Friday, January 29, 2010

My Only January Post

Well, I was wrong - I can admit it. Ramee, you were right to have faith in a Kansas jury. It's good to know.
Kansas Juries DO Care about justice

In other news: I cut off all of my hair (okay, not all!). It's a "long bob" although not extremely long, and has some layers. Looks cute and ready for spring. I am hoping it will spur the weather on to get warmer. I am hoping to post some pictures here and on Facebook once I get some taken and uploaded to my computer.

How many of you readers were able to watch the State of the Union address? I had to work that night, so I missed it but I'm interested in hearing what you thought. Considering the problems this country has right now, I have to say, I am still very supportive of Obama. I knew solutions wouldn't come quickly. I wish some things had been taken care of, but then, I let my representatives know that, so I guess I've done all I can. Also, any thoughts on the resolution that is being introduced from some in the Republican party who want candidates to agree with 8 out of 10 of their positions, or not get funding. I think it's called the Reagan principles? Since I have some Republican friends and family; shocking I know!; I am really interested to see if they would be considered "true" Republicans. I don't think many would when it came down to the specifics involved in each of the principles, but I don't know. But it's an interesting thing to watch, in my opinion.

Also, I have been staying up with a new blog. It's funny and shocking and really interesting and I thought some of you might be interested.

Here's the link:
Remember OUR childhoods?


Mimi said...

I really had no doubt he would be convicted. You don't stalk and then murder someone in a church in Kansas. And I sometimes get sick of people thinking we're just a bunch of backwards thinking morons here in Kansas (not you, just stuff I've read elsewhere).

Only saw the end of State of the Union, but I liked what I saw. And I liked it even better that he smacked down Republicans and their talking points earlier today, so I already feel better about the future progress of the country.

Can't wait to see your hair. I'll post pictures of my new haircut eventually too.

Kathleen said...

Well, I'm glad you had no doubt. I felt better about our progress when he was elected...I just have to remind myself that it's one the hardest jobs and that's one of the reasons I wouldn't want it (for me, now for my daughter or son maybe.... :-)

Can't wait to see your hair either.

Sara Bishop said...

I never had any doubt either, Ramee. It was a ridiculously easy case for the prosecuters.

Also, I never watch the state of the union. It's too much of patting each other on the back. The sky is blue! Clap for 5 minutes. Everyone drinks water! Amazing! :-)

Anonymous said...

I agree so far with everyone, which is weird. I never doubted Roeder would be convicted; he acknowledged it. The defense only used the "protecting innocent babies" because they were getting paid and they had to come up with some defense. I don't think they're allowed to stand up and say, we're screwed, we know it, can we go to deliberation now...Although that would be hilarious to watch.

Also, I watched the state of the union address off and on as I flipped to other channels and like Sara said, everytime I turned, Obama would say like two sentences and everyone (or assumedly at least the democrats) would stand up and clap for approximately forty minutes and then sit down. Then he would say two more sentences..repeat...I'm not saying it was never like this for other Presidents I'm just saying it was annoying which is why I make it a standard of practice never to watch the State of Union address for more than 30 second increments. Also, boo to health care reform (aka socialism) and anything else Obama might come up with...Okay, just kidding about the last part. That was just for Katie. Contrary to what you might think about me as a Republican I'm not opposed to Obama's ideas on principle but because I think they genuiely suck..

I want to see you hair, it sounds cute! Kay