Monday, February 12, 2007

New Post

For something new for my readers I decided to try a new post. I have started the job as a mother's helper. The two youngest girls both like me, but I have yet to meet the older kids. Maybe tomorrow. Nick and I are still looking at a bunch of travel guides. Newest one is from Alaska. VERY fantastic places to visit. Sadly (well, for male cats everywhere) Sophie, my kitten, will be getting "fixed" on Friday. I will be visiting my little honorary niece Nora soon - very soon! And my real, biological niece very soon as well...hopefully this week but if not, 2-3 weeks after this. I'm reading a lot, but have almost decided what to do about my master's and it's not finishing it up at WSU. Still applying for a teacher's certificate program at UofI, but now I'm a bit nervous - what if I make a horrible teacher?! What if I can't teach!? All sorts of nerves and doubts are coming to the surface. Well, all. Have a good week.
Oh, and it's snowing, snowing, snowing!!!


Bishniak said...

1) Might I suggest turning on that security step where you have to enter that string of numerals/characters to prove your not a bot to avoid these rather pleasant suggestions for the Firefox browser.

2) What's this nonsense about being a lousy teacher? That's a profesion that is way underglorified. If you can handle little children, you can be a teacher.

Anonymous said...

Yay! I can read your blog again. And I must echo the above, if you can be a nanny you will totally be a good teacher.

How much snow have you had? Because I never thought I would say this, but I am actually tired of snow.

Anonymous said...

being a teacher is hard, kids. I was so stressed out all the time, because I would be up until 2 or 3 am making lesson plans and grading papers. The kids arent the hard part (although a room with 25-30 high school juniors is a handful, that's for sure!) its the standards and whatnot that you have to deal with. I'm sure that Katie will be a great teacher, but no one told me all the crap that you have to go through besides just teaching the kids before I started, and if someone had, I may have studied something different in college. Although my teacher that I worked with admits that he should have helped me more, there was no time in my life that I felt more dumb than when i was making up those lesson plans. Although the kids were fun and I had a good time when I was actually teaching them.

On another note, I cant wait to see you next week!!

Kathleen said...

I can't wait to see you either! And thanks for all the compliments guys..I'm really nervous...especially considering that I haven't even gotten into the program yet! Oh, and I love the snow. Does KS actually have snow? And Brad, how do I do that security thing? I can't even figure out how to add other links to my own blog site, I had to ask Felix to do it (thanks again Fe!!!)

Bishniak said...

It's somewhere in your preferences to add that extra security step.

I tend to click on the little "Blogger" icon at the top left corner, which gets me to my homepage, and I think you can access your preferences from there.

I'd try to lay out a plan for you, but in my efforts to find the step by step instructions, I think i've signed up now for Blogspot Beta....

Bishniak said...

1)Okay, Go to your status page or what have you by clicking on the Blogger logo at the top left.

2) Sign in

3) select Manage->Settings. This should be next to the little cog like icon in the top window on that screen

4) In the menu bar select Comments

5) Down near the bottom is a Question: "Show Word Verification for comments" And have a Yes/No Radio buttons. Select the Yes Radio Button

6) Save your settings.

That should give you the same security I have and keep people from telling you the joys of mail order prescription drugs, travel & airfare, or a new web browser.