Monday, December 11, 2006

Life Update

Well, not too many things that are extremely exciting have happened in my life...but I did want to update since no one else has. My little baby cat Sophie has a stalker - our cat Leo is in love with her. Yesterday we found him trying to, ahem, show her how much he cares. He's been fixed, so technically he isn't a real man, but it was still disturbing, since Sophie is only three months old. We have a pedophile cat running around here, but Nick put the fear into him and he seems to have backed off and gone back to being her friend only! Some exciting news in my life: I am now a card-carrying member of the ACLU. I even have a fun decal sticker for my car. I was extremely excited to get my membership card today. Now, I feel like I'm not just mouthing off words that protect the Bill of Rights and those issues I find important, I am actually acting on them. Maybe once I have a more steady income and career I can even volunteer more than a few dollars and verbal support. I am going to get to see my sister and niece this week - I am quite excited, even if I haven't figured out what I want done to my hair. And, I get to be home for Christmas in two weeks. Soon, I will get to meet Sara and Brad's baby and hang out with some friends and in the summer I get to start taking classes to certify as a teacher. Today it feels like my life is on track. Just wanted to update all you guys and share my exciting news, my funny cat story, and my basic good feelings - oh, did I mention I also received a bunch of books I ordered too, so I have some great stuff to read! Life is great.


Anonymous said...

So what do you have to do to join the ACLU? If I had any money I would join Amnesty International, but unfortunately the only way to join is with a donation. I did just recently join my local Save Darfur group though, so at least I feel like I am doing something.
And I know with dogs, one will mount another to show dominance, and not just to mate with them, so maybe cats do the same thing. That's good that he has seemed to stop though.

Nick said...

Well, you have to donate to the ACLU too. The site that is linked to my blog can tell you everything; there's a minimum donation, not very much. But I have been wanting to do it for ages, so I finally did and just donated. It's an awesome feeling.

Anonymous said...

Yeah that's what I thought. Hopefully I will have some spare cash after Christmas. I will definitely check out that link though, so thanks for that.

Anonymous said...

Although I'm assuming that ACLU is going to be one of those organizations that I'm going to be completely against either for moral reasons or for the general feeling of animosity toward tree hugging hippies, I have to bite...what is ACLU? And of course, regardless of my feelings about it, I'm always happy when you stand up for what you believe in and feel like you're getting involved:)

Kathleen said...

The ACLU is the American Civil Liberties Union. They're the people who send lawyers to places like Dayton TN to defend John Scopes in the Monkey Trial back in the twenties, ie, basically they will defend anyone who's civil liberties have been violated. Did you ever see An American President with Michael Douglas and Annette Benning? Remember how it was such a hoopla that she was a member and then that scene where he basically asked why all of her detractors weren't members of the ACLU because it's an organization that fights to protects everyone's civil rights, that preserves the constitution...that's the one. And yeah, you might be against them, though I don't know what moral reasons.