Sunday, May 25, 2008

I just finished rewatching all of the Gilmore Girls on DVD. The last episode always makes me cry. And watching it got me to seems somewhat imbalanced when it comes to rites of passage. They seem to take place more when you're young. For example: kindergarten, high school graduation, getting accepted into college, first kisses and sexual experiences, graduation from college, graduate school acceptance, graduate school graduation, first real job, first marriage, first all seems to be in those childhood, teenage, twenties years. After that, what exactly are the rites of passage - or do you just start like a rite-of-passage by proxy; you know, through your kids lives if you have any...and if you don't have any or don't want any, then what? Very maudlin thoughts. Well anyway.


Bishniak said...

after that it's basically the 10 year passages. You hit 30, then you hit 40, 50, 60, 65 (retirement age), 70, 80, and then here it gets grey, as for my family we go to 85 then count annually.

You are right with the vicarious bit, there's the age your kids are married, then the age you are when you become a grandparent/great-grandparent etc.

But you're right all the "BIG" passages happen (usually) by the time your in your 30s so there's no benchmark to follow afterwards.

Anonymous said...

rites of passages as a grown up suck for the most part....ppl die, more ppl die, and oh yeah....the kids grow up, go to college hopefully, get married, and do their stuff, so yeah, vicarious living is basically it. unless you have an adventurous and rich spouse or lover....other than that, it's pretty much work till you die and all the rites of passages are over. lol by the way, that little 'reading area' by the vent at grandma's was mine FIRST...

Kathleen said...

So I took it during one of your rites of passages and hahahahaha!!