should choose for their benefit, the only thing that I think matters is that a woman has the ability to choose for herself.
Moving is definitely stressful. When are you actually leaving? And are you ever going to be in Wichita anytime soon? Kay
Yeah, I'm so hating the moving stuff. I leave on Monday (16th) and I don't know when I'll be in Wichita next. I do have a job at the store in Champaign, so I'm transferring there, so I'll probably have to work. And then there's my family's reunion in South Dakota which is about a week in July. I might be lucky and get some time off after that to come down, but it probably won't be until like August or September.
I know its on the packaging, but who reads all that? I rely on medical professionals to give me all the details. I'm a lazy pro-life American. :-)
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