Tuesday, November 15, 2011


So I'm perusing my pregnancy website today (thebump.com - thank you for asking) and it told me I only have 53 days left until my due date. 53 DAYS! That is a month and a half (if that!). In around four weeks I will be AT FULL-TERM. I am serious - in say, four weeks, it is possible I could go into labor and actually have a newborn. I am not prepared, despite two wonderful baby showers and a host of extremely supportive people. But...

I don't have a crib set up yet.
The car seat isn't in the car.
Baby clothes aren't washed, I haven't pre-registered at the hospital/birth care center, and I haven't packed a hospital bag! Panic is starting to set in - and yet, when you say I'm due in January - well, that is sooo far away - NO, NO, IT'S NOT! That is 53 days away!!!

And I am also starting to realize I will have to actually HAVE this baby, by means of labor and you know, pushing. And pain (at least some, even if I decide to do an epidural). And probably yucky, gross, bodily fluids.
You're saying that clearly, I should have known that, I who have read the pregnancy books cover-to-cover? Who took the childbirth class and SAW the video. Who has older sisters and listened to their stories and asked questions. PLEASE -

Yes, yes, I KNEW that, you know, in a kind of "I KNOW that there are monkeys in South America, but that is so far away" way and now:
The monkeys are here and they're stealing my bananas!


KU Mommy said...

Ah... The 7month freakout... You're getting SOOOOO close. And there really aren't all that many gross bodily fluids. Amniotic fluid isn't gross. Then again... I've never actually seen one of placentas and I here those are kinda yucko!

KU Mommy said...

Crap! Here=hear. Not like I majored in journalism or anything. Oh wait...

Kendra said...

Haha, I totally agree with Kristi. You'll never remember the bodily fluids, well maybe when your water breaks. (;

Both of my babies were January babies and time flies starting now. It's thanksgiving, then Christmas, then baby! So exciting!

Anonymous said...

The monkeys ARE here and stealing bananas, and whatever else they can get their greedy little hands on! But don't worry, those same monkeys are what help you do the nesting activities :)
I remember this time when I was pregnant with Kaylin. Of course I had a bunch of other emotional stuff going on as well, so some of it's a blur.
Gross bodily fluids?? What is gross? We pee and poop every day, so you should be used to those two....the rest is no big deal! It all washes up with soap and water :)
You've got time....those monkeys may be here trying to steal bananas, but those same monkeys are responsible for the nesting. Practice your breathing, gather your supplies, and get to work! You've got time :)

Kathleen said...

Hmm...I think the books and the childbirth teacher were trying to prepare me for something that may not be an issue - but I am kind of intrigued by the placenta. I know I'll get the monkeys off my back! :-)

Kathleen said...

The stroller is set up and we're working on the car seat! It's very exciting.