Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Sex Workers

I have been thinking hard about a new topic of discussion. Something that may bring about some interesting comments. Something that may get people riled up. Something that isn't abortion. And then I hit upon it! Yesterday, while Nick and I were driving home, I got to talking to him about morality and legality. Or rather, prostitution. I was wondering whether or not it should be legalized because then it would be better regulated, safer, and sex workers could have unions - like they do in Amsterdam! And so we discussed WHY something that's the world's oldest profession and is obviously NOT going to go away would be illegal. Is it because having sex is illegal. No. Selling things that you own illegal. No. Now, I'd agree that if someone were forced to become a prostitute that should be illegal. But if I decided to go out tonight and sleep with some guy for a hundred bucks WHY should I be arrested? Did they guy force me? No. Do I not own my body? Well, I consider it mine. Certainly if the guy raped me that would be a crime - because no one should force you to give up your body without your permission right? So WHY is prostitution illegal? Should it be or is it just because people are willing to force their morality on others? And what about those women (or girls) who don't have any skills and are so desperate that they become prostitutes? Isn't that a form of force? But then, if it's legal, there could be regulations regarding age and situation, etc. It's just an interesting question.


Bishniak said...

I think you hit a nail on the head in there. America's way of dealing with it is using the axiom, if we dont' talk about it, it doesn't happen.

Of course we know his is pure bullocks but people cling to it hoping that it will one day be true.

As for legalizing prositution, go take a look in Vegas, where it is legal and regulated, and see how its doing. Then again, Vegas also has gambling, another "moral" no-no.

Anonymous said...

It is an interesting question, and not one I have ever really thought about. But...well porn between two consenting adults that are getting paid is not illegal (though there are those who would like to make it so) so why is prostitution. Perhaps making prostitution illegal was the only way some felt they COULD regulate sex, but similar to prohibition and illegal drugs it has only caused it to go underground where it can't be regulated and so has become even more dangerous.

Anonymous said...

If people abuse it now, when it's unregulated, why does the thought of regulating it seem like suddenly it would no longer be abused. Regulating it would solve nothing except to enforce laws on people who were already following them (in terms of age, etc). Those people who are abusing it (like with young kids, hurting people, etc) aren't going to stop b/c it's regulated. They'll just stay underground where they are now. That's like putting regulation on guns...the only people it affects are those that are already obeying it. The people abusing guns just stay underground and the regulations don't affect them. I'm not saying we shouldn't legalize it, I'm just saying, what's the point? Kay

Sara Bishop said...

Once again, Bradley, prostitution is NOT legal in Vegas, it is legal outside the city limits and in various counties in Nevada that voted it legal.

But it should still be legalized. If people want to do it, we should regulate it and tax the hell out of it. There's our universal healthcare right there. :-)

Anonymous said...

They are actually trying to clamp down on it in amsterdam. Organized crime always seems to get their hands in it.

Kathleen said...

I never even THOUGHT about organized crime using it But that makes a lot of sense - think about Prohibition!

Jennifer said...

I like Sara's comment! Great Idea!