Monday, October 16, 2006

The Future Home of James T. Kirk

Yesterday, Nick and I headed to Kalona, Iowa because we'd heard that it's a big quilting town and I have been a little obsessed lately with finding a quilt similar, if not exactly like!, the one that my mom gave me years ago. Somehow, when she died and all the stuff was organized (which guiltily and sadly I didn't help with; some of that was because of major pain but I still should have helped!)it disappeared and I haven't figured out where it went. Maybe one of my aunts has it or something, so at least it's still in the family. Anyway, I digress. We drove through the town of Riverside and there it was. A sign proclaiming that it was the Future Home of James T. Kirk. I was so excited because even though I really don't like the original episodes of Star Trek or James T. Kirk, it was still a small string of connection to my Trekkie roots. For those of you who didn't know me in 7th-12th grade, and okay, beyond! I am a trekkie! I watched Star Trek: The Next Generation, and Voyager, and I well, I still have stories, etc. that I am involved was a whole thing with me. So I was excited to see the future right here in Iowa - even if I didn't like the Star Trek captain in question, and wished that it were a sign in a small little wine-producing village in France and proclaiming instead, "Future Home of Captain Jean-Luc Picard"- It was exciting.


Bishniak said...

Why is Kirk such a bad guy? Granted he was a bit Cavalier in his captain style, but his crew did follow him loyally?

Now don't get me wrong, Picard is the pillar of Federation ideals and Starfleet Authority, but Kirk and his Cowboy Diplomacy helped shape this sector of the Universe.

Yes, I'm a Trekkie. Deal with it :)

Kathleen said...

Lol..of course you're a Trekkie - you would have to be to be with Sara. Duh. And Kirk isn't a bad guy or anything, he just annoys me. Rubs me the wrong way for some reason. But I've only watched a few of the original episodes, so I could have a very slight view and he might have been particularly annoying in those particular episodes. But still, Picard is the man. I have my loyalties. When it comes to hotness, though,...well, that's a different story (though let's all admit, Picard's accent is sexy!)

Bishniak said...

No, Kirk is annoying, and cavalier, and arrogant. That's Shatner coming into the role. But y'see in the early days of Starfleet, you needed a Cavalier Captian like Kirk. It was the Wild West, and you needed a Sherriff with wide powers. Picard's time saw the end of the Klingon-Federation Cold War, the Romulans were quiet for 80 years, things settled down, so you could have a guy who's more by the book.