Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Completely Boring Title

With school being all of a sudden very crazy, even for the second week, I haven't really had the chance to post anything. I DID get an interview for an assistantship, which will make my life so much better - it's a prestigious one also, and I'm very excited about it. Won't know for awhile, I guess, if I get it, or I might know tomorrow after my interview, providing it goes well.
Is anyone else really interested in this whole Palin thing? I read the New York Times article about how she was supposed to be the progressive part of McCain's campaign - you know, a woman vice president - and then about the interesting twist that conservatives are now having to do, precisely because she IS a woman. I'll provide the link.

It's, as they say, the Mommy Wars: Campaign Edition

And I know we've talked about motherhood: stay-at-home moms and should moms work, etc. And I was wondering what your thoughts were. I think it's very interesting how conservatives: usually the ones arguing about how mothers shouldn't work, and women should be in their "traditional" roles, etc. are now defending the more liberal view. Any views on this? Personally, I think, more power to her. I don't like her politics, but I like her feminism.


Mimi said...

I too have been interested in this Palin thing. What I find interesting is how she was purported to be a way to get disgruntled Hillary supporters, but really what she has done is rallied the conservative base. I think the people at the convention like her more than McCain. Her speech last night enraged me though. I can't respect someone who repeatedly lies about herself and her opponent. And disses community organizers. Without community organizers she wouldn't even have the right to vote, much less be a candidate for the vice presidency.

Did you watch the Daily Show? I loved how he pointed out the hypocrisy in what these people are now saying. I mean Palin herself said Hillary was whining, and that it did nothing to advance the cause of women when she accused the media of being sexist, and now the McCain campaign is doing the exact same thing on her behalf.

As for the working mother thing, that doesn't bother me at all. But I also don't think that it makes her a feminist, when she would be all too willing to take away another woman's choice.

Mimi said...

Oh and congrats on the interview!

Kathleen said...

Well, the feminism thing I think was more of her flying in the face of her conservative values - I think she's kind of brave to do that, being a working mom of five kids - one of which is so young and has Down Syndrome. I don't like her on choice at ALL, of course, and I didn't watch any of the speeches (for either convention, I know, I know I'm horrible, luckily I can get them on the internet!) so I don't know about that. So, no, I'm definitely still not voting for McCain, but I think it says something that they're trying to reach out to women by selecting her; like maybe we're more powerful as voters, and as people, than they'd really want us to be, and it's making them have to bend a bit...I don't know if I'm saying it correctly.
And thanks, I won't hear anything for a little while, but possibly today, I think, so I'll let you know!

Kathleen said...

I"m watching Jon Stewart now, before I have to leave and catch my bus. It's hilarious!

Mimi said...

I do agree that women have become a force in this election. But I think if they chose her just because she is a woman, that is just about as sexist as they are accusing the media of being.

Not that that is her fault. I respect her choices, and her kids are all adorable. And I admire her for having a down syndrome baby. But none of those things make her qualified for this particular job right now. I think she was chosen to be the Republican party's Obama, and they need to stop being hypocrites on her experience. I will say one thing though, this whole thing a strengthened my support for Obama. I even donated what little money I have to his campaign.

And maybe you shouldn't watch the speeches from the Republicans on Wednesday, except for Huckabee they were all insulting. I couldn't believe the crap I was hearing coming out of their mouths. McCain's was OK, kind of boring except for the personal stuff and thin on actual policy, and Obama's was fabulous. But Jon Stewart always helps.